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Academy of Light Mission 144,000

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Plan has to do with the ascension and return of the 144,000 incarnate ascended masters. One could say this is heaven’s great Trump card, that is to say that with this element of the Divine Plan in place, the success of God’s holy will is most assured. We speak openly today for we seek to recruit among you the elect, those willing and able to serve in this role. This mission may not be easy, but will be accompanied by many rewards. Some may say this is a sacrifice, but it is also a divine opportunity. We are announcing our objective early, so that the original eagles among you may make your choices, in regards to this important decision. We shall be assisting and supporting the returning ascended masters and religious prophets

I wish now to give you now a logistical understanding of how exactly this important mission will be carried out. Both Lord Michael and I are physical incarnates, that is to say that we have a primary aspect of ourselves incarnated at this time. Lord Michael’s role in this project will be to serve as leader and example to the rest of the 144,000 returning Ascended Masters. I Archangel Raphael, will be second to take my ascension followed by yourselves. Our objective is quite clear. To support the return of Heaven and humanity’s great religious figures. This mission is being supervised by your local Ascended Masters and will require the approval and assistance of Heaven.

Upon the return of Archangel Michael, and hopefully soon after myself Archangel Raphael we will be seeking qualified ascension candidates who wish to openly serve the world as full fledged Ascended Masters. Our initial goal will be to find a core group of 144 candidates to take their physical ascensions and return with us to gather the rest. We understand not all of the original 144,000 will be in a position to serve in this way, therefore there may indeed be many positions open to those qualified who wish to serve as Ascended Masters.

Our numbers will ultimately be determined by the Heaven and how certain events unfold. We may need only a fraction of the original 144,000 to accomplish our missions. This is an aspect of Divine Intervention. Though we are not here to save this platform of life merely to assist the return of humanities great religious prophets and to assure this world is properly reconstructed and safely ushered into her Ascension Process.

I Archangel Raphael, would now like to give you a logistical understanding of how all this will occur. The physical ascension requires a certain technological process, in order to transmute the dense physical form into the radiant immortal body of light. This is usually done upon one’s death if the candidate has balanced a certain percentage of his karmic load. In order for a human while still in his dense form to ascend, requires the assistance of an “atomic accelerator” or a light chamber. Because you do not have any operating light chambers on the surface of your world we have made arrangements with the master Adama of the inner earth civilization or Agarhta, specifically Telos our “ascension base”.

Needless to say the Ascended Masters have made these arrangements with this civilization, until we can get the first wave of 144, then we can go ahead with our Hierarchy’s permission, and establish ascension chambers upon your surface. If the Heavenly plan so requires, we can within a short period of time, ascend 144,000 new ascended masters, to compliment the already twenty some Masters who shall be returning to your world after the official announcements are made.

We await Heaven’s orders to carry out this mission. But we are being informed that this aspect of the God’s Plan will be carried out according to request of our Local Spiritual Hierarchy. We stand in support of the return of humanity’s great religious figures and beloved Ascended Masters.

I leave you with this message. On behalf of your ascended masters, we cannot guarantee this plan will be implemented, though we shall say to you the 144,000 eagles and all potential ascension candidates your time to serve the world is near….

Archangel Raphael in service to the 144,000
