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Quado Daily Portion - Sunday, September 24, 2006

Carrie Hart

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the choices that you make, and in the way you accept and respond to the challenges that present themselves.

When you find yourself riding the flow and you feel that what you are doing is right for you, this is the moment to allow it to be, to dip deeply into its energy and expand upon it, yes, but not to take it over and convert it into one of your projects.

When you are blessed with discovering a talent, expanding upon a skill, finding something that you love to do, then do it and love it, but do not cling to it in desperation. Do not think that because you love this activity so, you must turn your life upside down in order to spend every moment of your life doing it. Enjoy it, balance it with other things that you need to do, and let it evolve and grow of its own accord.

There are times when you think, ah, at last, I have found it; this is what I am meant to do! But everything in your life is what you are meant to do, and every place you are is preparing you for the next place you will be. It is not your job to try to stop the flow.

Your path is one of learning and growth, and in order for that to be, you must make mistakes and experiment with things that turn out not to be fruitful. And every so often, you will follow a little tributary that turns into a great river. Do not judge your life, deciding if this moment is a good one and that moment a bad one. Instead, let them all be, let them all flow, let it all come together for you moment by moment, being what it is.

Direct your life gently, realizing that you cannot stop and you cannot go back, but you can influence the direction you are heading. Keep a calm and steady hand upon the tiller, sense the currents as they flow, keep alert for the sound of waterfalls and rapids and an eye on the next fork ahead.

Always flowing, always changing, the river of life carries you. And as it flows, you are evolving and changing as well. Relax into this great adventure, relax into the flow. Let it be.

Here is a little prayer for today

I am vital and alive. I feel the vibrant energy of life flowing through me and I am one with it.

I feel the flow of life. I feel the evolving and changing nature of myself. I am at peace with all that is, just as it is. I love myself and my life, right now.

I am peace and joy. I am love. I am.


carriehart@msn. com