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Daily Quado for September 26, 2006

Carrie Hart

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ur journey.

And there are other times when you can feel something approaching, but do not know what it is. You can feel it and it feels like opportunity, it feels like possibility, but it has not yet emerged for you to make your choices or take your action.

At these times what you will often feel instead is a drive for readiness. You will feel that this is the time to begin that exercise program anew or start that diet, time to pull the dusty guitar out of the closet and being practicing, time to set aside a little money. And when you get those feelings, it is a wonderful gift to yourself if you will heed them, buckle down with discipline and begin your preparations, even though you do not have a concrete offer or opportunity in front of you.

You must realize that you are intuitively connected to all that is, and at the level of intuitive connection, you truly know what is going on all over the world. You know and are connected to the thoughts and plans of others. And out of all this vast soup of thought and emotions, intentions and plans, your intuitive self knows which things are the strands that connect to you, which long-laid cords are now beginning to activate and vibrate. And this results in a feeling inside you, sometimes just an odd urge, sometimes a little sign of synchronicity as a signal. It cannot be put into words because it is too vast, but it is very real.

Readiness has its own energy. When you are honing a skill, practicing a discipline, trying out those dance steps and singing your scales, it creates a pull energy, which moves things toward you. And if these are things you have long pursued, perhaps even set aside with bitter disappointment, there are pathways that are already established that may be reactivated in the great soup of connection, merely by your exercise of those activities again.

Getting ready, being ready, are great activators. Having the screenplay in hand, the business plan developed, the seed money in your savings account, your body toned and slimmed down, your mind expanded with new knowledge and skills, all of this makes you like a cat ready to spring. And as you wait and pull opportunities toward you through that readiness, be like the cat, completely relaxed and yet completely aware, in the ultimate state of response.

All of this is done without specific expectation. All of this is done knowing that you do not know what is coming down the path. And since you do not have expectations, since you do not know when the opportunities will show up, then you might as well relax. There is no need to become disappointed and quit.

This is your life. There is never a reason to quit. It may take years before those skills are truly exercised in just the right way, in just the right opportunity. But in the meantime, you have the joy of expanding yourself, you have the pride in your accomplishments. Many are the gifts of readiness and discipline, and fulfillment of a particular expectation is the least of these.

Here is a little prayer for today

I am full of energy, the energy of now, the energy of my own possibilities, which all lie within me.

I love myself and what I can do. I love to stretch myself into the next evolution of what I can be. I love to prepare myself for greatness in every moment. I love the movement of my own energy as it lifts me to the next level I am capable of achieving.

I am power and grace. I love myself deeply. I am love. I am.


If you missed any Quado messages from the last week, you will find them on . You will also find there powerful meditations and a Quado Healing Crystal, which will help you feel the connection to Quado and these words.

Please also be sure to download your free gift, a powerful invocation to spirit to use every day: "Here I Am (Ave Maria)".

"I just finished listening to it, and tears of joy came into my eyes" Leonor Campbell

I wish you love and peace.


carriehart@msn. com