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Lord of Arcturus Speaks - Crop Cycle Of Fire


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rrent cycle is called the Fire Cycle. There is much fire energy being introduced on this planet. It is necessary at this time for it is in line with the fire energy which will galvanize many light workers into action. It will fuel their flames, their flames of passion and it will enable them to do what they need to do. Those light workers who are lacking in fire energy within their elemental bodies will be the ones who will benefit the most from this. The light workers who are already fired up, who are already very, very passionate are being asked to be careful so that they do not burn out. Take it slow when things seem too intense for you. Take breaks, rest and balance yourselves. It will be important to drink a lot of water during these times and to spend some time in nature.

This current Crop Cycle Of Fire is set to go on until August 28th. Many will see these crop circles while in the process of forming. They will witness the crop circles being formed first-hand and the very experience of observing the circles will be very, very powerful indeed. It will cause a huge shift in the psyches of those who find themselves observing the circles first hand. In the current cycle there will be many sacred geometrical forms which carry powerful energies of change, of transformation and those who view photographs or pictures of these formations will in turn receive a very powerful surge of energy. Many who are skeptical will have their energies transformed and their way of perception will be greatly changed.

The energies of this cycle are linked to the energies that are presently coming onto the planet from the Great Central Sun. We shall speak to you at length, in the near future, about these energies. At this point all we will say is that they have a very powerful effect on all of humanity. All are being affected by this energy. Many are feeling incredibly stressed and anxious and wondering about this. Many people's health is being affected. We say to you - do not buy into this illusion for it is only an illusion and it is actually a great chance, an opportunity, to manifest a healthy body for yourselves. Many of the health crisis' that are being experienced by humanity are actually a healing crisis. Please understand the difference.

This message is addressed to all the humanity: To let go, to surrender, to release and to let go of their resistance to change, for this is one of the most important factors that is affecting their lives at this time. We cannot stress the importance of this enough for it is very powerful and important for you to let go of the old ways that do not serve the greatest good. It is important for many to come together at this time. It is a time of working together and the energies will greatly support this cohesive banding together. Many soul groups will find themselves working more and more on bigger and bigger projects. There is much support and abundance for these efforts. You will find an upsurge in the number of non profit and non government agencies and bodies being set up from the end of July '07 until mid next year. This will be the biggest number ever recorded. These agencies will gradually take over many functions of self government, of helping and supporting and giving aid where it is needed. These organizations will function in a very powerful manner and as they are non profit, their collaborative powers of out-reach will be even greater. As time moves on more and more will believe in these programs and more wealth will move towards the non profit agencies because of their increased credibility and because they have proven that they are the ones who are able to reach out in times of crisis and times of great need and give the actual help and support where it is needed most. Also it will be shown that more and more government agencies are tied up with red tape and bureaucratic dilemmas and they will not be able to provide the help and support as and when needed expediently. This will be a very important and powerful point that many will pause to consider before they give financial support.

Many will also find great changes within their relationships. Those who are still struggling with the old paradigm will find it increasingly difficult to maintain working relationships and also love relationships. They will be struggling with this and the energies that are coming in from the Great Central Sun will intensify and cause more chaos within relationships. The moment they switch their thoughts and raise their consciousness and move into the new paradigm of thought that will serve the greatest good, they will notice that they will seem to flow in a new way of being. Although some relationships may fall by the wayside, the general trend is toward better communication and more love within relationships. The energies are helping the shift toward greater understanding, cooperation and of working toward the greatest good. Those who are already working with the 5th dimensional energies will find themselves drawn toward bigger and bigger groups working and supporting each other. They will be moving into the energy of working with their soul groups where there will be the energy of cohesiveness, collaboration and harmony, and where abundance and joy will be further pronounced. The efforts will increase exponentially. The synergy found within these groups will be very, very powerful and will serve humanity on a very great level based on the energy of love. The galactic energies coming in from the planets and the moon will further exacerbate the intensity and will bring into fruition many grand schemes and designs that many light workers are already working on.

Those who are in power and choose to exert their power through greed, corruption, manipulation and force will find their efforts more and more thwarted. They will struggle to maintain the balance of power but because their intent is not of the highest good their efforts will not be successful. There will be stories reported in the media about the supposed failures of these power brokers and you, the light workers, will smile because you will know all about this well before hand. (Yes, we do have a sense of humor!)

We ask you to stand firm, stand tall as many of you will be tested by this process and we say to you to have faith and believe in yourselves. Understand that these tests are coming toward you to intensify certain experiences and to allow you to move gracefully into the energies of the 5th paradigm, the energies of co-creation, of manifesting your dream reality, of creating heaven on earth. We ask you to get together in groups and to conduct meditations on creating the vision of the most perfect, delightful, beautiful earth that you can imagine. Aim for the stars and have no limitations to your vision. Create it with the ideas of abundance and not with the ideas of limitations based on lack as at the present moment. Know that the funding will come. The sources of abundance are great and as you respect Mother Earth and her resources, she will reward you greatly. The laws of the universe will abound and resonate with you and your grand design. Know deep in your hearts that you are loved beyond belief, that you are Divine beyond measure, that your design is infinite, that you are powerful, that you can create with your thoughts. Know this, dear humans, and remove once and for all the sense of limitation, the sense of division, the sense of separation and know that you are all one.

This brings us to the end of our message to you today, We take our leave in full love, in regard and reverence for you, dear humans. I am Lord of Arcturus together with the Galactic Council. Farewell

Channeled By Veenaa, Healer & Author of 'Mary Magdalene Speaks' Wednesday, 11th July '07