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Two Messages From The Turtle Woman - There Is No More Time & Sudden Healing For Many

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vealed. It is as if many lives were put on extended hold and now the hold is suddenly released. This stepping forward comes as a major relief. The appreciation of such sudden progress will forever remain embedded as the greatest of blessings in the souls which have suffered for so long. It is a lesson which will forever hold it's value through time ! eternal. Such release will bring a lasting joy.

The power players are now all in place. The dark ones think they have been very clever, but their deeds turn on them at the height of their false power. The fall they will soon experience is one of horror and disbelief for them. They will learn the hard way about reaping what they have sown. They will experience all the misery they have inflicted on so many to a greater magnitude than those they harmed. They will know first hand the "thousand stings of the scorpions" for each individual being they have harmed.

The masses will be vindicated for their suffering at the hands of dark power. They will receive special blessing from the Creator for what they have suffered. Those who walk in the Light with the Creator (and have worked so hard with such great sacrifice to be here Now to lessen the effects of these dark ones) will reap even greater rewards for! their unselfish devotion in service to all instead of service to self.

Those who have held back in helping their fellow earth traveler out of their own personal fear for their personal safety, or who have wrung their hangs in anxiety wondering what to do, or have stayed stuck in inaction, or have been in service to self, or abused spiritual law and sought profit out of spiritual Knowledge, will not reap the soul benefit of this journey. They will instead join the ranks of those who refused to wake up and the dark ones.

Woe be to the members of the spiritual path who abuse their power, who violate Universal Law and turn the Creator's gift of Knowledge into self gain and money. They will suffer the greatest loss indeed. Their abuse of spiritual Knowledge in exchange for money is a heavier burden than even the selfishness and greed of those who abuse the Mother Earth and her children in the name of corporate profi! ts, power and control. Those who "sell" spirit and the free teachings of the Creator will suffer greater consequences than even those of the dark side. Their excuse that they must make a living will not hold water, for the Creator has given us millions of ways to earn a living. Selling spiritual information for self and profit has never been one of them. Those who continue to violate this Universal Law will weep for eons for the great boon from the Creator they abused and threw away. It will be a long time before they will have this opportunity again.... a very, very, very long time.

The path gets narrower the closer one gets to the top of the mountain. The heights are more precarious than the lowlands. It is the same in the spiritual journey. The Masters call it walking the razor's edge. Those who are awake carry a greater responsibility for their actions than those who are still asleep. Blatant disregard for Universal Law in "selling" spiritual knowledge (service to self and abuse of spiritual power) carries greater repercussions. The higher one climbs spiritually, the more responsible one is for ones actions. As such, the more responsible a soul becomes, the greater the fall for those who "know better" and violate Universal Law. Those who support these violators of Universal Law are just as responsible and will share the resulting spiritual fall.

Those who have stepped up to the plate and implemented the mission they accepted so long ago to raise the vibrations and bring the Golden Light into this world, those who have done their work for the benefit of all and not self, who have not shirked their duties, will find their sacrifice and effort rewarded beyond their wildest and best dreams. Those who have worked without thought of personal gain for themselves will suddenly find themselves in the ecsta! sy of the greatest joy with their deepest soul desires manifested and fulfilled, instantaneously.

Tuesday 9:59 pm

April 26, 2005

There is no more time.

Get clear on your mission. There is no more time. If you have made mis-steps, correct them Now. There is no more time. There is no one outside your Self who has the answers. You must go within and connect with the Source there. There is no more time. There is no one else to do this for you. There is no more time. There is no one besides yourself and your Self to "rescue" you. You are the one you have been waiting for. There is no more time. There is no one else who can raise your vibration, thus that of the world around you. There is no more time. What you love you will pull up with you. There is no more time.

Stop asking others what you are suppos! e to do. You already know what you are suppose to do. There is no more time. Go within, meditate, and thereby raise the vibrations within your self to reach your Self. There is no more time. Implant the Golden Light and thereby raise the vibrations of this world and all in it. There is no more time. It is simple. It is not complicated. Stop letting your mind fool you into believing that it is difficult, complicated, or something more. It's so simple. There is no more time.

Why do you want to complicate it? Meditate, radiate. You will automatically lose your fear, lose your questions, lose your weakness. You will automatically gain your spiritual power, your Knowing, your complete connection to Self and to the Source of All Being. You will have no more questions. You will stand in the Truth of the Golden Light and the Creator. You will be fearless in the face of! all things to come. You will walk in beauty. Stop making excuses. There is no more time.

The Creator and all of creation is waiting. There is no more time.

Stay in the Golden Light

All My Relations in Love and Light,

Turtle Woman, Oma
