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The Quantum Awakening, Part 2

Gillian MacBeth- Louthan

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es behind the bush of humanness, of lack, of limitation, and of pain.

Imagine yourselves as authors and every day you are creating another page in the novel expression of your being. You are the main character, the evil character, the good character, the quiet character, and the funny character. You are all things inherent within this 'novel of self'. Everyday you write a beginning, an ending, a confrontation, a limitation and an unleashing of power. You think it and it becomes so and you place it upon the pages of your life. This is what your earth experience is all about.

All of you are about to delve into the abyss of the mirror like reflection of the past looking at all you have enacted as glamour, as position, as power, as good, and as evil. You will find that the people in your world are chameleon like as they play out their roles in completion. We suggest to you in these findings that you do not delete marriages, relationships, jobs, etc. until the time of autumn when all will be seen with a cool crispness. It is then that you will see with clarity. Others will be donning costumes of the time period of their personal clearing. Some of you will become as Nubians. Some will become as Cleopatras. Others will become as Edgar Cayce. Some will become as brilliant composers, musicians, scientists, and artists of all time.

So many of the lives that you lived were short and not so sweet. You yearned to complete and fulfill them. You yearned to walk a few more days, a few more hours, a few more words in that costume. It will be a grand costume party in the summer of 2003, before the days shorten in the time of autumn. We ask you to play dress-up with yourself, with your mind, with your thinking. You do not have to act out in fullness your angers, your fears, or your limitations. You can act out your fantasies and take steps forward by enjoying the cinema, the books, or the composers that embellish that time period. You do not have to pin yourself to a cross or wear wooden shoes under a windmill; you can walk amidst the time chains without changing.

Use this time wisely. You do not have to take on the characteristics of the emperor Napoleon, or Ra, or Columbus, but you can walk through that time period, by embracing it and fulfilling yourself with a few more inches, a few more miles, and a few more thoughts.

Some of you may immerse yourself in romance novels because you do not have the love of your life in your life, or maybe they are sitting right next to you but do not feel your passion. Some of you may plan the next year down to every detail and then toss it aside and say it is completed, I do not need to go there. Some of you may find yourself well known in the media, upon books, upon billboards or seen as a hero. What role will you choose to play? You do not have to revisit the lifetimes of sadness or lack. You can sweep those off the porch and come forth into the time of opulence and wealth. It is up to you.

You are reading this cosmic bedtime story to yourself. You are the child and you are the big bad wolf and you are Red Riding Hood all in one. You will meet those who will push your buttons and cause you to sculpt the ice surface of your being redefining who you think you are and who you have been.

It is time to heal and spread love as a low fat margarine upon your muffin of life. Enter into these Halls of Remembrance. Enter into the Temples of ON in Helipolis, Egypt. Enter the sacred space on earth as well as every star that beams to you. For all of the stellar countenance of your being also activates. Every thing that has escorted you throughout time makes itself known again. Your good, your bad, and your ugly are all equally shiny. What door will you pick to experience? For it is one at a time, single file as you enter the circle of completeness.

We are the Pleiadian Council of One. Enjoy your time on earth. It is not Crime and Punishment that you are to read. Read in plenty. Read in joy. Reap what you have sown throughout time. But do not tear your heart out to do such. Do not step upon another for everyone rises in their power and are no longer leaven. You will look eye to eye with every light being that is birthed and is walking on earth at this time. None will rise above the others. We leave you with another piece towards your peace.


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

2320 Bagdad Ave.

Orlando, Florida 32833 USA
