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BE Your Spiritual Matrix

The Council Twelve - Channeled by C.N. Rodgers

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e inclined to mention the importance of grounding and imprinting LIGHT.

Many of you are doing just that, grounding LIGHT. That is of paramount importance. When you find you are feeling alone and lonely, or that your work is not presenting itself in the way you would like, remember that you, by just BE-ing, are grounding and holding LIGHT onto your planet of residence.

The current situation on Earth Base is that it is sorting itself out. It is bringing forth what is important and letting go of what no longer is serving the population.

It may look chaotic, but it is going through a reSolution and will continue to do so until LIGHT has its WAY.

We ask you to develop patience and see the long term reSolution and not only look at the disturbance.

We also want to speak of the need to clear yourself of issues and personal conditions that are/may be clouding your thoughts.

The more you ‘tune in’ to Spirit/LIGHT the more your mind will raise your vibration to meet the LIGHT, to BE THE LIGHT.

We ask you to read our words. They tend to be few in number, but have the energy necessary to bring forth your Ascension.

Our goal is to guide you to your Spiritual Voice.

Our goal is to guide you beyond your ‘human mind’ which only sees the solid matrix, to guide you into Spiritual Mind, which sees/IS your Spiritual Truth.

Know that what you see in the solid matrix is illusion that is playing itself out as a drama on the stage of life.

We ask you not to focus on illusion, but to focus on solid spiritual truth which will then manifest in your life and bring the solid matrix into alignment with the Spiritual Matrix.

We now give you time to take in what we have put forth here, and we are assisting all that are open.

We now are moving into a more active role as you want information and are ready to put energy into the Ascension of your Earth Base.

Thank you for your work and we send love to all that are reading this.

A note from the channel. I sense I cannot copyright these messages. The words and energy are of the LIGHT and therefore I ask that as you pass along any of this information, please include the complete and total message with a link to:

