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Beloved Akaska & Asun -- Their Divine Intervention & Dispensation: Soul Journey

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greater acknowledgement of the Angels presence in your world. We come to you upon the Rose Pink Ray and the Golden Ray, as two Ascended Angels who have once lived in your world several thousand years ago. We are Twin Flames.

We are grateful for the growing openness, healing and awakening that is taking place in many peoples lives at this time. We are grateful for theInner Splendor within you that is finding greater expression and freedom in your lives. We are grateful for your eagerness to remember who you are and your willingness to grow and evolve into all that you dare to dream. We are grateful for your expanding consciousness and for your desire to reach greater heights of attainment in all aspects of your lives. God Bless you Dear Hearts.

We join you in this New Year 2003 in holding and growing the Flame of Life, Liberty and Freedom for all on earth. May Love's divine presence and It's Eternal Flame of Peace enfold all humanity and life on earth. This is the ninth year that we are given a great privilege in offering 'Soul Journey', our divine intervention and cosmic dispensation to those who desire our assistance.

Evolution, invention, creativity, science and technology will continue its great expansion this year and next as the soul flame of human consciousness continues to fan the open heart of light and love availing the wisdom and illumination necessary for this evolution and its protection and constructive use. Many on earth now are coming under the over-lighting presence of the Spiritual Hierarchy who govern your system of worlds that your earth belongs to.

Invention itself in all phases of human life shall take on a great quickening as the Angelic Host and the Ascended Host work alongside many human beings on earth who are living constructive lives. Albeit yet invisible to humanity, the presence of fifth dimensional Beings of Light is ever growing in your worlds. Their greater powers and presence often lifts thousands of individuals every day, into greater awareness and higher and clearer states of consciousness as the Angels and the Ascended Masters or other Cosmic Beings of Light watch humanity and look for all available means and ways in which They might assist those who are seeking answers, courage, guidance, protection and even resources.

All of this assistance comes even though most of humanity is unaware of the help they are receiving. All of this greater assistance comes or is available even while there is yet war, hunger and famine in your world. As long as human kind use their free will they have been given, to host and express discord in this world, yet there will be suffering. Humanity is yet to fully understand the authority that has been placed within their beings. This authority is the free will of every human being. As more and more individuals use their free will and authority to make a difference in their own lives and to make a difference in this world, they will find the Angelic Host willing to support and protect their efforts.

Many unbelievers often ask why there are so many inhumane acts taking place in the world if the Angels and the Great Ascended Beings really do exist and are present on the earth at this hour. Humanity is yet to understand that even though we can correct the mistakes and the discord that has been imposed upon the earth, we require the greater will and desire of humanity in order to bring about a divine intervention, as this world has been loaned to those who live on earth and is under the use of their free will. Only under cosmic cycles can a certain amount of divine intervention be offered human beings if they reach up and desire that assistance.

So indeed blessed be it that so many hundreds of millions on earth arenow calling forth the Light of God and the peace and protection of the Angels. And know blessed hearts that we hear every call, every prayer for assistance and we always do respond.

If Asun and I had the opportunity to mentor you, always our first counsel would be to encourage you to remember that your heart centers are the highest activity of the God Life in your physical bodies. Within your hearts is that Inner Splendor, the inner light presence that is the life of your Higher God Selves ever waiting your attention.

We would counsel you to commune with that Inner Presence, for God is within each of Their Blessed Children on earth. Speaking inwardly with this Presence that is found within your hearts, knowing that it can be the greatest power of love and the source of all that you require, is the guidance you would receive from the Angels. We would remind you that this Presence has been waiting centuries of time for your recognition and your love and that it would answer all of your prayers, calls and meditations if you would give it all power to act in your worlds.

We would teach you that a secret and sacred electron resides within your heart that is capable of growing a great light within you. We would remind you that the 'light' is the expression of love, wisdom and power. We would mentor you in growing the light that is found within your hearts and teach you to expand that light and how to send it forth into your world to create and magnetize to you all that you desire in your outer lives.

Beloved Asun and I and the Angels would remind you of a greater spiritual hierarchy, Cosmic Beings of Light that resides within or on your earth and in greater realms of light who are waiting to assist humanity. We would show you how to communicate with these Beings and how to receive Their loving assistance, protection and unfailing guidance in living your higher purpose and fulfilling the divine plan for your lives on earth.

Gently we would remind you how to be in this world and yet not of it. We would share with you how important it is for you to rise into the true excellence of your beings, know who you are, remember your sovereignty and claim your rightful freedoms. We would touch your hearts in such a way that you would know your innocence once again and heal your lost will.

The Angels would if invited, join you in consciousness to once again experience the great unity and oneness of life allowing a real atonement within your beings and with each other. We would define relationships to new heights of attainment and fulfillment in all aspects of your beings.

Asun and I would desire to offer you the knowledge of supply, money and manifestation, universal laws that affect humanity and your earth. We would seek to heal that place of separation that is the founder of fear and lack in human lives.

We would remind you how to open the door to great realms of the angelic host who would come and protect your lives, your loved ones and your worlds, if invited. We would show you how the Angels presence can over-light and influence governments, presidents and prime ministers in the making of decisions that would affect the people of earth in the most positive way.

The people of earth must come into a greater knowing of the powers of nature and the forces of the elements of your earth, your earth structure and atmosphere and how each of you, all seven billion of you are affecting the earth and all life on your earth. Humanity does not realize that their discordant thoughts, words, feelings and actions are affecting the earth every single second of each day. We would show you how the Angels are compelled each day to remove a portion of human's discordant vibrations from the earth atmosphere in order to avoid a cataclysm of disastrous proportions.

Asun and I would share with you great stories of prophecy, fields of energy, lines of force and the matrix of certainty, matrix of probability and matrix of possibility and how these ongoing forces affect outcomes and manifestations in your world.

Most of all we would keep reminding you of the Beautiful Being of Love that you are, of the pure innocence that is yet found within your hearts and of all the ways you could expand self's experience of more love, more joy, more happiness and more light in your experience on earth.

Asun and I dedicate ourselves to your being awake, staying awake and the future evolution that awaits each of you.the rise into your full Christ Consciousness in this lifetime on earth. We are available to each of you. We enfold you in the Light of God that never fails. We want you to have a higher vision for your lives, we desire that you create your field of dreams and build a spiritual roadmap for the next decade. There is no height you cannot attain when your heart is open and your mind is focused. God bless each of you. You are not never have been.

In love's eternal flame.I Am Akasha, I Am Asun

