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A Message from Isis

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ve walked among you . . . have walked the Earth.

As Mother Mary anchors the Divine Feminine energy in the ethereal, I,

Isis and many others, anchor the same in the Earth plane.

The union of Divine energy of the Feminine/Masculine aspect of the

Godhead will bring forth an enormous energy force that will change the

direction of mass consciousness, and I will bring forth upon this

plane the "Great Awakening" of mankind spoken of in your holy books.

First let me say, every st ar, every planet, has multiple parallel

dimensions. And the ones you can see with your physical eyes, that to

your scientists, seem barren and unable to hold life is not the

dimension in which life abounds. Imagine yourself coming from a world

where everything lives in complete peace, love, and harmony. Where

pain, sorrow, disease, nor death, nor want, nor imbalance of any kind

is existent. Where all lives truly are One. A world of indescribable

beauty. There are no words in any language upon the face of the Earth

to describe this world, they all fall short. A world where all is

Light in a brilliance and in shades of color beyond your imagination.

Where you hear beautiful music in complete harmony that comes from the

tones put forth by each and every entity's being, as well as the tones

from every living thing - music that blends in such beauty even the

most talented musician upon this plane could never replicate it.

A world where t he flowers look as if they are brilliantly colored

crystal and give off tones of beauty and fragrance beyond description.

A world where if you wish to sit down, you simply think chair and sit

down without turning around to see if it is there. If you wish to

change the color or design of your home, or your furniture, you simply

imagine it and it appears. Where if you want to go to a certain place,

no matter how far away it is, you think of the place and before you

can say "Shazam," you are there.

In this world all are androgynous, both male and female, and

self-procreate, by simply deciding they wish to have a child, the

birth of which is pain-free and an event that is celebrated by all.

This child then becomes the responsibility of all to nurture, not ju!

st the mother/father that bore the child. And education of this child

becomes the responsibility of all from birth to what you term teen

years. Education is a matter of choice and is seen as a privilege and

not something that is forced upon one. This young child can then

choose higher education, which is completely different than Earth,

where subjects taught are on a Universal basis and takes many years to

complete; or they may choose to go into training for some chosen field.

Take that world and multiply all the wonderful, beautiful, and

harmonious things your imagination can think of and you still you will

not come close to the world I come from; the dimension of Oneness with

All That Is! Of Oneness with the Source of All Creation. The same

place you come from.

To come to Earth I had to come down through the dimensions one at a

time, lowering my vibrations with each dimension, with each level of

each dimension, until I reached and entered the host body of which I

am now inhabiting. If I had not done so I would not have survived to

tell the story, let alone complete the mission of which I came to do.

Just as each of you must raise your vibrations in order to ascend into

the fifth dimension, then to the next and the next and so on. I also

must reraise mine as I return and go back through each dimension.

Upon coming through the fourth-dimension into the third I passed

through the veil of forgetfulness, just as each of you have done upon

entrance into the earth plane. Also, like you, I am having to

remember. On June 14, 1971 I entered into the host body of that which

was born 9-9-1937, (all you astrologists and numerologists out there,

what does this tell you?) Of course in all fairness to you who are

astrologists I must tell you once you reach a certain level of

development astrology no longer pertains to you, you have overcome the

forces. For all intents and purposes I became human and received a

'crash course' in what that meant. By that I mean, I experienced more

in the short time I have been here than most do in several lifetimes.

This was necessary so I could relate to others in their life experiences.

I love mankind . . . ALL OF MANKIND. . . those who make choices in

their lives that will cause them heartache and pain, I feel . . . I

have for eons, as well as the joy those feel that make choices that

will make their lives full of joy and peace. For I long ago, was the

geneticist that came to earth and enhanced the DNA of the ape man that

helped humanity's evolution into what it is today. I was ordered back

to where I came from and had to leave my creation here, and I left

them in the care of Mother Earth. I have returned many times since,

but not as I have today.

I have always been serving mankind in one capacity or another. My

remembering is still an on-going thing and like you . . . I am always

surprised by some of the revelations. I hope you stay with me as we

journey together back "home."

I AM an Emissary of Light . . . the Love Light of our Creator. Light

Emissaries are here to assist anyone, anytime, anywhere. There are

many light beings who are here to be of guidance and assistance during

this time of vast change. They are here to assist all of the kingdoms,

not just the human population. We are from your future.