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Functioning In The New Energies

From: Edna G. Frankel

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and unfolding of the perfection of your lives. For no matter how sad it seems, no matter how difficult it feels, each day brings a new solution, a new answer, a new direction, if you will but only look at that problem and say that problem is here for a reason, so that I may learn the answer to it. That is the easiest way to get out of your own way! Forgiveness, of course, is the key to progress within the new energies. Forgiving yourself for all that has happened to you, for all you have done, for all that you have allowed to happen, usually not knowing why or how. Patterns within patterns, circles within circles, and in looking back you will see how perfect the lessons and the learning truly were. Our overriding message in this time, as we have stated often, is the need to clear the physical body of internal pressures.

No matter what you have accomplished at the spiritual, mental and emotional levels, your bodies still need to be cleared. It is that simple, and that difficult. Indeed, the weight of the new energies through which you are rising makes you feel as if gravity has actually gotten heavier. It is the push-pull, you see, between the rising energies, which are clearer and cleaner, and the lower energies that hold you in density and contain the debris of everything that has risen to be cleared. Yes, even the issues and illnesses you thought long healed, all those patterns leave "physical debris" in the body which must be flushed out - that is why some of you are suffering relapses of illness back through your childhood years. All must be cleared through the body's meridians! That is why we have come forward at this time with the Circle of Grace exercise for you, to gain mastery over your health, your energy and your lives.

The more you work on each other, the more all will benefit. It is now time for the lightworkers to be healed, for when the masses begin to shift, or become aware that they are shifting, well, you will not have enough hands or time in the day, dear ones, and money will never be an issue again, you see. Your talents will be so needed! And along with that need will come new respect and new understanding, a rebalancing, if you will, an opening at the more mundane societal level, even if not to partake of, but at least to understand and allow that which you do to be valuable and needed. So we say to you, dear gathering of dedicated lightworkers, your energetic holistic work will get easier, and the need for it will grow.

In the meantime, as you do the work and try to survive through all of these interesting experiences you are having, we will remind you that which you seek is joy. In the last segment we spoke of the elements that you need to have to create and sustain happiness in your lives. The first element is loving relationships. No man was meant to be an island. It is through sharing love with others that you truly fulfill your life path, to support and be supported on your journey. Having a loving family network or a loving friend network is one of the key elements of joy.

The second element is having a belief system. Those people who believe in nothing are the saddest people on the planet. And that is the spiritual bottom line - having belief in oneself or belief in Creator - of course we would advise you to bring those two together, yes indeed, that is the thrust of our teachings: You Are Divine! Belief in a greater good, belief in the potential for advancement, whatever it is that you believe in - having a belief structure is essential for joy.

The third key ingredient for joy is to live through your heart and do the work of your heart. There are many, many people that do everyday work and do not realize that just by being in that space and performing that task, they are anchoring love and healing for those around them. So we do not say that your work needs technically to be healing work, it just has to be work that you enjoy, work that makes you light-hearted. If you have these three things, loving humans around you, belief in your own potential and that of the Universe (in whatever definition you are comfortable with), and the ability to do what you love and be happy doing what you are doing, these three things will heal your lives, dear ones. The rest is just a matter of time and application of your talents.

So in this new series, which we call "Welcome To The Now", this is your homework: Seek Joy! That which does not resonate, dear ones, can no longer be denied or ignored. Those things must be dealt with and balanced, for in this new level of energy, all that is out of balance will make you ill. Doing that which you love, the opposite side of the coin, will bring you health, energy and love in such huge amounts that you will resonate with joy for all those around you.

It matters not what you do, it only matters how you feel about what you do. Many of you here understand our message, yet know that your jobs sustain your lives and families; you cannot simply drop everything and seek your joy. To you we say, what is it that you enjoy doing? Music? Art? Photography? Cooking? Whatever your vocation may be, we urge you to find your avocation, and make room in your busy schedules to do that which makes you light-hearted. Feeding your soul with the joy of performing your talents is vital, vital in these times. If you cannot turn your avocation i nto your vocation, please find time in your lives to do that which makes you happy! Even if you cannot see a way yet to transition away from the work you are familiar with, why deny yourselves the joy of an afternoon spent painting, or playing an instrument, or taking a class in the evenings to learn more about your hobbies? Indeed, finding joy in any part of your lives will make the humdrum parts more bearable.

We would also like to say, as we answer different unspoken questions around the room, that in your deepest, darkest hour, when you have given up and you have totally denied Spirit, we are still there comforting you and holding you. Do not be afraid, for there is nothing that you can say or do or think that can turn God against you. You only have to forgive yourself. In terms of being useful, it doesn't matter if you are working or retired, there are always ways for you to share your energy, your knowledge and your love. Even if it is just making a joke and getting the person at the cash register to smile back at you, that is a moment of healing, you see. And that is the crowning moment of your day for Spirit, when you make someone else feel better. So many of you are empaths, you do not realize that your very presence is healing, that your attitude helps to open minds, that your kindnesses are so appreciated, that you do have such an impact on others.

Indeed, we are very honored to be here in this room in your presence tonight, for it is we who continue to learn from your group gatherings, we who are shown time and again that what we do is of value to you, and for that we are very, very grateful. It is thanks to your efforts that we perform our service to the Divine Plan. There are no words to convey how grateful we are, except to say, dear ones, never give up! Never give up hope, you are all so vital to the work we do together.

Yes, there will be transitions around you, many trials and tribulations, but the more you see them as lessons, the more quickly they will evaporate and leave you the joy of learning. And you will get to a point where none of it will hurt any more and none of it will matter, you see, because the mind indeed is stronger than the matter, and what's the matter with most people is that they don't understand the workings of their own minds (chuckle).

Some of you here are angels, yes, walking angels spreading sweetness and light. There are others here who are on a mission, yet others who are here to finish what was left undone in prior incarnations. Everyone in this space is in transition, you see, for this earth-plane itself is merely a physical transitional space. We will remind you that you are Eternal, that you existed before your birth and that you will not cease to exist after your death. For indeed your death is the finest out-of-body experience you will ever have (chuckle)! On a more serious note, know that many deaths are specifically planned as part of a lesson, or the culmination of lessons. Once those lessons are lived through and assimilated, the soul is done with that lifetime. This is especially true for children who die young - they took on that contract before they came in. Know that they earned twelve lifetimes for it, to put it into linear terms. They are very much honored for this by Spirit, that they embraced it for the specific reason of being the example, of being the object of the lesson for those around them. Take heart, and be at ease, for the pain is done and the spirit is free.

There will be many choices before you. Weigh what you need to in terms of survival and what is good for those around you, absolutely. That is the way, you see. The decision must come from the heart, not from the mind, for the mind will keep you trapped in duality. For those of you who are seeking to move beyond duality, beyond the linearity, we say, dear ones, you will still wake up in the morning and see that same face in the mirror. The fact that you are in bodies will not change. And yet as your senses expand and your wisdom grows, as your understanding of non-physical energetics increases, that face will shine more and more, and you will attract to you that new higher resonance you are projecting. So have patience and faith in yourselves, no matter how many times you think, I have to do this again, it didn't work last time, why am I doing this again? Or, everybody's telling me it's not going to work, but I must persevere. It is truly vital to work from the heart, which will often seem very illogical to those around you. Have faith in yourselves and your own potential! Then you will find that those around you will begin to reflect the same. That is the Law of Attraction. We also mention here the Law of Balance. There is a great need for you to sleep more, to rest, to keep flushing the body with spring water in order to release built-up toxins. There will come a time soon when you will only feel half-functional, so we say to you now, cut your to-do list in half and be happy if you get any of it done! The rest will be there waiting; just remember where you put the list (chuckle). None of this may be news to you, but it applies in a different way in this new energy for the many things coming up now to be cleared. It is the repetition that is the teaching. Once you get through the understanding and believing part, you will naturally start to process the final stages of your rebirth - the manifestation of all these concepts is taking them into your bones and your cells and believing to the depths of your being. Not saying one thing and doubting what you're saying. Be-ing totally in your beliefs - that will propel you into "Godhood".

For indeed, what is this process of ascension, dear ones? It is taking off the mask, taking off the illusion and revealing what was always there, before the beginning of even this planet: your own eternal selves. If you could only believe in your own divinity, in your own eternal be-ingness, then whatever happens in the life of your bodies is irrelevant. It is wonderful learning, yes, but none of it is as dark and dismal as it may seem to be. For even the worst thing that can happen to a person, death itself, we say is only a transition, and one that we actually enjoy very much as we welcome you Home.

It is the birth you celebrate so much that we find sad, for indeed that is the separation for us, when we lose these beautiful angels. Why? Because they lose their own awareness of who they truly are when they go down into density. So for us the birth is the sad part and death is the reunion, which is backwards to your thinking, but also gives you plenty of room to grow!

We will also ask you to release the balance of these societal restrictions that you carry along with all the vows that you have broken. Please, do not to judge anything, in any manner, for you never know what lies beneath. That is the most important thing you can teach your children, for society distorts the image of beauty and children kill themselves over it, and that is so sad. And yet there is always learning there, it is for society to learn, you see, to change that image, to allow for differences, to allow for individuality, to allow for the beauty of every snowflake and every human being that is so different and unique.

We say to you there is no judgment in Spirit, never has, never will be. For indeed, if one fully understands unconditional love, it is loving all forms of life, no matter what the form, no matter what the shape, no matter what the color. This judgment lesson is being played out now at a global level at a time where there is finally a net of communication around the globe. Yes, you have called it the "internet" and indeed the biggest spiritual tool on this planet is that very thing - pure, instant communication. Progress comes with the access of information, the potential for growth in networking together. So many more things now are coming up to be cleared, at all levels. Why? Because you have global communications, because you know what is going on in every moment around the world. So everybody's woes come into, not just your backyard, but now into your living rooms. As you become a global human, you will go through mourning for all the victims you see around you. You will go through grief, you will go through anger at the waste and the stupidity, and yet so many levels exist - this is a planet of contrast.

The Earth is one of the most difficult planets on which to be learning, for there is such a variety here in terms of energy, in terms of light and dark - yet what better place for the dark to transmute to light! There are many other planets of learning that could not do what you are doing now for they are too homogenous, you see. It is the interaction, it is the contrast, it is the sparks between people that teaches, that causes growth. The more interconnected you are, the more lessons you can work on. The more variety on this planet, the more variety of energetic levels that you can learn and jump (for some people), leap for others and crawl for some (chuckle). It matters not how fast or how far, it only matters that you try! It only matters that you love, and it only matters to Spirit that you are happy. It was never an intent in the Divine Plan for totality of suffering with no relief. Indeed, most of the suffering here has been created by men and perpetuated by men. And we will say that all your concepts of suffering and hell, if you will, are very tightly kept to the planet itself, you see. It's very much part of the 3D world, rather than the realms beyond it. You can indeed leave all those negative concepts behind, you see, and create new and better concepts of how you perceive your own divinity.

For again we remind you that you are each and every one an expression of the Divine Source, and you carry the energy of Divine Source or you would not be in animate bodies at this moment. It is that Divine Source energy that animates your bodies, it is not merely genetics, it is not merely a composition of cells. We will also say, just for the record, that the biggest problem there is with cloning is that you cannot clone a soul! You will not find success in any of these avenues because the original being is the soul. You cannot split a soul, nor create a soul to animate an object. Soul already was - so you will find that most of these experiments eventually will not work and will not be financially profitable because indeed it is not possible. Cloning can be perpetuated, of course, but the created body will never be what the original was, nor will it function in the proper way, nor will it last. That is just sacred science. It is the soul that is the spark of life, not the human, animal or plant body that is the beginning of life.

Lastly, we wish to say that the best remedy for all your ills right now is resting, and switching your mental focus. As you rise into the new energies, as you start to feel the energy coming in and the energy going out that you create, you will start to understand what it takes to walk, to lift, even to think. There are people who waste so much energy in thinking in loops, dear ones, it is exhausting for all of us! (Chuckle). Know that you expend physical energy with mental worry. It is much more valuable to change your focus to think of something totally different and disallow the negative loops. Take responsibility for your thoughts! Be in charge of your mind, not vice-versa, or you will manifest your worst fears! To be able to change your emotional state at will is a very valuable tool, rather than being pushed and pulled by the events around you and reacting to them.

You are far better served lying down and taking a nap rather than trying to do something for the twelfth time that is not working or mentally going over an argument for the fifteenth time that never got resolved or wishing that something had gone a different way, though it did not. These are all ways in which you waste energy. Each time you make the mental shift and disallow those negative thoughts, what are you doing? You are adding joy to your heart, you are refocusing on happiness, and pretty soon that will become your comfort zone. It takes time and practice, for all that you are doing is so unusual and so unique. You were not born with these skills, you were not born into this transitional time the way the Indigoes and Crystal children are, the way the new generations are coming in. You are creating for yourselves what they have and for that - being the transitional generation - we hold you in the highest regard.

Know that you are never alone, except when you want to be. Know that we are always ready and waiting, for being in the Now we do not measure time in units that are lost. We are always there, and there are so many of us, yes indeed a good ratio is 5 - 1, if you wish, though there are many more levels of spiritual help available than you realize. We hear you and honor you and are very glad to serve. The higher the energy gets, the closer you get to having your own individual channel, to keying into your own higher selves and getting heart-directed guidance in an instant. Years from now, decisions that came at great cost to you in this time will be so easy to make in the future. You will definitely see growth in your own strength and confidence, the more you clear, the more you allow. So now we will give you our parting blessings and we wish you all health, wealth and peace of mind. Know that peace of mind brings all the rest along, you see. It is difficult to leave this wonderful group of devoted lightworkers, and we promise that will speak again. There are many more than just Reiki Share Brothers here tonight, and we are all truly honored to share this time and space with you.

- We are, in All Love, the Brotherhood of Light.

Copyright 2004 by Edna G. Frankel Channeled Non-Fiction All Rights Reserved Copyright 2004 Sedona Journal Magazine April 2004 Submission Written Jan. 21, 2004
