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Carol Withrow

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Semjase, from high spiritual dimensions of the Pleiades, speaking through Carol Withrow on September 9 and 24, 2002

We give an urgency and high importance to the current time. The grid structures of the Earth are changing, the vortexial path of the Earth is changing, many energies are changing. The Lightworkers have been very anchored to the 3rd dimension for many, many years. Time is shortening and it is critically close. Time, distance and space are very minute between cause and effect and we do not need Lightworkers giving more power to 3rd dimension at this time. We need their energies for the transitioning and for creating the foundation of this new world. We need the Lightw orkers, the ones who put the 2200th dimensional frequencies at the beginning of the vortexial spin of this planet, to activate those energies and frequencies. They are the only ones who can do it. We are so close at this time. We need the awareness of the Lightworkers to shift from the 3rd dimension to the divine spiritual dimensions. We need the Lightworker's consciousness on Earth to be who they are in the divine spiritual dimensions without a doubt, without ever thinking a 3rd dimensional frequency in connection to who they are and we need the Lightworkers to do this now.

This is the urgency and the importance that we give at this time. There is more definition to the energies now. There is not the time element of leeway that we previously had in the energies. Before, we were allowing people to go in and out of the energies, to feel them, to experience them, to start repl acing experiences of choice over 3rd dimensional experiences of limitation. The transitions were not as frequent and as strong. The God Source White Light energies have been increasing on Earth since October 2001. The energies that the Lightworkers have anchored with the planet have been maintained beautifully. The Lightworkers have now maintained the White Light of this planet to where it is in the Doing Stage and we need the Lightworkers to also be physically in the Doing Phase.

Lightworkers are still held to the frequency of 3rd dimension to a larger frequency nature than we would like to see and observe. Their spirits have anchored the White Light and their consciousness needs to be blended with their spirit at this time. If the spirit still keeps anchoring higher and higher frequencies and the consciousness grows further and further apart from the spirit, then that is call ed separation and the increasing spiritual energies of this planet could be slowed down. The Lightworkers from the 4th dimension to the 5th and the 6th have held the energies so beautifully and have made leaps and bounds in going into the next level, the next dimension tremendously. It has overjoyed us but we need the Lightworkers to lose their 3rd dimensional consciousness at this time, to keep the energies anchored and to keep them moving forward. We need the Lightworkers to separate themselves from the 3rd dimension and stop giving power to 3rd dimension. We cannot do anything that you in physicality do not choose to do. We can only wish and desire it to be a certain way, but it is those of you in physicality on the Earth that are the doers who will actually make it happen. Once you make it happen with yourselves then we can assist you and your energies even greater and that which you c an hold with the Earth will just take off without any limitation.

It is very important for those of you in physicality to separate your consciousness from 3rd dimension at this time. You are getting ready to go into the Recognition Phase after this month of September and that is where we have to have this happening with the Lightworkers or the Manifestation Phase will not occur on schedule. In the next 4 months, this month and the next 3, we need to see this happening.

We need the Lightworkers to say they do not believe in 3rd dimension any longer, that they do not believe in fear, limitation, separation and destruction. They do not believe in harm and in pain and in destroying the body or in destroying any other thing in creation. When they see destruction of anything in creation, they need to assist in the transitioning. They need to recognize all levels and all dimensions of creatio n. They need to read energies at all levels and they need to know this within their Beingness. They need to start demanding activation of who they are, of their spiritual abilities and their spiritual knowingness. They need to start saying I am reading the energies, I am connected to my knowingness, I am receiving, I am doing, I am Being, I am creating, I am navigating, I am anchoring the 2200th dimensional Earth in its foundation at this time, and I am that foundation.

If each Lightworker will say I am that foundation, then collectively they will be. Each one needs to connect to their knowingness, knowing that each Lightworker could literally hold completely in and of themselves the foundation of this new Earth of the 2200th dimension and that is a beginning number. When each Lightworker believes to that intensity, in that completeness and that anchoring, then collectively you can only i magine how strong that foundation can be, and that is the strength that is needed at this time.

If Lightworkers can begin looking at themselves more globally, begin believing in the power of their words and intentions, and begin offering their services globally for assistance, then they will not have time nor the inclination to stay contained in personal issues, personal conflicts, misunderstandings and other things of this nature that do not connect to the energies and frequencies of the present transition. Lightworkers need to change their focus. They have graduated all of these personal issues along time ago when they graduated from the 3rd dimension.

This is a time to activate who they are here on the Earth. They need to activate their spiritual abilities, step into the spiritual dimensional consciousness and start doing some world service and some world work. The situations a round the world at this time need assistance from Lightworkers in the physicality. We can only do so much here. We need the Lightworkers to be in their spiritual dimensional consciousness rather than the 3rd dimensional consciousness. The 3rd dimensional consciousness is survival of the fittest, works on an individual basis and works in small groups. We need the Lightworkers to bond together in very large groups physically, but we also need them to be connected to the global group of Lightworkers who are connected to their spiritual consciousness globally and that does not require travel.

This is our urgency at this time. If the Lightworkers are to anchor the Recognition Phase, this 5th phase (Awareness, Awakening, Assimilation and Activation were the first four) then they need to do it within this time period and it needs to be anchored before January 2003. If the Recognit ion Phase is not met and anchored by that time, then it will be impossible for the Manifestation Phase to start in January 2003. The Recognition Phase is the culmination of the first four phases. We would like to hold onto that culmination. We would like for it not to back step into any other energies or frequencies, and this is the time to do this anchoring on this Earth. The 5th phase is the phase that holds everything else together and then the Manifestation phase can occur. When all 6 phases merge and blend together, then this creates the 7th symbol and the 7th capstone. We have great confidence in the Lightworkers who are upon the Earth at this time to pull it off in this current time.

We would like for the Lightworkers to start doing this tomorrow and for the rest of this month and for the next 3 months. We would like for them to know that they can be at that level now , and concerning us, the sooner the better. Let the Lightworkers know that there is no longer any time, distance, or space for them. For those in 3rd dimension, yes, even time, distance and space have been shortened for them, but for the Lightworkers it no longer exists. When you believe and know that, and when you feel your breath and every atom and cell of your being contained within the concepts that exist in the divine spiritual dimensions of creating, being and manifesting and when those concepts are the only concepts that exist with you, you will be manifesting without time, distance or space.


1. If you are reading this, then you are a Lightworker. The Earth is now transforming itself into 2 worlds, a highly spiritual Earth with great joy, harmony and balance, and the 3rd dimensional Earth continuing for some time longer. And when the complete activation takes place between the two worlds they will no longer be aware of each other because they will be existing upon different frequencies.

You are one of the "old ones," the "ancient ones" mentioned in various writings. You helped create the first planet in existence. Eons later a call went out from Sananda (Jesus) for volunteers to assist in the creation and fulfillment of a new planet called Earth. This planet would eventually become the first White Light planet in all of God Source Realm.

You were one of those who volunteered and have come to Earth many times to fulfill your promise. You agreed to stay with the project until the job was finished. It is almost completed now, there is just a little more work to do, then the Earth will become the first of its kind and a mentor to the millions of other planets on many, many dimensions.

Now is the time for Lightworkers to awaken and be fully conscious of their true spiritual self and the service they can offer during the final days of this glorious transition. You start by allowing yourself to become, here and now, the divine spiritual being that you really are. When the opportunities are present, you also share with and assist other Lightworkers who are beginning to awaken.

2. Think only in terms of spiritual dimensions existing on the Earth now. You can choose for the 3rd dimension awareness to leave your consciousness.

3. Letting go of the 3rd dimension means forgetting your experiences of separation, anger, failure, disappointment, what others did to you, what you did to yourself, etc. As long as you remember them, repeat them or expect them, then you are helping the 3rd dimension to continue on Earth. Do not let your thoughts or feelings come from the government, TV or newspapers. "Whatsoever things are good, think on these things."

4. Visualize your body cells changing into higher spiritual frequencies.

5. Increase your understanding of the higher spiritual dimensions that are around us now. Many good websites, tapes and books are available. Spend time daily in meditation and ask that the experience and understanding of higher frequencies come to you. Always bring the knowledge and connections through the filter of some pure spiritual Being that you greatly respect. Request that this Being filter all knowledge and understanding coming to you so that you receive only pure knowledge and that which is for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned.

6. As a spiritual being, fear and separation no longer are connected to your thoughts, emotions or behavior. Know who you really are and who you have always been in the higher spiritual dimensions. Live here on Earth now in that same consciousness.

7. Be more aware of your environment. Do you feel good where you live, work, shop, eat and socialize? Do you need to bring improvement to these areas? Can you change your attitude toward them and as a result enjoy them more? What improvements can you do that will allow you to enjoy your home or work environment more?

8. Take a closer look at yourself. Do you really, deeply, love yourself? Do you know how much the spiritual guides and beings love and respect you? They have known you long before this lifetime and they know how great you are in spirit. Know yourself with the same tremendous love and respect that the whole universe gives you. You really do deserve it.

9. The future is now. Time is ending. Time is only in the 3rd dimension and for the Lightworker time is going away. The new spiritual Earth frequencies are being increased to the 2200th dimension and beyond. These frequencies need points of contact here on Earth to hold and increase. We as Lightworkers are those points.

We as Lightworkers volunteered eons ago to guide this planet from its birth through its destiny as the first White Light planet in God Source Realm. We have been to Earth many times to add our Light to the process.

Now is the time for all Lightworkers to awaken and live here as the gods that they are. The Earth is transforming now. Only a few more steps to go and then all universes will join with us in the grandest extravaganza ever known. In Light and Love unlimited to all.

(Permission and encouragement given to forward this email to other news groups and friends)

Carol Withrow and her twin flame, John Hall, present Jasé Spiritual Connections, an important and effective current program of teachings and information concerning the Great Awakening going on now, here on this Earth. The coming together and spiritual energy being felt currently is what all religions and teachings have long anticipated.

In January 2002, God Source, the Breath of Creation, came to Earth as the Great White Light. How we individually connect to it and incorporate this Light into our own way of living is an important part of Carol's teachings.

Carol has full remembrance of her past lives on Earth as a spiritual teacher as well as her work in the Pleiades and throughout total creation. She is total trust, harmony and balance with the Light and with all spiritual dimensional energies. She connects people's hearts and spirits together and brings the Light when they cannot see it. She speaks the way of the Light so others can connect to the Light through themselves as she connects to the Light through herself. She opens up all possibilities and communicates that to others.

Carol presents classes in person and by home study, writes articles and offers personal sessions with individuals in person and by telephone. She can be reached through her website of or email:

"Only as high as I reach can I grow,

Only as far as I seek can I go,

Only as deep as I look can I see,

Only as much as I dream can I be."

- Karen Ravn
