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Uriel Heals Newsletter April 11, 2005 The Process of Healing Humanity

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Uriel Heals Newsletter

April 11, 2005 The Process of Healing Humanity From:

Being and Doing with Others Are We Afraid of Power? Uriel's Message Today's Children-Creating Outlets for Indigo Energy Newsletter Archives--Creating Miracles--About Us


Being and Doing with Others


When we become human 'beings' instead of human 'doings', we can focus on who we are and learn to express our true Self. Our lives of perpetual activity, of constantly 'doing' includes the things that we believe we must do to maintain our lifestyle, keep our job and ensure that our days are productive. That is what we do on a physical level. On an emotional level, we are also constantly doing things for others, extending our emotional en! ergy to help them through the trials of their lives. As with other forms of 'doing', our emotional activity on behalf of others extracts a cost to us in terms of what we can do for ourselves. And it diminishes our ability to 'be' who we are. It is within our nature to help others, especially when we empathize with their trials and suffering and want to help them. Each time we do that, we extend our emotional energy to them and take on some of their burdens. If this is our pattern of behavior with people, then we become a magnet that attracts those who want someone else to take on their 'stuff.' If we are not mindful, our own lives can quickly become enmeshed in a number of others' dramas. We can even create relationships based on what we are willing to 'do' for others, on an emotional level. Modern psychology calls these codependent relationships, but they are simply relationships based on one person 'doing' for others what they should be w! illing to do for themselves.

When we do too much for others and take on their emotional burdens, we no longer have the time or the energy to be ourselves. And our lives then become a reflection of others' needs. While we can tolerate this for a period of time, sometimes years or entire lifetimes, the Shift is making us aware of the need to lear to be our Self, so that our life reflects who we are, and to do less for others, so that we can learn how to teach others by example, instead of by 'doing.' Then we attract relationships based on who we are, our true Self, instead of what we are able to 'do' for others. That is not to say that we should not help others, merely that we must choose how much we can assist them without losing our own sense of 'being' and become so enmeshed in their dramas that we forget who we are.

It is difficult to say 'no' to someone in need, especially if that person is close to us. There is no standard or rule! to determine when we should 'do' for others and when we should let them learn their own lessons, without our participation. Each of us must learn to set those boundaries in our lives so that we are always comfortable with the amount of emotional energy that we share with others. To determine this for yourself, look at the relationships in your life. How many of them are based on what you 'do' for others instead of on who you are? Are you afraid that if you pull your emotional energy from the relationship it will collapse? Remember that with the Shift energy, everything that does not serve our Highest Good will be removed from our lives. Do not be afraid to be honest with this exercise and know that when you are willing to 'be more' and to 'do less', the Universe will reward you with relationships that reflect your true Self, in which you receive joy, peace and abundance because you can 'be' your Self.

Read the April 2005 message...

Blessings to you all! The April article is posted on the Uriel Heals website and this month's message is about how to 'be more and do less.' We live in such a busy world that our focus is on doing instead of on being, so we are in a state of constant motion, but are we getting anywhere? This week's article looks at how we handle 'being' and 'doing' with others. When we 'do' for others, we extend our emotional energy towards them. Can we help others and still 'be' ourselves? ... This week's Today's Children article addresses how Adult and children Indigos walk a different path...

I would like to welcome all of our new subscribers and thank you for joining the Uriel Heals Newsletter. All newsletters and ar! ticles are archived on the Uriel Heals website on the 'Archives' page. The subscriber list grows every day and your continuing words of support, encouragement and appreciation are appreciated. Enjoy this week's newsletter! Contents are Copyright(c) 2004-5 by Jennifer Hoffman. All Rights Reserved.

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One of the lessons of the Shift in Consciousness is to learn to stand in our own power, to become powerful beings. While we may embrace the Shift's other lessons, such as finding our connection to the Source, letting go of things that do not serve us and finding out true path in life, we are a bit hesitant to take the step towards becoming powerful. The world is full of examples of powerful people and what they do with that power is not always moral, ethical and spiritual. So we wonder, if I step into my power, will I become like them? Do I have! to become a tyrant? As a powerful person, do I have to abuse the rights of others? In order to answer these questions we have to look at the two definitions of power, material and spiritual.

Material power concerns how power is used in the material world, and we have many examples of that in politics, religion and business. What we see around us is that those in power use it to take advantage of others, to rise above them and then persecute them. In the material sense, power is only available when one person gains and another loses. The spiritual definition of power is different because it involves our own sense of power and has nothing to do with anyone else. When we become a powerful person the only person that we control is ourself and the only life that we have influence over is ours.

Becoming powerful in the spiritual sense allows us to manage our own reality, to create the life that we want and to eliminate the blocks on our ! path that are often there because of others' power over us. Establishing a strong sense of personal power can only come with the understanding of our true role in life and that we are spiritual beings in a physical body. If we maintain our spiritual identity while we establish our personal power we will never put ourselves in the position of having to measure our gains through others' losses.

The examples of misused power around us may influence how much of our own power we are willing to embrace. But as we step into the Shift energy and feel the power that comes to us as we release the things that no longer serve us and allow ourselves to live the life of our dreams, one thing becomes clear. Power feels wonderful because it brings freedom from fear. Asking for a miracle and then receiving it is confirmation that we are on the true path and proof of our power. So do not be afraid of embracing all of your power and becoming a powerful pers! on. The joy, peace and abundance that awaits you when you do are your reward and once you step into your power, you will never again live in fear.

The Difference Between a Victor and a Victim is I AM ;

Uriel's Message


Many doors will open for you as step into the Shift energy and raise your vibrations. Some of these are opportunities to move forward on your path, to take on new roles that challenge you to accept your soul purpose. Others are opportunities to make different choices, to assess whether you want to continue on certain paths or to open yourself to new possibilities. The Shift is bringing forth a convergence of karma, a time when all of its lifetimes of karma are being shown to humanity to experience, review and decide whether this is the path that they want to follow. That is why so many of your experiences at this time are so difficu! lt, on an individual and global level-you are not dealing with a singular instance of karma. Each experience now contains all of the karma that you have accumulated across many lifetimes. All you must do is choose which door you want to step into. The healing potential of the Shift hinges on whether humanity, in the person of each individual human being, can forgive their karma and change the focus of humanity's existence. This is not an easy task, but it is one which all of the souls who are present on the earth at this moment have volunteered to do. In order to fully understand the scope and nature of the karmic lessons, they are being presented to each of you at this time so that you can decide whether you have accepted your spiritual nature enough to look past the reality that you perceive and understand the true nature of each of your experiences.

So as situations are presented to you, in the form of karmic experiences, they open a n! umber of doors, or opportunities, for you to choose from. Each door leads to a different path. Some are repetitions of your past karmic experiences, others have the potential to create new lives for you. None is better or worse than the other. There is no 'better' or 'worse' in the Universe; there are only choices that lead to different paths. If you make choices that do not serve your Highest Good you are always presented with the opportunity to make another choice, in the form of another experience. How you choose is your decision and there is never a 'wrong' choice.

Forgiveness is the key to making choices that raise your vibrations and open the doors that lead to the healing of karma for each of you, for humanity and for the planet. When you learn to live without karma, there is no war, no abuse, no fear or domination. All are equal and all are connected to the Source. It is only when karma ceases to exist that humanity will truly li! ve in peace, at one with each other and with the planet. If this were not a possibility, it would not be occurring at this time. Know that it is because so many of you have decided to become your true Self, to raise your vibrations and to embrace the light willingly, that this is occurring. It is a wonderful time for humanity and each of you makes a difference, for each individual who chooses to release their karma, to forgive and to open the possibilities for other doors to open, paves the way for all of humanity to walk the path of enlightenment and achieve peace, joy and abundance for all.

Read more about Archangel Uriel ;

Today's Children-Creating Outlets for Indigo Energy

-------------------------------------------------------------------- The new article on today's children is now available on the website. This generation is known by many names, including Indigo and Crystal Children, Star Children, Light C! hildren. Whatever name they are known by, they are a generation that we have never seen before and they have special needs, gifts and talents. The Crystal and Indigo children represent the new, higher energetic patterns that are arriving to change the Earth's vibrational frequency.This new series provides information on these children and the wonderful gifts they bring to the world.

So many of today's Indigo and Crystal adults and children are having difficulty today because they cannot conform to society's demands. Society looks at them and wonders what is wrong with them-why can't they just be 'normal' and act like everyone else. Today's Crystal Adults are feeling this more strongly than children and they often wonder what is wrong with them because they feel threatened and afraid in a world that is not accepting of their gentle, spiritual energy. Society's response to those who do not 'fit in' is to force them into submission. Indigo c! hildren whose energy did not conform to the obedient and submissive requirements of the education systems were drugged into submission, thus they became the 'Ritalin generation.' Those of us who have Indigo children were appalled that we were forced to choose to drug our children so that they could function within and often remain in the public school systems. Was something wrong with the children, or was something wrong with the schools? What the Indigo children are bringing to our attention is what we do to those who walk a different path and how there is no room in our very controlled social systems for tolerance of anyone who will not conform to them.

We have made great strides in the nearly 40 years since the beginning of the social revolution that introduced rock and roll music, sexual freedom, women's rights and individual empowerment. And many of those early pioneers of social change carried the Indigo and Crystal energy. Now th! e Indigo children have come to expand that energy and they are facing considerable opposition from those who want things to remain as they are. Now, more than ever, the pressure on teens and adults to conform is very strong. They must wear the right clothes, listen to the right music, get the right grades and go to the right schools-conform to what is expected of them. If we are not vigilant, the Indigos may lose hope and the tide of energy that allowed them to incarnate at this time may dissipate, and this includes both the adult and children Indigo energy. We must encourage them to be who they are, to follow their guidance, to develop their gifts. Because they cannot conform, cannot bury their dreams and desires and walk the same path as everyone else. That is not what they came to do.

The Indigo response to submission is to rebel and then they are simply labeled as 'problem children' (or adults) and new and different drugs and rules w! ill be developed to force them into conformity. Adult Indigos who rebel often find themselves out of the mainstream and often suffer emotionally and financially. Those who have been gifted with this energy are equipped with the spiritual understanding and strength to help them walk a different path. We must assess what this push to conform is doing to us and to our children and support the desire to do something else, to discover gifts and abilities that are not mainstream and to walk an individual path. Indigo energy is showing all of us another perspective, what do we accept without questioning whether it has value. They are providing us with the opportunity to see where we are being submissive, where we have given up on our own dreams, where we are walking the path of conformity and in helping them, we help ourselves to move the energy forward so that their wonderful energy is allowed to fulfill its purpose, to change and heal the world.

Today's Children ;

Newsletter Archives--Creating Miracles--About Us


The Uriel Heals website contains copies of all past newsletters and articles so new subscribers can benefit from the the information that has been channeled in earlier newsletters. Enjoy! I have also put the 'Communicating with your Guides' e-book on the website, in the books pages. This .pdf file is free to read and print. You must have your pop-up blocker turned 'off' to read it. Instructions on obtaining the free Adobe Acrobat reader are on the website. Spiritual and life coaching sessions are now available on a monthly basis. These sessions provide intuitive information and spiritual support to help you through the changes that the Shift in Consciousness is introducing in your life. Coaching is available on a monthly basis, with four coaching sessions per month! . Email me at for more information.

About Uriel Archangel Uriel is one of the seven Archangels that stand at the throne of the God Creator and one of the four major Archangels that serve humanity. Uriel rules the mental plane, our thoughts and ideas, creativity, insights, judgment, magic, alchemy, astrology, universal consciousness, divine order, the distribution of power, the cosmic universal flow and the Earth's environment. Uriel is humanity's link to the spiritual realms and he can show us how to find our inner power through a process that will help each individual Shift in consciousness and therefore accelerate the entire human kingdom's shift into higher realms of consciousness.

About the Channel and Author I am a spiritual intuitive, author, speaker, teacher and channel for the Archangel Uriel. My path has often been challenging, which has provided me with the insight and compassion that is required at t! his time when humanity is shifting in consciousness. I am honored to be a channel for the Archangel Uriel and to help others through this process. For information on how to schedule a seminar or workshop in your area, email me for information at

Read the Archives... ;

email: voice: 480-894-1675 web:

Uriel Heals 7 1440 E. Broadway Road, #1031 7 Tempe 7 AZ 7 85282

May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You! From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON!
