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A Channeling with Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

Through Valerie Donner October 20, 2004

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ing contest where you are betting on one or the other candidate and placing the future of the planet in their hands.

Please do not despair. The future of the planet is not in their hands. It is in your hands!

It is in God’s hands. These figures are metaphors for human consciousness. You already know that. You need these figures to show you how you must change within so that you can change the outer manifestations of your world.

Things may get rocky but think about this: if there was always smooth sailing you would continue with the status quo. Where would you be if you stayed within the same waters? You would not be moving your planet forward. You might even find your planet treading water. This would not suffice for long. You know it.

From our vantage point there is huge energy for change. It must happen. The consciousness needs a great awakening. Sometimes people must be shaken out of their weary ways so they can create a new focus. The children know this. They are teaching adults plenty if only they would listen.

What you will find is the sleeping multitudes are going to awaken as if from a long lasting nap. Some of the news will be startling indeed, as if it hasn’t been startling enough already. It is shocking to us that the events in the past few years have only been brought to the attention of a small portion of humanity. The mirrors are getting bigger and could shatter in the faces of those who are in control.

When mirrors crack they break into many pieces. That means the old form will be no longer. The old wives tale is if you break a mirror that you will have seven years of bad luck. What we are telling you is that it is going to be the next seven years of intense change. Some of those in power may consider it bad luck for themselves as they lose control. They have tried to control everything, even the weather. The Earth is shaking off this energy. She is a mighty player in this future. She mirrors back to you and will take you to places where you have yet to be in this lifetime as she goes about her cleansing and changes. You will sometimes need to hang on for the ride.

As the old pieces shatter and the new takes on a different form you will begin to see the role that we and other extraterrestrials will have in redirecting and repositioning your Earth. Your lives matter to us. The Earth is one of us. We all serve each other.

Towards this end we shall assist in a stabilization process. This is necessary because life and the Earth’s future are shaky. There is much scientific evidence pointing out this fact and a lot needs to be done to reverse what has taken place.

Therefore, we want you to know there is a plan in place that will bring you and the Earth back into balance. Harmony will be restored. Please do not invest too much negativity in this upcoming election. See it as part of a process of breaking up the old and bringing in the new. Fear and negativity contribute to the challenge of bringing back balance. Those in power now are unaware of the power of a determined humanity. Little do they know the true power of the Lightworkers who are holding your planet afloat. They are about to learn in new ways how empowerment matters. This is what we know and see from our vantage point.

Miracles are in your future. You are already beginning to see some of them and there will be many more. Divine intervention occurs through many unseen ways. You must simply open your eyes to what is happening and see the divine hands in action.

We serve as part of this team along with multitudinous others. We will not let you down. We will be with you all the way home. We will love you like you have never been loved and we will guide you if you need it.

We are a part of the package deal. We know you enjoy packages so in our divine marketing plan we are bundled together in a complex variety of ways that will serve only the highest good for all.

We will not rest until the journey is complete. We will not stumble nor will be falter. We will be with you in the brightest of days and the darkest of nights. It will not matter we will be there.

Deep in our hearts we shall find the pathway home. It will be a rewarding journey. You already know this in your hearts. This project is a most important one throughout creation. Please remember how important you are to these works and how loved you are through eternity.

Our Council works with many types of councils that oversee the Earth. We are a package deal that speaks to the hearts of humanity. We stand by in loving service.

I am Mira.
