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An Intense Evening

By Dariel

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We are in Final Countdown to November 8-11, The Harmonic Concordance.

Tonight was a very important activation for the Lightworkers. Expect more!

We were told, "Everyone now will reap what they have sown. Instant karma".

We saw Final Judgment is on the way. Here come da' Judge!

It is coming as a thief in the night, and it shall be swift, like wildfire.

The Main Battle is inside us all. Release that which no longer serves you.

Stop all hypocrisy. Walk your talk! Right NOW!

See all demons flee, as the Light of Sol penetrates the darkness.

Call upon YOUR legions of angels and direct them to do the battle.

Send Unconditional Love to ALL.

Be kind to EVERYONE - especially yourselves!

Forgive everyone - even your ENEMIES - even yourselves!

The Golden Age is literally at our doorstep!


Live it, breathe it, see it, it is NOW!

No more duality, only balance, peace, and cooperation.

No more poverty, only abundance and prosperity.

No more pollution, man shall be the caretakers of the planet.

No more fear, only love pure and undefiled.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are creating peace

Blessed are the meek, for they are inheriting the Earth

Nothing shall be the same after tonight. Don't look back.

No more excuses - we each are now fully responsible for our own actions!

You say you want prosperity - start speaking the words of abundance!

You say you want peace - think, speak, and perform only peaceful thoughts, words and deeds

You say you want abundance - start acting like the kings and queens that you are!

If you desire a thing in righteousness, speak it into existence!

Manifestation is now extremely easy for all of us - try it, you'll see!

If a son asks a father for a fish, will the father give him a stone?

Ask, and you shall receive in righteousness.

Call forth pure love. Think kind thoughts. Bless those who spitefully use you.

Perform random acts of kindness, and practice loving thoughts unprovoked.

These words burn in my soul, and I speak these words to all who will listen.


I AM Dariel
