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Message from SaLuSa 04.18.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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but as we fully tighten the net around the dark forces and keep their activities in check, we will go ahead immediately, circumstances permiting. What you have been witnessing is the hopeful actions of the minions of the Illuminati who are still supportive of their aims. We deal with their little schemes to lessen the impact upon our allies, and show that we are here to avoid any form of violence. That is not our way.

The craft that are nearest to Earth in the Inner Ring are ready to perform tasks that will ensure a peaceful acceptance of our presence. Of course we anticipate that some groups will speak out against us, and may try to stir up trouble. This is why following the announcement of NESARA, we will be there as the first contingent to openly approach Earth and make our presence known. First contact is a natural follow on to it, and will ensure that a peaceful and welcoming response is given. Fear of the unknown is quite a natural reaction, but we have meticulous plans to overcome it. These will be put in hand immediately following the initial announcement. From then onwards, we will conduct a regular program of up to date information that will be given out to the populace.

At the moment we follow events on Earth, having the advantage of seeing the whole picture. This is not only the physical happenings, but we read the intentions of the dark and see how the Light is growing so quickly. When we look back at the time of our involvement, which is some 12 years ago, we see how the Lightworkers have brought so much information to the fore. The result is that the Light has grown so rapidly that today it is the power behind the move for change. One great quality has been your ability to bend with the wind of change, and, yet, maintain your drive towards your goal. At times great faith has been necessary as the reality changed, but the Light has shone through and has brought you to the final days.

We of the Galactic Federation have helped other civilizations to reach their Ascension, so we have much experience behind us. Our greatest challenge has been to understand the emotions of Humans, as to how you can change quickly from loving beings to ones of hate and violence. For us who have long overcome such variations in temperament, it has been quite an experience to hold our own centeredness and not be affected. Your emotions are very strong, but where you have mastered them you have become powerful beings assured of your own ability. In time you will all find that possible, and a great factor that will help immensely will be the coming of peace. When you are able to release the old fears you will become more relaxed, while at the same time you will purify your bodies and draw more Light into them.

What you are beginning to understand is how much power of creation you have, and how you mold your future by your present actions, and how your past actions have led you to this moment in time. Yet, it is a paradox that even so, all is in the Now, and several different realities have been created by you. Strange, you may think, but in duality you have always been given freedom of choice, and clearly not all of you think alike, and some have quite different aspirations. This end-time of the cycle offers Ascension to those who are ready, and we will help carry you to completion.

The most wonderful aspect of First Contact will be our opportunity to bring the Truth out into the open of our Oneness with All . We are One in God, although we may look different to you and have moved further in our spiritual evolution. You have links with many of us that go back millennia of time, Indeed, many of you come from our planets and are true family with us. Yet, humans tend to berate themselves and often feel unworthy and useless, and this partly results from your oppression and subjugation over great periods of your history. You have been intentionally kept down by the dark forces, and your abilities to rise up and create have been suppressed.

You are about to be given back your real freedom, and you will know beyond doubt that you are great Beings and will claim your rightful place in the Cosmos. First, you will learn the truth of your past, and how as wonderful loving beings of Light you undertook to come to Earth. You will also find that from hereon the pathway goes upward and onward, through the many dimensions of reality, that for the best part, are beyond your present understanding. There are realms of absolute beauty that exist in perfect peace and harmony, and many of you will have achieved that level of progress to move to them. Except for those who choose to remain in an earthly type environment, the remainder will all move out of duality, never to have to return except in the name of service to others.

Dearest Friends and loved Ones, your release from the darkness of Earth is about to happen. Believe in yourselves. You are all worthy of such a great step upwards, as you have all but finished your time on Earth. Live your vision now and do not wait any longer, and you will be helping your own ability and that of others to gently and confidently move with the changes as they take place. It is an exciting time for everyone, and we so much wish to greet you and welcome you back. Together we shall achieve so much, and we know of your willingness and enthusiasm to help.

I am SaLuSa and I bring you news of your imminent release from the past and the beautiful time ahead of you. Much Love comes with me from your family in Space.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

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