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The Earth Kingdom Speaks

Through Pepper Lewis

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Gaia sentience is. I decided early on to guide her through several steps in the discovery process by attuning her individually to each earth kingdom. One by one we explored the plant and vegetable kingdom, the mineral kingdom and the animal kingdom. Later on, as she became acutely aware of the subtle nuances within each kingdom, we explored in great detail the responsibility that each kingdom carries as well as the role that each has been assigned at this critical juncture for both earth and mankind.

There were no lessons, only encounters and experiences. Each lesson and each being (when applicable) spoke for itself. I did not offer myself in my fullness as I do now for fear of overwhelming or overburdening one who had as yet not consciously agreed to any responsibility or charge. Although the decision had already been made at the soul level many lifetimes ago, it was imperative to allow this lifetime's personality the freedom to renew its choice for if not, what place would free will have in this or any other life?

She was not immediately aware of the presence of more than one being. Her interactions and encounters were brief and childlike at first, nurturing moments with a grandfather tree and magical episodes with faeries disguised as humming birds and butterflies. Each offered a glimpse into another world or another dimension as well as a view of the past, present and future. Each shared a vision of happier times as well as a path that led to the return of such times.

These experiences both saddened and gladdened her heart and helped to form the foundation from which her commitment to bring awareness of a sentient, self-realized and self-guided earth continues to this day. I share this brief history with you in order to prepare you for similar experiences. I can say with certainty that your experiences will more than likely be grander and fuller because many years have passed since what I have related took place. Those years have been active and interactive and much growth has taken place on your part and on mine. The earth is not as it was or what it was just as you are much different than you were a few short years ago.

The physical earth and the (my) sentience that directs it both needs and desires restructuring if it means to transcend the dimension that would otherwise destroy it. Humanity will soon follow suit and claim its rightful place as a divine race rather than a forgotten one. While restructuring takes place at a sub-molecular level and a non-linear pace its results are observable at an experiential level. As I did long ago, I now bring you a direct, but not so subtle experience of each kingdom. Each offers its own collective voice and you would do well to receive it as such as long as you do not perceive it as separate from the sentience that understands itself as whole. To do so would be an injustice to both the message and the messenger. Your mind and your heart are unique and distinct from one another yet the soul nurtures both as one.

The Plant & Vegetable Kingdom Speaks

Our words and our voice is a collective one. We seem to you so different from one another because a tree is not a flower and a flower is not a vegetable. This is true, but we are not as different as you might imagine and you are not as different from one another either. We choose to honor that which unites us and celebrate that which makes us unique. Humanity would do well to follow this example and it is our hope that it will. It is with a little apprehension that we share these words with you because we do not wish to be perceived as critical of another kingdom. We are as actors in a supporting role, we are here to benefit, assist and sustain the other kingdoms. We are a natural resource, a sentient extension of the physical planet. That is to say, we are self-aware as individual species and as the collective consciousness you call the plant kingdom. Our awareness allows us to be in communication with many other species and we are vibrationally attuned to the needs of the other kingdoms because this is aligned with our purpose.

Supporting All Life on Physical Earth

Our purpose is to support the physical earth and all life upon and within it. We understand ourselves to be a renewable resource and we delight in the many and varied uses by which we are employed. For instance, we are pleased to offer ourselves medicinally when appropriate and necessary. Healing is of great interest to us and many of our plant species have as yet undiscovered properties that we are eager to share with you. Interestingly, some of these properties would be considered controversial and most likely illegal within your cultures due to their narcotic influence. Still, these plants, or rather the fibers within them would be of great benefit to you because they are self-healing, meaning that they are aware of the purpose for which they are being introduced into a system or body. This kind of intelligence would make the healing process more quick and effective because communication between two or more sentient systems would take place and would not delay or the dull the process of healing as is common today. Toxic shock happens when there is an inability to send or receive healing communication messages by one or more aspects of physical beingness. An impasse is created when the body believes an invasion of grand proportion is about to descend upon the very system it has sworn to defend. When one kingdom is unable to recognize another as a mirror of its own perfection difficulty, disaster and death often follow. This is true at all levels of experience, the physical, the super-physical and the supra-physical. Our experience has proven this over time, as has our interaction with all levels of matter and non-matter within each kingdom and each earth element.

Feeding All Who Hunger for Plants and Vegetables

We are guided and influenced as individual species to respond in one or more ways. We are influenced, for instance, to feed as many as hunger for what we offer. To that end, we allow ourselves to ingest the chemical formulations that are offered into our soil and water although we would prefer to reject these. We do not possess individual will, that is to say, we cannot as individual plants choose to reject what we are fed. We are destined to allow nature to take its course, however, we trust in the longevity, rejuvenation and regeneration of this sentient planet (our home) to sustain and guide us through uncertain times such as these.

We dot mind that we are consumed or otherwise utilized to benefit humanity and the other kingdoms. This allows us to serve the purpose for which we created (grown). We would prefer to be consumed completely so there would be less waste, in fact, if this were the case there would be little or no waste because most species have been organically deigned to benefit the earth in many ways which are still misunderstood. It has been our experience that the current mindsets among those who study us slow our evolution and yours more than the deleterious environmental quality that surrounds all present day kingdoms.

Thriving When Humans Do

Our kingdom which consists of plants, trees, seeds, fruits, vegetables, roots, leaves, fronds, stems, flowers and all of the byproducts of these including those which are released into the air, water, soil and consumed by fire compose these words which now reach you. This same collective voice acknowledges our kinship to you and the other kingdoms. We thrive when you do and our conscious awareness transcends when yours does. The most evolved within our species are those whose purpose is fully understood and implemented. There is little differentiation as to whether we are serving to cleanse the liver of carcinogenic toxins or delivering a fragrant sense of well being to a stunned or lonely heart. Our simple desire is to be in communion with all life at a cellular transformative level.

We exist only in the present moment. We are fully aware and sentient of our permanence in the present moment but we have no awareness of the future as you do. A cabbage, for instance, is aware of its roots and every nuance of the soil that supports it. It is aware of its growth and its purpose, its neighbors in the garden and all of the elements that support it. It is aware that its purpose serves a greater good. Upon maturity it experiences a transformation as it is taken form the garden and introduced into a different environment and it experiences yet another transformation when it is consumed and experienced by another kingdom. All of these experiences take place as cellular sentience; they belong to the species and to the kingdom.

We are aware that you are concerned with your future yet we wonder if that is the case, why are you not concerned with the present? It is one of the many aspects about humanity that we do not understand. For our part, we will continue to offer ourselves as we do, fully, completely and in unconditional service to that which we call Great Wonder. We are content to be what we are.

The Animal Kingdom Speaks

We offer these words in one of your commonly used languages. We speak in many tongues and make many sounds, but our most common method of communication is what you would call body language. You also speak this language more often than you think, but often prefer to use words to say what you mean even when your eyes and your body contradict this. In our language there is no subtle misconception, no attempt to deceive. When we are hungry our intentions are well known, and even in cover of brush or darkness our energy emits a frequency that speaks what words could not say.

Communication at an Energetic Level

Many of us are predators and many humans are, too. But our methods of hunting and our attempts to feed our hungry families differ in many important ways. For instance, our body language and our vibration might say the following: "I am a mother and I must feed my hungry children. I honor your life force and the choice you have made to place yourself before me. By taking your life I further honor you as I will place your life force into my own body and that of my young." Does every species within our kingdom offer these thoughts prior to taking a life? No, because not all species are self-aware. Still, within what you call animal instinct there is a communication that exists at an energetic level. Humanity does not like to think of itself as predatory and it is likely that you prefer to call yourself a consumer.

We are considered the closest to the human kingdom in brain capacity and in development. We understand that you consider some of our primate species a distant relative of the human race. We hope you will not take offense if we do not always think this is a compliment. Those who volunteer themselves into your experimental care do so by choice and those who make attempts at communicating with you via symbolic language do the same. You believe that science is investigating nature, but of necessity nature must turn a wary eye toward science. Volunteers from every species participate in your experiments and live among you as you see fit. It is a collaborative effort on both our parts though many times what is learned seems to be of little benefit or significance to either of us.

Our history is a varied as yours. Many of us are native to this planet but some species were born elsewhere, genetically speaking. We find it interesting (and fortunate) that your predatory instincts find little interest in species that have origins elsewhere. It appears that what is not in your cellular memory holds little or no interest to you so in some ways our paths are parallel but do not intersect. We are interested in the present and the future, but have no interest in reconstructing our past. This is not because we are only interested in the survival of our individual species, but because we understand that perfection has brought us to this moment and will carry us beyond it. Development within the animal kingdom takes place at a different level of experience than for humans. We understand this and do not begrudge the many paths humanity takes in its effort to understand who and what it is while expanding in awareness.

Lack of Concern for Animals Can Become a Concern for Humans

What concerns us most as a species? The longevity of certain species, the departure of some of our companions, the encroaching of humanity in habitats that are precious and already few, and the lack of awareness with which our game animals are seized and thought of as wholesale commodities. Are we advocating that you become vegetarians in order to save our numbers? No, we understand your needs because we understand our own, but a severe lack of concern for us may soon become a concern for yourselves. When once species or kingdom turns upon another the result is often disastrous for both. Already there are viruses, infections and other anomalies within the game animals you consider a part of your food supply. This is not simply due to poor handling, but to a true breakdown of communication between and within species. True respect and communication supports inter-species and intra-species wellness whereas lack of respect and poor communication breeds illness which when ignored or unattended complicates issues further. We place no blame, we simply offer this topic for your consideration as the opportunity to speak our truth has presented itself.

Species Are Debating to Withdraw

We know that you are concerned about our ocean dwelling friends and with good reason. Their good will towards humanity has not been met with much kindness in return. You marvel at the oceans, their depth, beauty and color, and the myriad life forms found within it, but you take its permanence for granted and that is no longer the case. Levels of awareness within each species allow them to make collective choices within that awareness. The continued presence of certain species, even those who number in the thousands is not assured. Historic precedence has little ground to stand upon for never before have so many adjustments been necessary within so many species. There is confusion within even the most sentient of species and the choice to withdraw en masse is being debated at an energetic level. This choice could severely affect humanity and rest of the earth kingdoms. What if some of the integral cells of your body departed all at once? Your body would be forced to recreate itself if indeed that were possible, cells which are normally used for one function would have to immediately be deployed elsewhere and a state of emergency would exist in your body. The same would be true of the oceans; they are a body of water. Collectively we hope that this is not the case. It is our further hope that humanity's continued pattern of awakening brings up the care and concern that this subject deserves for alone we can do nothing.

We have more in common with you than your daily experience would offer. Although our present day circumstances may be very different our future is more alike than not. We are both dependent upon the earth for our survival, but beyond that we are dependent upon one another if we are to evolve in consciousness and awareness. You believe that your development as a species is tied to the chronology of the stars and what they will bring, but do not forget that viewed from space the earth also appears as a star. If you wish to learn, gain, grow and expand based upon what you hope to learn from others, would you not wish for something to share or demonstrate in return?

The Mineral Kingdom Speaks

We are the oldest kingdom of record. It is true that we are an earth kingdom, but we are much more than that as well. The diversity of our resources encompasses a vast part of the universe. Many of you are more comfortable living in one geographic area over another. While you may believe that it is the breathtaking coastline, the open plains or the forest canopy that draws you there, it is more likely that the composition of what is underneath the ground (the support) is what keeps you there. The earth is a composite of universal particles of density that created the earth's physical mass. This composite is not distributed evenly, but in uniquely and strategically placed energetic vortices. These seeming anomalies give the earth the diversity with which to enrich itself. They also serve as passive/active receptive/conductive force fields of energy that channel universal energy to everything that exists upon and within the earth. The radiation from the sun maximizes these energies; intensifying, lessening and stimulating their effect in order to promote accelerated growth of all that is within the earth's influence. These force fields of energy can influence an increase or decrease in the population of any species. They also influence how you relate to your environment because as a sentient species you "track" these energies everywhere you go. The difference between you feeling at home in one crowded city over another may therefore lie in what is underneath you, the substrate material of the earth, or the content and influence of the mineral kingdom.

Aligning with the Mineral Kingdom for a Smooth Transition

Our influence upon and between other kingdoms will soon be taking center stage. Each cosmic age ushers in shifts and changes. Just as humanity is experiencing an awakening of sorts, global warming and other environmental phenomena are awakening a purposeful call within the mineral kingdom to increase the flow of energy that it receives from the core of the earth. This stimulation affects the entire kingdom, but most specifically the crystalline threads that weave specific energetic patterns throughout the globe. It is no surprise that quartz movements govern your watches and timepieces and that organic and artificial silicon power your computers. As the twenty-first century continues to evolve one age will close and another will begin. Although these transitions are natural occurrences, how harsh or smooth they are upon humanity somewhat depends upon how aligned humanity becomes is in relation to both its physical and non-physical environments.

The mineral kingdom relates to humanity in both physical and non-physical ways. Our kingdoms are joined and one is never far or separate from the other. Human bodies contain minerals that are also relative to the earth; even the levels that support balance and well being are in ratio with that of the earth. It must be noted that as the earth continues to have its resources depleted, humanity will as well. If the earth falls out of balance humanity will do the same. Evidence of this is already in your midst so it is likely that these words will come as no surprise. If you wish to strengthen your bodies it is advisable to supplement your diets with minerals. Would it not also make sense to supplement the earth's reserves rather than deplete them?

What Is the Interior of the Earth Like?

There have been a variety of theories put forth regarding what the interior of the earth is like. These theories have brought up more questions than answers as well as stirred up a good deal of controversial rhetoric. In addressing this subject we hope to satisfy curious minds and allay ungrounded fears. The earth is hollow in certain places and quite solid in others. Although the earth is perfect, perfect uniformity would not be an accurate description. Diversity has always been the guiding force in all decisions relative to evolution. Land mass is not evenly distributed throughout the earth, it is in balance but it is not uniform. The same applies to the interior of the earth; it is in balance within the framework of the universal laws that govern it. This means that there is bio-diversity of all ecological earth and universal matter as well as purposeful development of all species and cultures that make their home within the interior of the planet.

At the very center of the earth is its core. The core of the earth is not hollow, but it is non-physical. It is pure sentient energy that can be compared to the sun's radiation as it moves outward from the core. It then enters a radiation field that amplifies, disperses, reflects and energizes all life. The radiation field begins the process of physicalizing energy. It has the ability to make the earth's intent solid or dense. Non-physical energy moves through and becomes solid energy in crystalline "beds" that grow energy.

This is one of the reasons that the Human kingdom finds such attraction in crystals of every kind, magnitude, color and shape. At deep levels of consciousness you are aware that this is the energy of creation. Your participation with this energy acknowledges your desire to be in balance and well being in heart and soul, or in physical and non-physical ways. Each species within the mineral kingdom attracts a very specific form of energy that it then "ensouls." This amplifies the healing and nurturing properties of the energy and personalizes them somewhat. This personalization makes them more or less attractive to you according to need and desire.

Rocks, crystals, gemstones and precious metals all play a large part in your life. Why are you more interested in yellow gold than white gold, for instance, or less interested in copper than platinum? It is not based entirely on financial or aesthetic value as you might imagine although heredity and culture certainly influence your societies. Your attraction is based upon polarity and soul origin more than any other criteria and it is your body's duty as an extension of your soul to make you as comfortable here as possible. The mineral kingdom influences and assists you from within and without, its healing aspect is its nature and its nature is to heal.

Partnering with the Mineral Kingdom

Crystalline energy has been used to heal and power the planet before, as an idea it is not novel though its approach certainly can be. Humanity is beginning to understand in just how many ways quartz can be used. Expanding upon these theories, you will soon come upon other ways to channel rather than harness energy and healing from the minerals. What is the difference? One method partners the kingdoms; the other places them at odds. Humanity is still at odds with itself over many issues that it must resolve, the crystals and the energy they will reveal will wait patiently until the time is right. Crystalline energy will not allow itself to be used in the fashioning of weapons. This has already proven to be detrimental to all aspects of the earth. We will lend our efforts to technology but not to weaponry. This has already been tested and found to be true. A mountain hurries not in creating its summit because it knows its crowning is assured, there is no other waiting to take its place. The mineral kingdom was the first and it will one day be the last, but that time will yet reveal itself beyond the now.

It is obvious that the mineral kingdom is the most dense or solid of all, but the properties that govern and direct it are also the subtlest. Humanity's growth has also been subtle in comparison to that of life on other worlds, but that will soon change. Assisted by its partner kingdoms all will shift into places of higher awareness. It is the desire of the mineral kingdom to make your transition as smooth as possible. We hope you will continue to welcome the assistance we offer you from within, without and underneath. We will continue to make ourselves available to you until instructed to do otherwise by wisdom and intelligence beyond our own.

Gaia Speaks

As you have welcomed the words of the kingdoms I have offered one day soon others will welcome a new kingdom into their midst. The next generation of humanity is poised to become the first to be considered genetically divine. These beings will be born beginning in 2007 and will reach maturity in twenty-two years. Their agenda will be explicitly peaceful and their nature expansively creative. They will be engineers and architects, scientists and healers. They will be interested in healing the present and creating the future. You will exclaim and take note of the color of their eyes that will be decidedly violet. Later, you will take note of their deeds, which will positively influence your own and confirm the life that you have been aspiring to live.

I can no longer offer you "dress rehearsals" in which you improve your costume but not your part, but I remain committed to the evolution of a conscious awareness that will spark your true nature now and always. I am always in your debt; heartfully present and hopelessly underfoot.

© Pepper Lewis & The Peaceful Planet, 2003. This article is presented for your reading and enjoyment. It can also be shared in whole or in part with others who may find it of value as long as it is for personal use. All other reprints including electronic transmissions designed for commercial use must receive permission from the author. To receive further messages and/or be placed on our mailing list, please send an e-mail to or call (818) 713-1966.
