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Semjase of the Pleiades: The Importance Of You In The Activation Of NESARA

By direct transmission through Carol Withrow

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divine spiritual consciousness as opposed to 3rd dimensional thought forms. I speak very pointed here because this makes a big difference with what can activate with NESARA.

There are many more things connected to NESARA than has been allowed to be given to you. NESARA has the ability to change all systems at one time: the medical system, the insurance systems and all systems – not just the banking system. To do that it needs pure consciousness. It needs energies and frequencies for connections to be made. There must be pure consciousness for the telepathy to take place around the globe with the Lightworkers at the spirit frequency level. If this takes place, then NESARA will be able to change all systems at the same time. If this does not take place, NESARA will only activate a few systems at this particular time. A lot greater chaos and confusion can result as well as a great deal of limitation still in existence on the Earth.

After the NESARA announcement it is very possible for the belief systems and the feeling systems of the Earth people to change very quickly. It is amazing what joy, happiness and the perception of ease without difficulty and limitation can do.

When a person steps into these energies and this level of activation of camaraderie and coming together, of assisting one another, being able to have time for one another and spending less energy and focus on survival, this literally can escalate the world into divine spiritual energies and frequencies. The physical body and abilities will improve, almost overnight.

The weather system is going to acclimate into balance and harmony. Those places that have drought will receive rain, the plants and the flora will flourish, farmers will be able to grow vegetables more organically and without the pesticides. They will be compensated as they desire to be, without greed or excess. All people will be exchanging services in a barter and monetary fashion and assisting one another. The mass market will be contained with that which is for the highest good of all people and the systems of greed, manipulation and trying to control people and built-in obsolescence will fall away.

As people claim their space with NESARA, stay in their pure thought consciousness, they will be claiming balance, harmony, Light and Love with the planet and that which takes place upon the planet between one another. How can manipulation, control, greed and obsolescence exist if no one pays attention to it?

NESARA can change consciousness on the globe. It will put those who are in control of manipulation, greed and obsolescence out of business. They will therefore decide to leave the planet or they will change and join the Light. They have chosen to manipulate and control because the people of the Earth have allowed it.

Lightworkers are around the globe and they are in mass number. This project of the New Earth and the New World will take place. The timing and the quickness are up to the Lightworkers upon the Earth. We say to you to connect to your heart, to your pure spirituality. Unlimit yourself, expand yourself just for a moment to see who you really are and let your heart speak to your consciousness. That is true spirituality. This is what we need from the Lightworkers for the highest activation of NESARA.

NESARA can do so much more than that which has even been given to you. Do not limit your consciousness to just those changes. Throw into the pot all desires of changes you would like to see made. Start developing pictures of how you would see the world working together -- cities, towns and countries working together. Start the imagination working. Our imagination tells us what we have experienced in the heavens. Let us create that which we have experienced in the heavens on Earth here now. Think of people who really love doing what they are doing and how eager they are to keep on doing it. Start creating these pictures now because that is desperately needed for NESARA to activate. NESARA is no energy without our connection with you and without your connection with NESARA. For all of you have created NESARA.

Let NESARA activate from the totality of which all of you are upon the Earth as divine spiritual beings, the term we give as Lightworkers. Let the breath activate the details that you will come to know, because the details come from your heart, not from outside of you. Details come from your solar plexus, from the center of your being. Breathe your breath to and from the center of your being. You are responsible for activating this spirit God energy within you. At this time it is monumentally important to activate consciousness in conjunction with your spirit and with all three heart chakras.

This is what we desire for you to activate in addition to NESARA. All things that you would desire to activate are possible. NESARA does not exist in and of its own accord. All of it is connected to what each of you desire and would like to see activated because all of you are the helm of the ship.

All that activates with your world and how the transition takes place is based upon your desire and intentions. All of you are calling the shots. We are assisting you. We will move as fast as you desire to move and to accelerate. We will assist you with all information, wisdom and understanding that we can send through you in accordance with your desire to activate your own remembrance. If you choose not to activate your own remembrance then you cannot receive fully our communication either because it is based on a frequency match. As you desire to activate your remembrance then you are fully activated in connection with us and with our speakings. Then you and we are a team. We are the other half of the team and it is necessary for us to work together.

This is a monumental time on your planet. It is a very joyful and accelerated time within your planet. There is so much that can activate, so much for everyone to look forward to and so we say to you – do not give power to struggle, pain, worry and anxiety. If something worries you, let go of it, you do not have to be connected to it. If you do not like something that is existing with you then let it go and do not participate.

Send us your intentions, your desires, your inclinations – allow us to assist you “with anything greater” along the same lines – say this to us and we will gladly assist. There is much that we can see and do from our spirit frequency that is not available to you at this very moment but will be very shortly. Allow us to assist you in ways to help complete the full circle of the desire and manifestation. Together we create a full circle without end and without interruption and without limitation.

We say to you that now is a time for wholeness and unification and it cannot come to exist with the Earth unless you choose for it to, unless your thoughts are within the full circle of Creation. Your thoughts must be perceived through balance and harmony, your thoughts must perceive the Light in all things and claim the Light in all things and not accept separation or limitation. If you see negativity then change it. This is the time of the full authority of the Lightworkers upon this planet in regard to everything that exists. Keep increasing the Light upon the planet and it will become more uncomfortable for those who choose not to connect with the Light. The incoming Light frequencies, as you receive them and aid their acceleration, will not allow these beings to continue to exist here or continue to be effective. It will not be long before the New World activates with you. Your energies must come first.

This is the birthing of the new planet, the New World and so the process must be followed. Everything follows your thoughts, your interests, desires and your perceptions. EVERYTHING follows those items! Never forget that! You cannot receive us if you are not purely in the Light energy frequencies as Carol has been teaching upon the Earth.

Choose your path, your way of being, and only see things from that perspective. Your physical body will follow and our communication link will follow. Your telepathic global unification with all other Lightworkers upon the globe will follow because your thoughts open the door to the Light.

I know you all have many questions about NESARA but if this will be your focus to begin with, so many of those questions will go away and not exist. Your questions are very limited in their scope and nature at this point and what is beyond your questions is so monumental that your consciousness would not be able to conceive of it. Let NESARA be the tool that powers the activation of the New World. Let NESARA be the tool that gets it started and begins the activation but you are the ones that keeps the acceleration going. NESARA cannot do it all, it must have you connected with it and we must be connected with you. Your perceptions and your belief systems are one and the same.

No creation can come to exist and remain in existence unless someone believes in it. What you are stepping into is so much greater, so much more joyful and so much more exhilarating. Life and its access to manifestations will be so much easier that who would want to step out of it. This entire activation is nothing less than a miracle and we say to you that you can have your perceptions at the miraculous level and above because you will possess the knowing and connection to the miracle energy and you will be doing it!

(Carol Withrow lives in Florida and can be reached through her website, or
