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A Deep Transformation

The Rainbow Children through Celia Fenn

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the Rainbow Children, begin to radiate our power into the Collective Consciousness.

Our message is simple - but it requires of you, our elder brothers and sisters, to make a deep shift in your way of thinking, feeling and living. We want you to realise that we, the Star Children, have been coming to your planet in waves of incarnation since the 1970s. We have been coming to show you how you have shifted out of balance and how you need to return to balance so that your planet can return to balance.

The Indigo Children showed you how rigid and inflexible and destructive you had become. The Crystals showed you how closed and unfeeling you had become, and we, the Rainbow children, are here to teach you how to open your hearts and truly feel the Great Heart that beats at the centre of the Universe. With each radiant pulse the Universe shimmers with the energies of the Divine Father/Mother, and each of you receives these waves of Gold and Silver light. These waves of radiant energy are the keys to opening your heart to the truth of who and where you are.

Living in Abundance

Humans have forgotten how to live in abundance. You have created a world where your idea of abundance is material excess. We want you to know that this is not so.

Abundance is a state of the Soul and Being. It is defined as CONTENTMENT and PEACE and the knowledge that you will always have enough. It is an INTERNAL state of TRUST and BALANCE that manifests as external balance in the material world.

So many of you have enough to meet your needs, and yet you are still unhappy because you feel you should have more. That you should have enough to meet your desires as well. But most of you, at this time, are so closed to your true natures that you do not truly know what your desires are. You imagine that desires are fulfilled through material manifestation, and indeed sometimes this is so. But desire is a movement of the Soul towards self-exploration and self-discovery, knowing yourself as an extension of Divine Power. It really has little to do with money or material possessions. Desire is an adventure of the Spirit based on an Open Heart.

You are being urged now to release your need for excessive material consumption and to learn the art of simple living. And in this - to learn to share your resources. For indeed, this is not about money, but about resources. And a planet is a system where resources must be balanced and shared so that all who live on the planet may be supported, as the Creator intends. It is Universal Law that a planet will only allow the population that it can support. Your planet can support every human - but you yourselves have created poverty and disease because you cannot manage your resources. You have closed your hearts and fallen into fear. And fear births greed and anger. And so - on this planet there a few who have great wealth which they cannot possibly use, and many who live in deep poverty and despair. It is time to WAKE UP and open your hearts. No one needs to live in poverty, we repeat, the planet supports every form of life that chooses to incarnate here.

We, the Rainbow Children, bring the energy of balance again. Together with you we will balance the earth, the oceans and the skies, as well as human hearts, and create a true state of abundance again.

Poverty or Simplicity

We know that many of you say that the Universe is infinite and that you should all experience great abundance, meaning great material wealth and comfort. But this is not necessarily so. All the wise civilizations who have walked your planet have understood the need to "walk lightly" upon the earth, to do as little damage as possible and to share resources with all living beings. They have understood that while the Universe is infinite in energetic terms, planets are finite material systems. But they are self-renewing systems, and if they are well managed and cared for they will continue to provide for all who live on them.

Simple living is not poverty. It is purely an awareness of how your decisions of how to live and act are not purely personal, but affect all those around you. If you consume and acquire blindly, you are disturbing the balance by taking more than you need. Others will have less than they need, because a prime planetary law of balance has been violated. And if others have less, you will have less in some way, maybe emotionally or spiritually. This is how imbalance creates unhappiness, for ALL experience the imbalance, for all are a part of the planetary system. We urge you to begin to think of yourselves as planetary citizens - not merely as inhabitants of your particular country. You may feel safe and secure at this time, but you will never be truly so until all on the planet are able to say this is true. Begin to be aware of the mission that you undertook before you were born, to be a steward of the planet and to care for the planet. Think in terms of the planet, and not just your own personal well-being. For indeed, only by being aware of planetary well-being can you be sure that you will create personal well-being at all. For the two are interlinked, they are part of the UNITY that exists between all things.

The Simple Path of Compassion, Beauty and Love

The Rainbow Children come to teach you to walk this path. Learn to love and value yourself. Live as though you were valuable. Cherish and nurture yourself, with good food, exercise, playful times and love. And as you see this radiant value in yourselves, learn to see it in others. ALL are expressing the divine energies from the Great Universal Heart.

And when you value others you will feel their needs and their feelings as if they were your own, for indeed they are. They are expressions of the One Heart that also beats at the centre of your Planet. And that is YOU, dear human brothers and sisters.

And when you feel the needs of others, share what you have. This may be material, but it may be simply energy - a blessing of your time and love, or the blessing of your awareness that you will no longer contribute to suffering on the planet through ignorance, fear or greed. It is an awareness - a conscious awareness that you are not a separate "alone" individual, but one of a myriad of co-exisiting expressions of divine essence.

Simply meditate daily on contentment, peace, joy, and that your needs are met. Be grateful - and ask that this be extended to every human on the planet. And then live in harmony, as far as possible for you, with your requests. And when you live in this state of awareness and harmony, you are walking the path of simple beauty, integrity and love.

The New Earth is Here, Now.

We are the Rainbow Children.
