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A Message From Archangel Uriel

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the next cycle of evolution. This period will proceed for nine years as we reach 2012.

This shift catalyzes the final phase of the Piscean Age as we follow the leadership of these and other over lighting Masters that will continue to guide us in the direction of our Ascension.

Everyone Will Demonstrate Their Gift Of Free Will On August 15, 16 and 17 the Cosmic, Angelic and Ascended Host will withdraw their Over lighting Forces of Light and Protection that has been supporting Earth's and its people's awakening, as well as, counteracting and buffering the toxic, unconscious and careless actions of humanity. (This begins at 5pm Mountain Time on the 14th) Over these three days, citizens of Earth will exercise their pure, individual free will without any outer influences impacting them. They will get to make a choice to serve the light of God or stay in unawakened survival and fear. There will be no more extensions. Each individual's experience will be unique to them, but this may be a sobering confrontation to their consciousness and its current creations OR miscreations. With or without the Cosmic Presence over lighting Earth and its kingdoms, this kind of self reflection inevitably happens when a soul is evolving into higher consciousness.

On the 18th of August, the Cosmic Forces will return to rejoin ONLY the citizens of Earth who have chosen to stand with and for Love-based activity and purpose. Those who choose otherwise, will not be receiving this support any longer. There are those who commit sinister action who before now still had Cosmic Influence available to them, but no longer will this be.

On that day and from now on the Energies of Resurrection will begin pouring into all systems and structures of consciousness to fund and nourish exclusively the Fifth Dimensional Civilization Paradigm. Your individual Spirit is the power behind this outpouring of love and intelligence emanating from the interconnected grid of Unity consciousness.

The old paradigm will collapse even faster now as less and less sustaining life force remains to keep it alive anywhere there is the absence of Love. The nine years of Resurrection are a period of massive reorganization within social, economic and political structures that birth new innovations that continue to bridge life forward into higher consciousness.

We offer this startling transmission to ignite your devotion, allegiance and gratitude to the Power of Love and the God Identity that lives within you. This event opens the Pathway of Love for our Beloved Earth and all of it's human family.

What Can Individuals Do To Prepare:

Our first question to you is this: Have you made the fundamental choice to follow the impulses and direction of your inner God Self? A fundamental choice is a lifestyle choice, one that all others feed into. Most fundamental choices seem to be survival and fear oriented and deny the existence of a life that is filled with access to higher truth, powerful inner knowing and the self-discovery of soul gifts, talents and abilities. We wonder what glorious divine character might be discovered within you if you decided to make the choice of all choices. Say Yes to your Divinity!

Before August 15th arrives, further the self exploration of your Divine Spirit and your Angelic Guides. Ask them to start right now preparing you for this three day event if not the rest of your life. Your call to your Spirit may sound like this: "Mighty I Am Presence-who am I, why am I here on Earth, what is my truth? Place me on my true path. Prepare and strengthen me in all the ways that I need to be at my strongest and clearest. Show me where I am vulnerable to interference and close the doors to it immediately. Reveal ways that I can serve others during this time of transition. Teach me Gratitude and Reverence for life."

So, during these three days, you will have your I Am Presence, which is your Spirit and you will have your Guardian Angel to sustain you however conscious or unconscious you are of this. Beyond measure your own Beloved Spirit is the most powerful resource you have or will ever have. Deepen your awareness of this aspect of your life, this vast intelligence within, fall in love with it and ask it to love you every day and every hour, over light you and protect you from all discord. Those of you who are on the awakened path can deepen even more your determination and dedication to fiercely stand for the Light. Those yet to awaken, or those who still determine to execute maleficent acts are in the hands of their Eternal Spirit which is the most powerful asset they have to guide them forward.

This transmission is a call to prepare and be alert and aware, which doesn't end on August 18th. As a planet in evolutionary transition, all is well and all is as it should be. Reorganization is at hand as the Forces of Evolution, which are more powerful that anything Earthly, moves forward into its destiny. The truth is that you are really gifted change agents who have marvelous resources within you to assist the dimensional shift.

Exercise as frequently as you can, your energetic clearing tools such as the Violet Consuming Flame, taught by the St. Germain Foundation Share this information with loved ones and friends with the language they understand. We will not predict the impact this event will have on Earth changes or in the lives of people who are still heavily attached to self-destructive intentions and choices. Deterioration is already evident in peoples' lives, their jobs and relationships. It may become so obvious that they seek out higher guidance and so, let it be understood that even after the 18th, people will be waking up to making new choices and following love-based pathways for living. This is a phase shift.

Remember and exercise this Law of Life: What ever you think and feel is what you bring into form. Where your thoughts rest is where you are, for you are your consciousness. Thoughts can never become things until they are clothed in feelings. You are already standing in the dimensional field of instantaneous creation.

With Loving Support,

Archangel Uriel
