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Semjase: Your Role In Birthing NESARA

Transmitted Through Carol Withrow

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SARA assisting and being a part of the transitioning of the Earth at this time.

It is important for many to know that as NESARA has been in the workings for many years, activation of NESARA was not possible because of the energy frequencies that were with the Earth. We have now past through several stages of incoming higher frequencies since the summer of 1994. We have come closer and closer to activation but we are just now at a point this month of July 2003 where the divine God-Source White Light energies now on the Earth allow NESARA to fully activate. All struggles and difficulties in prior activation came from the 3rd dimensional element. The activation of NESARA requires connections to higher energy frequencies than the 3rd dimension. That possibility begins this month of July.

All parameters in the energies are ready but we need the Lightworkers, we need those who are connected to this project, to this activation, to feel the new energies strongly within their heart and within their being. We need those who feel that NESARA is a part of them. We need those people to hold NESARA very strong and steadfastly within their beingness.

We need them to have all of their thinking, believing and perceiving coming from the center triangle of their being which are the three heart chakras going across the chest area and the solar plexus at the center of their being. This is the center triangle. We need these Lightworkers to stay within that center triangle and to keep their thoughts and belief systems centered in the Light so that they only allow positive, progressive and creative energies to exist with themselves. Their words, their thinking, their feeling, their being and their perceiving should all be at this level. Their breathing will be very smooth when one is connected to this level, to the center of their being, the center triangle, and they contain themselves within it.

If a person is not connected to the center of their Beingness, their spirit, they will have very rough breathing, very irregular breathing and it will not be a consistent pattern of breathing. When one is at the center of their being and connected to their divine spirit, when one is connected to their heart frequency then they feel very strong and they have energy coming from inside, and their breathing will be consistently smooth and deep, coming from the center of their being and wave-like in motion and rhythm. They are as sturdy as a 1,000 year old oak tree. They are firmly planted within their magnetism with this Earth and they are very organized with the incoming divine spiritual energies and frequencies within their beingness. This is when they are connected to their sensing and their knowing.

We need the Lightworkers who feel this strong connection with NESARA, who feel that NESARA is part of their beingness. We need them to stay very steadfast, very strong within the energy frequencies of their body. We need very strong pure magnetism to exist with the Lightworkers upon the planet in this way. NESARA needs this type of strength and magnetism. Do not allow yourselves to be affected by the blockages, the struggles or the delays. Know within yourself that these delays and struggles when they become perception, the perceptions are only illusions.

When all is right with NESARA it will activate, it will manifest. Let all of your frequencies of magnetism stay pure, whole and complete. Let them be very energetic, let them possess smiles within your being. Let every atom and cell within your being continue to smile without end, to feel strength, endurance, magnitude, steadfastness, wholeness and anchorment. Let every atom and cell of your being exude these qualities. Let your breathing be very deep from your waist up when you inhale and when you exhale from the crown chakra down.

Know that you know. This is what we ask of you and request that you step into at this time – each one of you. Know that you know in connection with your expertise and wisdom. Say this and believe this about yourself even when you don't have the details. Do not analyze yourself for what abilities or lack of abilities you think you possess. Activate your thought connection with every divine spiritual ability, with every strength in receiving information, in knowing information and in stepping into your intuition. Have a steadfast belief in your sensing and your perceiving of things that come before you.

We need all of you Lightworkers to know that you know. We would desire that you say this to yourself, even out loud, so that you hear the strength of your voice frequency. Say the phrase to yourself, "I know that I know." Start repeating to yourself, phraseology that holds a lot of power and strength in connection to your own being. Your being connects your consciousness to your spirit, to your wisdom, to your "resume" of manifestations in the divine spiritual dimensions from where you come, for that is your true home.

Start telling yourself that you are connected to your full expertise and wisdom, start telling yourself that "you know that you know." You carry the full knowing of all creation within your being. We need the fullest magnetism from you to be in operation and to be operative at this time. NESARA needs this magnetism.

If you feel that you need assistance in connecting to the Light, to your heart, to spiritual breathing and understanding the divine spiritual dimensions, then please contact the channel and fellow Pleiadian, Carol Withrow at Her personal sessions and home study courses will aid greatly in your connections.

NESARA will do much to assist the people of the Earth. Do not focus on what it will do for you but first give to NESARA of yourself, of your energies and of your belief in yourself. For NESARA's consciousness must be full, whole and complete in connecting itself to the knowing. Nesara's consciousness must merge with your consciousness and your consciousness must be connected to the knowing. You must feel without a doubt that you know all that you will ever need to know at the moment you need to know it. This is all knowledge, wisdom and understanding connected to the realm of creation and connected to your work and to your manifestations in the divine spiritual dimensions.

We need each of you to activate at this level and frequency of divine Light and Love. We need each of you to love yourself, to not beat up on yourself. We need each of you to honor yourself and as you merge your consciousness into your heart chakras, into the center of your being and as your breath is very strong, smooth and complete, then this also becomes the NESARA consciousness.

As we speak about NESARA, we tell you that you may do this with any situation you ever have before you. The process we take you through in connection with Nesara can be utilized by you in connection with all things, event, situations and manifestation that you desire to be around yourself, and to all whom you desire to be connected to. In order to receive a manifestation of something that has come to serve you or any of us, it comes into manifestation because it merges with our consciousness. Its consciousness becomes one with our consciousness, and that is when we receive manifestations when we are in the divine spiritual realm. It is how manifestations will come to you where you are dimensionally upon this Earth. So we say to you that this is a very powerful magnetic frequency that we need you to activate and step into.

July 2003 is our beginning month from the divine spiritual dimensions for activation of new levels, grid structures and patterns of energies. This month of July is our beginning of very powerful activations as well. We connect to that activation, those energies and frequencies very easily and we send them down to you. Your consciousness must be as strong as ours in order for you to receive these energies that we send to you. As you hold these magnetic frequencies and patterns of energies within the center of your being, within your steadfastness, powerfulness and smoothness of your breath, then the new manifestation of NESARA can be activated. It is like two energies coming together and 9 months later there is a birth. This is the same process. The birth of NESARA is part of the new birth of the new world. For all of you upon the Earth at this time who are deeply connected to NESARA in your heart, this is the birth process.

Nurture NESARA's consciousness by nurturing your own. Strengthen your own consciousness by activating this connection in your responses, your words, languages and your reactions to others. Focus with your balance, your beingness, your happiness and the joy within yourself first and then see that in others before you see their limitations, struggles and sadness. As you hold happiness before others they will come to know happiness because you hold it with yourself. As you hold strong belief with yourself, you will be assisting others in activating the same qualities that you hold within your own beingness. Therefore, as you do this with other people, places, situations and events, which are connected to you personally, you are affecting their consciousness and you are affecting their connection to you in a very powerfully magnetic, spiritual way.

You are connecting your spirit to their spirit, over and above all situations and perceptions taking place with them, so also do this with NESARA. Do not perceive the struggles, the limitations, the blocked pathways and those doing the blocking. Connect to your spirit and know how much you love NESARA, and know how much it can mean not only to yourself but also to the world. Feel the camaraderie of the entire world of Lightworkers, to those connected to the higher dimensional frequencies coming together in total extravaganza and camaraderie.

This is the energy you hold when you want to birth a happy child. NESARA can only be birthed if it is a happy child. This is not like birthing in the 3rd dimension where you can birth very critically ill children or you can birth very healthy children. Yes, the consciousness affects the birthing always. NESARA is of the divine spiritual dimensions and no concepts other than happiness, joy, extravaganza and total ease in creating and manifesting exists there.

To birth NESARA we request that each of you become very strong, steadfast and decide what it is you believe in connection with the divine spiritual dimensions. It is imperative that you know what you believe. It is imperative that you know the purity and clarity of your belief level in connection with the divine spiritual dimensions. The thoughts going through your head must be very confident, very strong, and not wishy-washy, not flighty, but very strong in knowingness, in confirmation, in confidence, in connection with the wisdom you possess. Know that you connect to wisdom at the very moment you desire to be connected to it. When it shows up, believe it, receive it and utilize it. Do not hesitate a moment when wisdom connects to your consciousness. Know that you know how to recognize it. Know that you recognize it instantaneously. Know that you know with tremendous ease.

These are the qualities we need the Lightworkers to activate at this time. They must love themselves totally, completely, without hesitation and without doubt. They must hold this knowingness of themselves before others whom they communicate with and participate with during their daily activities and with families and friends. Then they must hold this confidence, confirmation and knowing between themselves and that which they perceive about NESARA and with NESARA and all of the White Knights who are connected with NESARA who are pure, honest, whole and complete. From July 2003 forward the complete energies and the total grid pattern structure of energies are whole and complete with each individual upon the Earth who have activated and connected to the new world and all new manifestations along those lines.

There are many elements activated at this time and they are very powerful elements. Keep your thoughts positive. Keep your thoughts creative. Keep your thoughts and your perceptions progressive in the direction of creation and within creation. Eliminate doubt, worry and fear from your vocabulary. When you need assistance from others, ask them for assistance. Everyone is glad to assist and it is time that the Lightworkers step into their collective consciousness in being connected to one another and no longer being connected just to oneself and having feelings of "survival of the fittest" motto that is so strongly held in the 3rd dimension.

There is no such thing as "survival of the fittest" from the divine spiritual realm perspective; there is only "survival of the group." The group never has to worry about surviving because the group always thrives. The group supports one another and the group enhances the joy of one another. The group enhances the love recognition of oneself in connection with others and the love recognition is also known by the group. They are all one in the divine spiritual love of that connection.

These are my words to you today. We are with you strongly and we are with you in total assistance in all aspects in all frequencies and in total Light and Love. This is a major door that you can open and a major room you can step into. This is your sacred space, this is your temple and this is where the new world and all manifestations connected to it exist. We ask that you join us there and bring NESARA with you. Thank you for your ears, thank you for your hearts and know that we are always as One. And so it is.

Carol Withrow and John Hall are the founders of JaSe Spiritual Connections.

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