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Monjoronson: Times Of Great Change and Turmoil

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tion, your spirit realities, so that you may remain strong and a bright light for your brethren, your brothers, your sisters—all those who need you very, very much, now and in the future. This is why we love you so very much, for you are willing.

Love one another. Care for one another. Leave none behind. Strengthen each other spiritually, materially, intellectually. Be the listening ear. Be the loving heart. Be the one who reaches out. Be the one who says yes. Be the one who goes the extra mile. Demonstrate your higher mindedness; inspire your fellows; be the light. You are the light of the world. I thank you for your willingness. I know each of you, I lay my hand on each of you in love, [in] brotherhood. As you know and have guessed, there is more to be revealed. Our visits and sojourns with you are not to foretell the future, but to prepare you for changes ahead, changes in which you are already involved, changes which are quite evident in your daily news. We visit with you most especially to enwrap you in love, to reassure you, to cheer you and to strengthen you.

I am Monjoronson. My work is proceeding; the work of my mission and it proceeds apace. I rejoice to visit groups, such as yours and others around this ravaged planet, these groups of light, these groups of love and hope. The flames and the light of the love will spread—are spreading—you shall see. And so I leave you now; I leave my peace with you; I leave my love with you and ask that you pass it on in every thing you say and do. Good evening.
