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Ela Of Arcturus - As Above So Below

Through Mike Quinsey

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tion in the Solar System. Your Sun is going through immense changes as it also prepares for Ascension. The activity is centered upon the Sun, as you will move as a complete system when the great time for change comes. It is not just your life-force on a physical level that is affected by the Sun's energies, but also your spiritual level. There is a powerful force of energy within the core of your Sun, and it is derived from energy received from the Central Sun. It is beamed out to you in a measure that you can deal with, as without control it would be too powerful and could destroy the Earth. Everything is kept in a fine balance, and you should be able to realise from this how important it is that you keep it so. Energy abounds everywhere, both within and without your Solar System. There is an inter-play all of the time, and it has a great bearing on not just your weather, but the very earth itself. Energies lock into it and if they cannot be balanced, it has repercussions such as are experienced through earthquakes and other eruptions. Where Man exacerbates these situations is through bringing about negative energies. The result is that there are imbalances, that have to sort themselves out through the process of the natural Laws of the Universe. At present, healing energies are being sent to the Earth that are lifting her up, and also humanity itself. As above so below, and on Earth there are many people that are receiving higher energies, and in turn passing them on to others. It is part of the general upliftment that is necessary if you are to continue preparing yourselves for Ascension.

In time there will be an initiation, and this will occur when all of you who have progressed sufficiently, have added your additional chakras. From your present 7 Chakras, you will once again have 12 Chakras and become Christed Beings, and accordingly able to take your place in the Golden Age. Can you not see why we revere you all, why we are so attentive to you at this particular time? We dearly want to see you succeed, and we are charged with the duty of making sure that you do so. You are special to us because we have followed your progress over eons of time. We have mixed with you, and become your friends on many occasions in your ancient history. We come and go according to the dictates of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and the Galactic Federation as there are strict rules that apply to our contact with you.

This is why you do not see much of us apart from our presence in your skies. In recent times, where there has been contact on the Earth itself, it has often been only the briefest encounter for this reason. On some occasions it has however been a deliberate and well arranged meeting, so as to give you information and enable you to familiarise yourselves with us. George Adamski was one such person who was selected for a long and successful contact. It is not that you have necessarily needed concrete evidence of our existence. Your history is full of references to UFO sightings and contact with Space Beings, and your Bible is one such example. It is perhaps only now that you can read ancient scriptures, and see old engravings or statues, in a new light and realise what they truly represent.

Remember that there is in reality little difference between us and you. We have the same Creator essence as you have, and we too are on an upward path and have a yearning to return to the source. We might have gone a little further than you have, but we do not leave you behind. You will find that everywhere in the Cosmos there are Beings who have reached the point, where they realise their Oneness with everything else. They look to bring up those who follow on, and in the same way we are also helped by Ascended Beings of great Love and Light. There are some Beings who are not ready to move on spiritually, and yet are well advanced in scientific matters. They are allowed to follow their chosen path, and it is known that eventually they will interpret their knowledge in terms of spiritual adaptation, and will turn to the Light. This will be a most positive and certain development, which is why it does not matter how long it takes. You have all infinity to seek out knowledge and experience in your own way. It is a gift from the Creator that all share.

You will know that we await our time to come to you, and we feel confident that you will recognise and feel our genuine Love for you. We know you well already, perhaps better than you know yourselves. And with this understanding, we fully expect to ease any doubts you might have had about meeting us. We will make it as easy as possible, and are absolutely sure that you will warm to us. At a certain stage we will be contacting some of you who are destined to be our closest allies, particularly in the initial stages. It is important that we have contacts who are already conversant with our way of working, and have no fear of us. It will not be long now before you will see even more evidence of our craft in your skies. It will be a prelude to the official First Contact, but you will know in advance when we are coming.

I am Ela of Arcturus and I have enjoyed my discourse with you.

Thank you.

Mike Quinsey
