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The Merlin - Spiritual Maturity; The Greater Path; Absorbing Light

Through Paul Walsh-Roiberts

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uth of it, beloved ones, it alters only the manner in which you experience it as a truth.

In your ways of thinking, you could see us as a family of light, kindred spirits. Although you being in embodiment and we remaining in light may draw some significant differences in your own minds, in the truth there is little that is different. One of the most significant differences is self perception. You see you are not limited in any way in the expression of your mastery other than your belief, your understanding of yourselves as that potent force in your world.

The sense that you have had through eons of helplessness, sometimes of ignorance, of bitterness and loneliness is simply a scar of separation. It is a misunderstanding of all that has gone before. If you think of yourselves as children emerging now into your young adulthood and as souls in your world, the metaphor will bring to light issues, issues that you are in readiness now to undertake, to process whereas you had not been able to deal with those issues as children. As you emerge, as souls you become enabled, better prepared, wiser, aware of greater teachings, more loving; enabled therefore to contain and to express your mastery with a degree of spiritual maturity. For as you come you’re your potency, it also serves you well to develop a respect for yourselves and for that potency. The same as you come into your wisdoms, the same as you come into the sense and experience of Divine Love, unconditional love as it is able to be expressed and experienced in your world.

You see, beloved masters, at this time as you step forward, you are influenced greatly by residual, and not so residual, impressions from your past. Childhood misunderstandings, misperceptions, fears that you have learned, ignorance that you have taken to yourselves because it appeared to be safer than knowing; pain where it appeared to be more vivid to experience than love. But now you emerge. As you emerge into your power, your wisdom, your love, it changes who you are being and who it is you perceive yourself to be. It does not change who you are beloved ones, it changes your perceptions and how you are being. It changes the degree to which you allow yourself that greatness, that magnificence to flow forth into your world, into each of your sacred moments that you call life, though a mere shadow of what you are capable of experiencing.

As we, the Masters in Light, gather with you at this time, we make every effort to communicate with the emerging masters in embodiment for the greater plan. Yes, you have your own plans, your ways, your steps, your own paths. But you also have a path together, and though it may seem miraculous that they could be so different to each other, it is bonded as one path, the path what you might call homeward, yes. Because as you come back to yourself, as you begin to appreciate your divinity, your potency and begin to live all that you are in truth, then there is a sense of belonging that you might call home.

It all happens whilst you are in your materiality. And so it happens step by step in what you would call your life as moments, experiences, each one enabling you to step a little closer so that you would not take so much of a step that it would ruffle or disturb or be to the detriment of your materiality. For that would not serve yourself nor would it serve the greater plan.

You are coming home to yourself as genuine Light, and as we share this Light with you, as we immerse you in this Light, it enables you to adjust. Your energetic architecture becomes enabled to behave differently for yourselves as well as for your greater path. As you develop, your embodiment, your materiality becomes enabled to adjust to contain a greater Light. It begins to become radiant; it begins to become translucent. And in that embodiment, as it changes its very make up, you begin to express yourself differently because you will know that you can. You will understand it yourselves. You will understand. You will know that you are not who you have assumed yourselves to be but rather that it is time to assume your Light, to bring it there into your world of relative darkness.

As you change, as you adjust yourselves, so does your world become adjusted, as does your own reality, your own life. So your life spreads, filled with Light because, beloved masters, darkness does not consume light. Introduce even a little light and the darkness is weakened. That is your path, in a broader sense. Bring your light into your world, into your dreams, your deepest callings. Begin them. Assume that you have the support of the Cosmos. The bringer of all things is in your very hands. It is indeed an endless suppor. As you entrust yourselves to yourselves, in effect you entrust yourselves to the Greater Light and all potentiality. And so it comes to pass, there in your world, through who it is that you are being.

You may choose what path you wish but, mark my words beloved masters, you are part of a greater path. Yes, and it unfolds. You will see it; you will sense it; you will feel. You will understand more and more that you are a part of it rather than apart from it.

You are emerging, beloved ones. It is time to shed all of those childhood limitations the obsessions with fear and pain and to realise that you are radiant beings who are moving forth into the expression of it, the containment of it, the being of it in all that you undertake. We are always in support. When you simply follow your inner calling, your deepest truth then so are you listening to us, so are you listening to the voice of the Divine. So are you unfolding your true path. To ignore yourselves, to ignore that inner calling would be the only describable sin in your world... if there were such a thing as sin... another addiction of the humanity. Go not against yourselves for its inevitable outcome will be your own darkness, the persistence of fear. Follow yourself. Entrust yourself to yourself and so shall you then see all that you are capable of.

Yes and I am the Merlin. I come representing the Masters in Light, greeting you all representing the masters in embodiment... emerging into the knowing, but masters nonetheless. Comradeship... see yourselves as a part of something that, though you may not understand, is far greater than yourself yet it is just a part of yourself. You are it, all that there is. What you think is real and genuine is not. Allow yourselves to dream and follow it. Indeed.

And we greet you to your change times... adjustments. You have within you all that you require. It is a matter of allowing yourself to look at it, allowing yourselves to be it, step by step. And we greet you to that task. Greetings, beloved ones. And so it is.