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Mother's Voice EarthHeart Spirit Newsletter of March 13, 2004

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ooking carefully is that we slide into a space where we know what we don't want. Then, some of what we don't want comes to us, and we notice that (i.e. we begin to focus on it). Oh, we ask ourselves why this "what we don't want" is coming to us, but we forget to change our thinking, so we are still "noticing" that we seem to be getting more of what we don't want, Thus begins a downward spiral for our focus and thinking. We begin to loose sight of how we are approaching life and the game of life, and we suddenly loose the "game" altogether.

We begin to think, "Hey, I don't want this" and fall into the trap of resistance. Resistance is simply another means of focusing on what we don't want with a bit more energy behind it. It takes energy to resist. It also takes focus. Oops! Now we are right in the middle of the mud puddle, sinking into a way of living that we crawled out of long ago.

So, what then? It's not enough to simply say, "Change your focus," because by that time you've lost the whole "joy" idea. Attracting what we don't want isn't fun at all. So, we have to go back to the beginning, but now it's a bunch easier.

Force yourself to begin each day either in meditation or in prayer. Draw up Mother Earth's light through you, into all your systems and cells out the top of your head through the Universe up to Creator Source. Draw down the golden flecked white Light of Creator source through you into Mother Earth. Surround yourself with a tube of white light for protection and throw in some violet flame inside just to make sure.

Now, you're ready to retrain your mind to focus on what you really want. Feel yourself free. Feel yourself living in absolute abundance. Know that in this moment you have everything you have ever wanted. Speak of your appreciation of this. Say "Thank You" to the Universe for all that you have while imaging your life in perfection.

It's time now to realize within and throughout that this is true. You have the perfect life! See it, hold it to your heart, know that it is true, and ask to shine only the Light and Love of your Being to all that crosses your path this day. Allow the joy of having all that you have ever dreamed of enter you until you want to laugh out loud. Get your joy back!

Now you are ready to play the game again. Step one is to make certain you are putting yourself and your needs first. Gee, how did that get out of focus? If we are putting ourselves first, then all the rest begins to fall into place. Are we getting sufficient rest? Are we eating well and nourishing our bodies? Are we throwing off stress by approaching everything with the idea of fun, or giving up things in our lives that are not fun? Do we remember that life is truly a game?

This week I envisioned a card game. There is strategy involved, there is camaraderie involved, but it doesn't need competition or win/loose. Think about that a bit. Putting yourself first means staying out of other people's drama and living only in your own reality the one you want. It is living on your own terms and pleasing yourself in the process.

Suddenly you now notice that you are attracting what you do want. Life becomes more fun, more pleasant, and now there is only room for gratitude, not resistance nor stress. At this point, we are once again going up that spiral into living the life of perfection and creating only the reality in which we wish to live. We are focusing upon what we do want, and noticing that we are getting it, giving thanks, and beginning this cycle of focus, attract, realize, give thanks. We're back on track! Life is wonderful! We are living in perfect health (or at least suddenly healing), perfect abundance, Light, Love and Joy.

I am suggesting that it seems very easy to lose this type of living. I'm not certain if it is that we get lazy, or just so busy that we forget to watch our thinking, but I am certain that if we do not work at it, we seem to lose our way, especially in this time of intense energies and instant manifestation.

Dearest Friends, I hope my little adventure through the shadows benefits you as a reminder. If so, it was well worth the lesson to me.

In love unconditional, Mikala
