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Message From the Future

Paula PEterson

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e may never be adequate words created to describe such an

experience: for such experiences are still a mystery to Westernized

thinking and often viewed with a great deal of skepticism. Although,

many people told me outright that they had never believed in

channeling - until they saw me channel - the phenomena is still an enigma.

I suppose my channeling was convincing because I went through such a

major personality change - along with a noticeable energy that filled

the room whenever I channeled. People experienced the actual energy of

the beings that transmitted through my body and their field of energy

greatly expanded my own. Such is to be expected of vibrantly alive

beings that have few limitations.

Even though channeling has gotten some bad rap over the years (mostly

because of careless charlatans), it has been a skill respected for

thousands of years as a natural, valuable and divine ability that was

honored and revered in ancient times --- and is still so in certain

religious sects and indigenous tribes around the world. They simply

give the phenomena a different name.

In ancient times and in certain cultures, one who had such a skill was

sometimes called an oracle.

Throughout thousands of years, people often sought out the wisdom of

the oracle to gain some insight into troubling times - both for

themselves or for their societies. Those oracles who used their skills

to help humankind were held in highest regard: for they were, indeed,

valuable sources for enlightenment and inspiration who seemed to have

a direct phone line to the Divine.

So --- what was it like?

It was an act of shifting my consciousness into a state of deep

surrender and becoming very "empty" - like emptying out all thoughts

and then opening myself up to trust the source to "share space" with

my mind. Although, I didn't loose consciousness like some channelers

claimed they did, I came close to it.

I channeled for years and it was one of the most beautiful, awesome

and memorable experiences of my life. It changed me forever in very

positive and healing ways. As a result, I was thrust into a busy

public life, with extensive travel, for several years.

Why they chose me - a shy, quiet woman at the time - as their

spokesperson is still a mystery. But as they stated many times, they

knew me before: it was I who forgot. I have to admit that I miss the

frequent presence of these beings: it was like having an invisible

ensemble of friendly folk following me around all the time. Each had

their own character and some were quite funny.

Their field of intelligence and influence caused my thinking and

perceptions to dramatically evolve. Even parts of my brain became

highly activated - like the muscles one begins to use that were not

used before. It became necessary to have a couple of cranial

adjustments which helped to ease the pressure of the slight increase

in my brain size. No kidding!

I learned more from these beings about how do deal with life

situations, how to elevate and shift my perceptions, how to achieve

greater grace and ease, how to use my creativity, and how to treat

people than any other source or practice I have ever come across.

What ever happened to them -- and are they completely gone now?

In a sense - they took a giant step back to allow me to move through

my own processes for a few years. One or two of the group still hang

around a lot --- probably for the amusement, I think! They make me

laugh, too, quite a bit: their humor is wonderful and it always seems

to come at the perfect time.

The past few years have been dedicated to working on myself: on

healing my body from a severe auto accident and on working on my own

personal issues that got put on the back burner during those years of

being in service to others seven days a week as a teacher, counselor

and public speaker.

Will I channel again? I think so ... but probably in a different way.


Following is a transmission that channeled through me a few years ago.

It is a brief description of our world in the future --- a world that

we are creating here and now.

The Source is a collective intelligence that calls itself/themselves

EA (ee-yah) and they explain that we can quicken our evolution and

bring in the new heaven and new earth by living now "as though it were

already true."


We understand that you are curious about the future, and we are more

than grateful for the opportunity to share these insights with you.

Nothing gives us greater pleasure than to show off a bit and to entice

your curiosity with a glimpse of our Reality - which is the future of

humanity and the future of Earth.

In the telling about ourselves and revealing Future Earth, we believe

that it will influence - in a positive way - the choices that you will

make. We wish for you to know that even though your world seems to be

on the brink of disaster, there is hope and there is a bright future

that awaits you.

But first, let us give you a little background on ourselves.

We have often been called angels, for that is what we seemed to be to

those who have seen us but could not believe that we were "time

travelers" and evolved humans from a Future Earth. But to call us only

human would give a false impression of our true nature. And yet, to

call us "extraterrestrial" is only a partial truth at best. Even

though many of us were born of celestial citizenry, many more of us

are indigenous to Earth --- Future Earth.

If you were to observe our society, you would be in wonderment of many

differences. However, the biggest difference you might notice in the

human is a noticeable reduction of speaking. Why? Contrary to what

many of your scholars believe, the use of a spoken language and the

written word is not an indication of advanced civilization. Rather, it

is an indication of a civilization that has abandoned or forgotten its

lineage of more advanced ancestors from the stars.

Speaking and writing of words is a slow process. Thousands of years

ago, when humans adapted to this practice as a means of communicating

with one another, it drastically slowed the evolutionary progress of

your races. Telepathy, and more importantly, tel-empathy, is the

pathway of communication of more evolved societies.

So you must surmise by now that in the future we are nearly a

speechless society.

We may speak less, but we play more. The energy required to generate

spoken words as well as to write them is immense. It is quite

effortless to commune with another through tel-empathy --- a feeling

and imagery-oriented form of communication.

Imagery, feeling, sensation - that is our primary means of

communication. In your world, infants, small children, and animals -

in particular, dolphins - are quite adept at tel-empathy for the most

part. Unfortunately, it not often recognized as a form of

communication, and in small children it is not encouraged. And so this

precious ability is greatly suppressed in human nature.

In our Reality, time is insignificant. We do not measure the passing

of instances and funnel them into digital expressions. And yet, there

are no words in your vocabulary that we can use to adequately describe

what our experience is of this.

In fact, often the greatest difficulty we have in communicating with

you is the use of your languages. Much of your language does not even

begin to convey the meaning we wish to give to you. This can make it

most tricky when we discuss concepts that are far reaching. And in

this respect, our communications can often lead to misconceptions and

misinterpretations. Nevertheless, we can still impart important ideas,

especially to those who are more inclined to be open minded and are of

a more sensitive nature.

It can be far easier to communicate our visionary ideas through

innovations in the "creative arts" since this is closer to the manner

in which we express ourselves: music, sounds, song, art, imagery,

dance, sky-painting, water-markings, motions, visions, inspirations,

and so forth. As a result of our influences, you will learn to use

your minds in more productive and creative fashions.

In comprehending our Reality - which will help you understand the

direction humanity is heading - you must give up your attachment to

karma and past lives. This exists only in realities like yours, where

the inhabitants achieve gradual spiritual and evolutionary progress

after repeated "mistakes" lifetime after lifetime - a very slow

process and not at all a common condition among other forms of

intelligent life in the cosmos.

But this is changing at a more accelerated rate now, for there are

increasing numbers of you who are finally grasping that you attract

your Reality according to your level of consciousness, and to where,

what, and how you place the focus of your attention. So why only

gradually evolve through sleepy lifetimes, when you can leap and bound

ahead with the exuberance of a fully awakened state? This will give a

clue to the future that awaits you: a fully conscious and awakened state.

We are highly creative and do not sleep and do not dream - for

dreaming and wakefulness are the same. Ever had an extraordinarily

vivid lucid dream where you directed the outcome of events? Did you

feel the exhilarating energy of it? And did you notice that it seemed

far more real and alive than your normal waking state? Well, then,

that is the state of existence in which we live - and perhaps you were

visiting us during those lucid dreamtime moments!

Now if you were a dolphin, all that we have said thus far would make

complete sense, because this is exactly how a dolphin navigates

through life. Dolphins do not sleep, neither do they dream. It is not

necessary, for they are fully conscious. Of them we will say much

more, because they play a crucial role in your future. However, for

now, if none of what we say to you makes sense, do not become

distraught. Just play with the idea for a while. Understanding will

come to you "in time."

Now, let us look at some highlights of the future.

In looking at the series of events which lead you from Earth Present

to Earth Future, we can tell you that when you eventually abandoned

your fear of alien races, you also constructed a form of global

leadership that was all-inclusive of this new cultural design. Many of

the fearful ones who resisted the arrival of extraterrestrial visitors

simply had to pass away, and in so doing, allowed those to rise into

positions of power who intuitively knew that the future holds a

peaceful conglomeration of nations - not just of nation states, but of

star nations as well.

You lost your fear and you built a new world. But that was after you

pulled yourselves through war and subsequent strife. You emerged

reborn from the ashes, so to speak. Crisis forced you to see how

important it was to band together, to form one global family instead

of promoting and sustaining segregation.

Some of the very basics and beginnings of a unified global

consciousness are already being demonstrated in your collective

endeavors to meditate at specific times in order to shift the course

of events so that you may create world peace. Imagine, if you will,

that when enough of you have mastered the power of the collective

mind, you will come to know our world more intimately.

The next stage and path of evolution that beckons you is meant to be

trod by liberty seekers - not just liberty of the physical body and

social justice, but in seeking the liberty of the mind. In taking this

path, humankind will make extraordinary leaps, and a burst of new

enlightenment will dawn upon your world. This will greatly accelerate

the evolution of your kind in ways that are largely unfathomable to

many. And yet, you will reach frontiers of consciousness that are

merely glimpsed now by the more lofty and visionary souls of your era.

Your present state of existence is similar to primitive in many

respects - and that is not meant to imply that you are of lesser

importance than we are. Quite the contrary, we marvel at your

struggles and we rejoice at your breakthroughs. And it is precisely

because of your victories and progressive achievements that you set

the foundation for our world - your future. However, the power of your

consciousness still eludes you for the most part simply because you

hold yourselves at bay and rarely step into that realm of the infinite

without trepidation.

What can we say about war on Future Earth? There isn't any, and no

need for such measures to bring about justice and peace. Peace begets

peace - it is no more complicated than that. You discover this soon

enough in your present circumstances as more people in your era join

the forces of Light that focus on peace to bring about peace rather

than waging war - which only forces an acquiescence and is not a true

state of peace.

Is there famine and starvation in the future? Of course not. How could

there be, when there is sharing and giving across all borders, across

all boundaries, and across all beliefs? No one lacks or goes without

on Future Earth.

Sound Utopian? It is not only possible, but real, and you created it

with your desire for a better world.

There is no need for currency. You finally abolished this form of

exchange when it became possible for more and more of you to simply

exchange services and earn "points" or "favors." You became a culture

that shares with and serves one another, which lifted the veil of

separation that all too often is generated in your world because of

your perceptions and use of money.

Is there central government? Not in the form you presently know.

Instead, we serve the whole by honoring the individual. Your Internet

was the foundation for this great shift, and it will be seen by you,

in the not-too-distant future, that the power of the individual is

restored. It was long in its coming, but it was achieved.

There are no hospitals or prying clandestine organizations. Sickness

is no more on Future Earth, because you achieved more fulfilling

lifestyles, healthier eating habits, and a greater harmony with your

bodies as well as with the Earth. And as you matured as a race and

grew beyond your fears, there became no need for secret organizations

to spy on its citizens.

Without those long-standing institutions, you may ask, how then do we


Our Reality will not make sense to some of you since your structures

of government, chain-of-command, in addition to societal paranoia,

have been set firmly in place for so long that you can hardly conceive

of an existence without them.

What about ecology? Instead, think of "epitome" - for it is the

essence of life that we honor and all is sacred on Earth and is

blessed to us. Your present ecological concerns evolved into a global

epiphany where you finally realized that humanity and ecology are one.

You implemented that awareness which became the epitome of our

existence. Our global respect for nature, each other and all living

things initiated a rapid rejuvenation of a world that you thought you

were losing.

And where do your celestial brothers and sisters fit into all of this?

You will embrace your comrades and relatives from the stars, but first

you will have to come to terms with how you treat each other. You will

eventually lose your fear of these celestial citizens, just as you

lose your fear of and hostility toward your fellow human.

Those who have the greatest fear and hostilities will need to pass

away before the new and bolder generation can rise up to take the

helm. They will, indeed, rise up and lead your countries into greater

union and camaraderie, and this will build the foundation for your

future alliance with those from the stars.

Once these relationships improve, the gates of heaven will open wide

and you will find yourself surrounded by a glorious new world in which

there were always celestial friends awaiting your return - you simply

could not see them for the fear and doubt that clouded your perception.

And what of the dolphins? There are no dolphins on Future Earth. Why?

Because they have become human. Is that a disappointment to some of

you? Let it not be disappointing, because you shall soon understand

that many dolphins are already sharing human bodies in your era. And

many more shall incarnate into human bodies as increasing numbers of

humans achieve a greater grace and ease with their lives, which shifts

the entire collective frequency of your world. The lifting of the

vibrational frequency of humankind will accommodate the consciousness

of dolphins, making it much easier for them to inhabit human forms.

The dolphins will take a new role among humans when it is determined

beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are indeed equals. It will come

to pass, as a result of your own scientific research, that dolphins

have capabilities that far exceed those of humankind. And yet the most

proud among you will not submit to these findings and will debate and

argue against this. It will be seen over and over again in subsequent

testing that dolphins out-range the best of humans in areas of

cognitive feats that will astonish even the most ardent of scientists.

What will you say then when it is discovered that the brain of the

dolphin is proven to be more evolved than that of the human?

And what does this more evolved brain do with its time? Does it

generate technologies? Does it entertain itself with distractions?

Does it analyze nature through science? Does it manipulate

governments, nations, public policy, or corporations? No! Instead

the evolved brain becomes the implement by which a Higher Creative

Power channels its creative energies into shifting the course of

events and navigating the waters of Utopia: a vast and endless ocean

of joyful and playful possibilities, fuller expression of creativity,

and future enthusiasms achieved by leaping beyond old concepts and

bounding effortlessly upon waves of uncertainty.

It is the nature of consciousness to seek a form that allows its

fullest expression. Doesn't it make sense, then, that those in your

Reality who are the least limited and the most free to experience the

joy of life and the creative play of true genius are the dolphins?

They are the saviors of your world in many respects. And even though

this may seem laughable to some, and ridiculous to others, think not

that these beings are any less intelligent or profound simply because

they do not speak your languages and do not take the form of human.

Let them - and the free-thinkers and visionaries of your world - light

the way into the future. Let them ignite your imagination as to all

the possibilities. It is not beyond your ability to imagine a Reality

that is far freer, in nearly all respects, than what you have now!

Not only is it possible, but achievable. For you created Future Earth.

You are the inheritors of a new world and you are our ancestors.

Let this awareness seep into your heart and soul so that you can and

will call up from deep within you the memory of an era in which all

that we speak of was already in existence. You are merely reclaiming

what was once yours to begin with.

You must live now as though it were already true, for in so doing you

manifest more rapidly the peaceful, bountiful and beautiful world you

all long for.