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Diane 05.04.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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a short time sufficient of you have reached a light quotient, that has enabled your planet to be accepted as a full member of the Galactic Federation of Light. Formal acceptance took place on the 5th March 1993, and the plan for your Ascension was fully put into being.

Prior to this period, your future was very much in the balance, although at any time individuals always have the option to create their own path to the Light. With our help, and I stress it was not interference, you came through several threatening situations that could have resulted in the destruction of Earth. As you approached your year 2000, there were many expectations as to what might happen. These were based on predictions that in some cases went back to biblical times, but were mainly the product of more recent times. One thing for sure was that you expected some dramatic changes, and even the end of the world. Yet, this period passed without incident and subsequently a new mood of expectation arose.

The end of the 20th Century heralded an upturn in the vibrations of Earth. The negative energies that had formed around the prediction of an Apocalypse, were dissipated along with others that suggested a cataclysmic end. It was like a breath of fresh air, and those Lightworkers that had seen beyond the old visions, came into prominence to promote a New Age. Humanity had made a choice that enabled the past to be seen as simply a signpost on the way to Ascension. What also made a profound difference, was the fact that you were now galactic members, and help was able to be given that gave you a new direction.

Think about the collective benefits of what you have been promised. Realize that you are to be lifted up to a new level of existence, one befitting of a Galactic Society. Just now, there is still much work to do but once we are openly with you, your evolution will be speeded up quite dramatically. Before you reach the final years of 2011-2012, you will have become fully Lighted Beings, with a Cosmic consciousness. You will be ready for the Ascension process, and it will seem quite natural to you with your higher understanding. You will be returning to a level of super-consciousness that was once your normal state of being. By then, you will know your destiny and welcome your entry into the Golden Age.

You are soon to be launched on your path to Ascension, but first you must start to bear some semblance to a Galactic Society. All of the benefits that are the prerogative of a free society will be returned to you. No longer will you be constrained by the lies that have imprisoned you for thousands of years. You will be allowed to blossom into the Light Beings you really are, and Love and Light will return to Earth. For so long you have been overshadowed by the dark forces, and all but lost your true identities and forced into obedience to their controlling influences. Once the last cabal, has been finally removed, all fear can be released and Humanity can return to its natural state in peace and harmony.

Behind all of the events that have ever taken place, or will take place, is the Creator’s hand. It has been decreed that the necessary changes to fulfil the Plan should now be completed. We stand ready and such are the size of the Fleets that support First Contact, no amount of opposition by the dark will have any effect. We simply await the conclusion of the initial acts that are already under way, that will allow peace to be declared. Our mission is to release you from the vestiges of the dark, and in quick time restore you and Mother Earth to the levels where you can go forward together. Remember, that you are to be returned to your natural state of being enabling you to live in complete harmony and unity with each other.

I am Diane of the Galactic Federation, and wish to tell you that the feminine energy is respected in the higher realms. There is total equality, and unlike Earth I am revered for my balancing energies that are essential to the overall harmony. There is much to learn upon Earth, but once we are with you, we know we will have souls that are eager to find out about their true selves. Until we arrive, let it be known that we greet you with much love recognizing your Oneness with us and the Creator.

Thank you Diane

Mike Quinsey

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