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Invitation To Course On Cosmic Telepathy

By Janisel

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Dear Friends and Loved Ones,

Over the past few months, many channelings have been posted to the internet from our higher-dimensional Masters and Guides about the many changes to come in 2003 and the importance of being in contact with our higher selves/oversouls/IAM Presence/ Guides, etc. so that each may receive their own guidance which is pertinent to them. To that list might also be added the fact that many are now being wired to their fifth-dimensional computers, and it is through telepathy that this connection to the unused portion of your brain takes place. We have been reminded again and again that it is now time to turn `within' and receive the answers for ourselves rather than relying on others to channel information for us.

To this end, I have been asked by Ashtar to facilitate a 4-week course on Cosmic Telepathy. Presented will be the basic and necessary information which was first given to our sister Tuella by Ashtar and others of the Command. This information was originally set up in a study group format and, although it would normally take twelve weeks to complete, Ashtar has recommended it be presented, instead, in 4 consecutive weeks since much of the information that was first given is now more widely known and accepted. Although many might think of `telepathy' and `channeling' as being one and the same phenomena, there is a distinct difference. In channeling, one might find that, at the end of the transmission, there is little if any recall of the information coming through. Or, the information came through in what is termed `light packets' which then need to be put into `words'. Hence, the use of tape recorders, typing at the keyboard, or writing the information on paper. Telepathy, on the other hand, is more of a `hearing', a clear and direct conscious link between two minds, and is what all should be striving for to gain a clearer understanding of their guidance.

Given the rollercoaster ride we will be on this year, it is vital that everyone learn the skill of telepathy. which is our inherent birthright. Therefore, in hopes of accommodating as many time zones as possible, there will be two Cosmic Telepathy study groups going on simultaneously. Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time and Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. Pacific time. Please select the time most suitable for you. The classes will be held in the #ashtar chat room on mIRC and Pirch, or can be accessed through the link on our website [ and click on Ashtar's Trinity Chat].

The total cost for the four weeks of classes is only $44 and may be paid through check or money order made out to Janisel Rohs, or by credit card online at using the e-mail address as the `send to' address PayPal will ask for. Hurry and register, as the first class will commence on Thursday, January 23rd and all payments must be received prior to that date. Please specify which day you prefer to attend.

dible weeks of not only expanding your knowledge of telepathy and the human brain, but also finally making that important and clear connection with your own guidance, including your Master Guides and Teachers.

Love and Blessings,



For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.

For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it.

For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.
