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Jedi Affirmation In The Face Of The 'Empire'

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and Possession of the Earth. These are the real demons of today, The Evil Doers, the places where The Dark One has his firmest grasp.

"You secret Leaders of the Elite, with your depopulation plans, your Greater Glory demands a world free of all these pesky people, and earth should should rather be your country club.

"And so you plan mass murders such as the world has never seen, with means and technology which boggle the mind. Giant rays of waves from the time domain, to fell a city in a single instant blow. Longitudinal Waves to collapse Twin Towers. A swathe of scalar illness sweeping across the land, the plans are on your desk, the biowars, already happening in the immune systems of the People.

in our Sacred White House, murders of lust and insanity, you besmirch the People's President's House, and the People's Name. How can it ever be cleaned out of your satanic presence? Surely it has withstood much in centuries, but you have allowed The Beast to take up residence there.

"But here the Unseen Elders of Earth, here in our soul they say, enough is enough. I doom you Bush Satanic Cabal of Black Budget Special Access Military Industrial Collapsers of Twin Towers. I doom you to failure for all your crimes against humanity, and against Heaven. I doom you because the Power of the Higher Light is greater even than The Force.

"You walk in Darkness, you leaders of the world, mincing minnions to the Emperor, to The Empire, The Cabal, what right have you to make murderers of We, the People? You have no Conscience, but the People have a Conscience, and despite the Takeover by your Cabal, the People's Conscience will prevail over your High Crimes & Misdemeanors.

"I, Jedi, vow my heart to All, for All is what I am. I am that "I" that all are, that always triumphs through these dreams and illusions. He who knows that he is, knows what I am.

"I, Jedi, vow my daily mental powers to the shining of the higher consciousness of love throughout the Land. Stonger than the Force is the Higher Light, and stands in its own glory beyond the Beast which is The Empire.

"I, Jedi, doom you, Leaders of The Cabal. Indeed there is Evil Genius in your industro-military think-tank schemes; they show well the working of the Dark Side of the Force. You would take up the Powers of the Gods and use them for your petty gain.

"Now you have the Death Ray and are intoxicated by your power. You make brazen moves in your Quest for Empire. With your Death Ray you make moves of Conquest in your wars to possess the earth.

"Unleashed for a time you wreak your havoc upon the Earth and your Force against the People of Earth. And that is cause for the Jedi to arise, and awaken. Your masterful plans do not account for the Rising of the Jedi. Standing in the Higher Light they have powers beyond The Force, and your Evil will not stand against that. As in ancient times your Force will turn upon itself, and destroy itself.

"Jedi in goodstanding, awake! The Beast is on the land and the Empire grows. Prepare for inner battle on the ground of the human soul, the collective unconscious, and put forth that timeless hum out over and upon the land. Vanquish the Beast first in your heart, and then not even he can stand before you. And after he is caged again, transform the Earth to paradise, as never before dreamed of, a world of light, and of wisdom, and peace."

The Bearer of the Force held the flame of knowledge before the Jedi and felt the Force rising. It was the year 2002. He waved the flame to the Four Corners and directed the rising Force out to the Hearts of Men. Then the Jedi prepared for Battle with the Empire, and the dark side of the Force.
