Beyond 3D - An Overview
By Constance Demby
These collective messages come from Kryon, Mikiah, Sananda, Bashar, MiShui, Adama of Telos, Mahala, Mik'ael, Matthew, Devin- 9D Nibiruan Council, Shala - Esoteric Astrologer, The Psychic Children, Dr. Safir, Quantum Physics...
The essential message is that this is "the final war to end all wars." That it has to be played out for certain energies to be reassigned and realigned. That those of us who are part of the large group of TruthSeekers and Lightworkers here upon Earth, agreed on other dimensional realities, to have this war occur, for we knew these energies had to be played out. "This last war will have the effect of accelerating on the planet the winds of positive changes that you have been waiting for, for so long. It will have the effect of waking up literally millions upon millions more people to a new awareness, and to reconsider new values."
According to MiShui, we agreed to this war "eons ago." Another teacher mentioned that all those who are to die and suffer in the war, agreed to sacrifice themselves for the cause, and that they are greatly honored for their sacrifice. Another mentioned the countless beings "on the fence" that have not yet decided whether they will go forward into the next world, the next dimension. This time is helping them to wake up and make a new choice for their incarnation.
The counsel from this collection of teachers can be diametrically opposed, ...just take your pick...
>From Dr. Safir, a Religious Philosophy teacher and Quantum Physics theorist:
"We are starting to make the move into a new frequency. We are shifting. In order to make this shift happen on the scale we designed, we need motion; energy in motion, or E-motion; as we call it here. You many have noticed that you and your friends may be feeling more emotional lately. On Sep 11, this scenario was first initiated. It was an extraordinary point in time, in which all the minds on the planet came together at the same moment in time. This created a quantum shift, now being accelerated with the war. We have ordered this shift, yet it hasn't exactly come forth in the form we might have imagined! But take heart and read on....."
>From "Grandmother Chandra", of the Psychic Children -
"We must learn to see the Universal picture, not limit it to 3-D. There is an agreement that has been made between Iraq and the US, and it is being fulfilled right now. It was written many many years ago. These countries are only symbols of something much deeper, which is being healed. Everything is adjusting in other dimensions. Don't be fooled by what seems to be happening, but see what is real. Then you'll be able to play your role."
>From Matthew - on the importance of collective focusing and protesting -
"The mindset for war does not end with invasion of Iraq -- it is a mindset for complete control of the Mideast because of its oil resources. And the mindset doesn't stop there. Total domination of all the planet's peoples either as willing or slave labor after the populations are 'adequately thinned' [institutionalized bioterrorism for widespread psycho-social control, such as SARS], is the furthest goal. That is their plan -- but it will not happen! Except for the invasion of Iraq, all of that intended conquest is what will be thwarted by continued intense focus FOR peace, love, harmony, justice, fairness, equity of resources allocation, and the like. THAT is what your collective focusing will manifest on Earth!"
>From Shala, esoteric astrologer -
"It is important to know that the war in Iraq is a religious war between the Forces of Light and the forces of Dark having its roots in ancient Atlantean times The Middle East is the solar plexus of our planet and personifies the evolutionary material qualities of Ray 6 that must be eradicated before Ray 7, Aquarius with it's new Laws and Principles, can fully emerge.
This battle can only be waged within the Temple of Humanity. Its purpose is Liberation. What we see in form (the war) is very different from what is actually occurring on the inner, causal and Spiritual levels. Our soldiers and the Iraqi people made an inner contract, long ago to sacrifice themselves for this cause and we deeply honor and respect them and their families."
>From Mahala -Planet Alert -
"This is [among other things] a space war for control of the portal over Iraq. This portal, or star gate, is the doorway to a different dimension. The negative ships have used this portal to move back and forth between dimensions. Whoever controls this portal controls the world. I know it appears very dark and scary right now. Remember, it is all an illusion. Don't get caught in the fear that comes through TV. Turn off your TV if you become fearful watching it. Control comes through fear. You cannot be controlled if you have no fear.
What can we do? We can be peaceful within. We can meet in groups to pray and meditate - there is power in combined consciousness. We can be joyful within so it can radiate out to others. This is the time period we have been waiting for; it is the end of one age and the beginning of a new one. Remember, a world of light overshadows this world of darkness so reach for the light. It takes only one little candle to light a dark room. So Be It!"
>From Devin- on taking responsibility for the War: -
"The war is a reflection of the inner war raging within each of you, the struggle to integrate the Light and the Dark aspects of yourselves, with it's expression of victimhood, anger, blame and its inherent desire for revenge. Your leaders will continue to play their roles, their behavior becoming more and more bizarre as they reflect back to you your own bizarre inner behavior.
Please stop pointing fingers at those in control of your world and realize that they are only manifestations of yourselves, your own dark aspects you so diligently hide within so that none will see. When you can see these leaders as aspects of yourself and realize that they are playing a role, a role you helped to script, to show you on a global level, your own anarchical behavior, you will release them from blame and hold them in compassion. When this occurs, your war will end, both externally and internally, and you will have peace."
>From Mik'ael -
"As the shifting from this resonate frequency to the next proceeds ... as we move through the narrow channel ... things will become emotional and chaotic ... more than likely there will be conflict and strife. This is due to the resistance some beings will have to the shift.
It will be a spiritual "war" between those that want to remain and those that want to move into the next iteration. The aspects you term "souls" that have mastered a certain level of neutrality, will attempt to dampen the intensity of this "war" by appearing to ignore it. They will turn away from all your forms of media communication and will refuse all missives containing "dramatic" data. In reality, they are not "ignoring" what it happening; they are flooding the "game arena" with their vibrations of peacefulness and love in its purity; keeping the "fabric of life" from ripping itself into shreds. And they will be encouraging anyone who will listen to do the same.
Thus, our recommendation for this point in your time is to do as much of this "ignoring" as you can.
"Prayers for Peace" is a wonderful concept. The only challenge is this: holding steadfastly to the idea of "peace" means you are also resisting the idea of its opposite ... "war." Resistance will cause anything to persist.
If you really want "peace," you need to focus on staying in present time and creating a state of calm neutrality within yourself. Accept all information regarding the current state of the world with a "ho hum" attitude, then immediately return to the production necessary in your life. In this way -- by "ignoring the strife" -- you will avoid flowing power to it; you will avoid "feeding" it; and it will wither and die.
It is the "fear" of war that causes it to persist. Move the "fear" aside and focus on the "now" of everyday life. Only if something presents itself directly in your path where you feel a direct action made by you will actually make a difference... only then should you "pay attention" to this war-filled drama your reality must play out to accomplish its targeted goals as a thought form. This, then, will be the best thing you can do to help everyone though this current arena of strife and potentials of what you might consider to be disaster."
>From Adama of Telos on The Last War on this Planet -
"This last war will have the effect of accelerating on the planet the winds of positive changes that you have been waiting for, for so long. It will have the effect of waking up literally millions upon millions more people to a new awareness of their divinity, and to reconsider new values for their life.
People will soon open up to new visions for themselves and for their planet. They will seek to discover new goals and purposes that are more aligned with their true divine nature. So beyond the war, you will find millions and millions of people swelling the rank of the Lightworkers, banning together to create permanent peace and a new reality based on divine truths.
Expect that there will be losses of physical lives, there will be some destruction; there will also be a tumbling down of old outmoded patriarchal structures that no longer serve you. And there will also be a rebuilding of a new society based on the principle of universal laws and love. Be prepared to experience some sorrow and sad moments, but this will assist the opening of your heart in a much greater measure, the measure that is required for your passage in the higher dimension.
It will also clear a lot of accumulated karma, making space for the new order. If you can allow the clouds and storms to play out this last game, this last illusion, and do whatever you can to stay in your embodiment, you shall never regret it. Just keep the candle of hope lit in your heart, for beyond the cloud is the dawning of a new world, a new vibration on this planet and the beginning of unity, the greater love where violence will be no more is now just beyond the cloud. "