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Message From P'taah, September 4, 2003

Through Mickey

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the way we always answer it, beloved. Looking at the most expanded idea of who you are, it does not matter if you are human or not human because the most expanded truth of you is that you are in every NOW, in every moment, from your birthing to your death, in every lifetime, and in fact beyond human in every realm, you are a perfect and eternal. In a way you are as Goddess/God playing a game of grander creativity, expressing itself through every kind of existence including human.

So you are perfect. That means that no matter what the situation is, and no matter how you express the personality self, you cannot be less than perfect because you are an expression of Source. You are eternal because you exist not only in all of your human expression, that is lifetime after lifetime after lifetime, but also in your alternate expressions of self that exist in every realm or every dimension of the infinite dimensions of creation unto the Void of Creation itself.

That is what we mean when we say 'eternal'. In a way there is no beginning to you and there is no end. In your finite human existence in this lifetime, it does seem to you that perhaps there is only one life and that life may be quite comfortable or on the other hand it may be fraught with anguish, with pain.

It is for you only to remember that in this eternal being-ness, you choose absolutely in your divine expression how you may experience your life. And of course, in that perfect, eternal being-ness, as we have said, you are really Goddess/ God playing this game called life, and you may play it however you want.

There is no judgment about how you would play it and whatever expression you bring to it is all right. It is your own experience. There is no judgment about that experience anywhere outside of your own particular judgment or those of human judgment about you.

When you can grasp that, in truth, you may do it if you want, you can stop trying to be perfect and you can get on with enjoying your life and finding more and more most creative ways to express love because after all, love is the utter truth of you simply because love is just another name for divinity, for creation, for the Goddess/God, or creation, or the Source, or whatever you want to call it.

All right, beloved? That is how we would define it for you!

Q: Another remaining question. When I think of the grandeur and splendor that you speak of who we are, why do we waste our time fooling around down here…

P'taah: We would like to know that also! (Laughter) And in a way that is why you have called us forth, you see. We are here with you because at some level, you, the humanities, have called us forth, and in a way you have called us forth from that yearning within the breast of you to fulfill your own potential. And you know, this yearning within the breast of you to know more about love, to know more about your own divine wondrousness, to fulfill that creative potential for more joy, more love, more laughter, more play, it is this kind of knowing within the breast of you, that draws us forth to reflect back to you that which intrinsically you know because it is programmed in a way within your cellular memory of this grand being-ness of you.

Q: But if we know all this, why do we come here, if we…

P'taah: For the experience of it only.

Q: But don't we experience all of this simultaneously, all of the time?

P'taah: Indeed. But you know, you have different kinds of quantifiable adventures, if you like. You see really, you come forth for the intensity of the emotional experience.

Now, you, in your personality self, in your third dimensional consciousness, will say, "Oh well, you know this emotional experience is terrible. I am filled with pain and anguish. Oh, I am so unhappy! Oh, I am bereft and grief stricken." On the other hand, on another day, you may say, "I am filled with excitement and joy and love and I am in my fullness of experience, in this way."

Well, you know, at soul level that is not judged that it is good stuff or bad stuff. It simply IS. It is to remember that life, as you understand it to be, is totally subjective, hmm? So, depending on your frame of mind at the moment, you react or do not react to whatever is occurring - in other words whatever you have created in your life.

And when you remember you create your experiences from your beliefs about who you are and about your world and that is further empowered by the emotional reaction to those beliefs, then you can see how you do draw to you from your own creative genius that which you believe. So if you do not like or if you are tired of experiencing the pain and anguish, then indeed you may change it!

You have had many lifetimes, or are in this moment having many lifetimes, of more or less joy and more or less fear, depending on the lifetime and depending on the circumstances that you have created in this lifetime.

Why have you brought yourself forth? Why have you brought yourself forth in this time-frame, in this society, and for that matter for most of you, in this particular country, in this now? You have brought yourself forward in a certain belief about who you are and about what you desire to experience in this life. And it is on-going and of course you can change your mind.

It is to remember whatever it is you create in your life, it comes out of a belief that you have held, if not right at this moment, then you have held it and you have not, we would say, actively changed that belief. So, with all of the pain and fear that you have thus far created in the situations in your life, then indeed it is only to know that you do not need to keep on creating it that way. You can change it. You can transform it.

Q: I have another question. Are there multiple `I's' walking around the earth, at this moment?

P'taah: There are, indeed.

Q: Good. How do I get in touch with them?

P'taah: You do not need to.

Q: I know but I would like to.

P'taah: Well, you may put forth that you would desire. You may not even recognize an alternate self. It is also to know that the alternate self, and we would say that there are five other male and six female alternate selves.

Q: Of me?

P'taah: Indeed. These ones are not necessarily of the same race, the same age. You may or may not come across them. It is not necessary for you to do so and as we have said, you would not necessarily recognize them, although, you may indeed have a great feeling of familiarity.

And so you have, each one of you here in this room, met with peoples with whom you have had a kind of instant bonding. And you think, "Oh I know this one." And almost it is that you love them no matter who or how they are. When you come together there is a great heart connection. And very often when it is thusly, it is because you haev either had experiences together in other lifetimes, be they what you would call past or future, that you are the same soul family, that you are part of the same grouping of what we would call unit selves.

And in a way, none of that is important. None of that influences what you learn in your life or how you are in your life. Only that it can be very wondrous to have that heart connection. But of course, beloved, it is as we often say to people who are desperate to meet soul mates. We would say sometimes you would wish that you would NOT meet because very often they may reflect back to you that which is absolutely not resolved within your own personality self and it could create much conflict. So, all of it is a grand adventure but we would say to all of you that none of it has great significance in terms of how you live your life.

Q: I have often heard you speak of soul families.

P'taah: Indeed. There are twelve.

Q: Would you elaborate on that please.

P'taah: Really not. There are just simply twelve grouping which the humanities create themselves into and they have certain like characteristics. But you know one of the reasons that we do not go in to detail about all of this is there is enough cause for separation in your society and in your world without giving you another reason to be separate from you fellow brothers and sisters.

You belong to a fellowship of humanity and the truth is there are no differences, really. You are all perfect, eternal expressions of Source. You have all chosen to come forth. You have all chosen the color of your skin - that is your race. You have all chosen what religion you are brought forth into, what country you belong to. All of that has been the cause of bloodshed, of murder, of violence, of deprivation, of great cruelty one to another. Our desire is that you each will come to look beyond these physical characteristics and these divisions of beliefs about this nonsense you call religion and to become the fellowship of humanity. Unity. Unity within the diversity of this wondrous world that you have created."

So, with continuing thoughts of love and unity, we once again wish you.


Mickey Light Source P'taah
