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The Emissaries of Light, September 11, 2003

Through Jim Langman

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ey have achieved so far. We allowed certain delaying tactics and events to unfold upon your world as they have assisted in the grand awakening that is now taking place.

We have recently met with your world leaders that took place in an area that was convenient for all parties. This area you know as Mt. Shasta. There is an area beneath the mountain that is secure. There is very little known about it in regards to the general public. We stated at this meeting that we would take whatever steps that were needed if they continued not to comply with the divine plan that is in place for your world. This meeting was very long as much had to be said.

Your earthly leaders have finally seen that they cannot win. The decision has been made to allow the long-awaited announcements you all have waited so long to hear. The first announcements that will be made to you will be in regards to the new financial system that will quickly be implemented and the changes that it will bring.

The announcements will also include that of a new system, one you all have come to know as NESARA. The divine plan so decrees that this must come about. The announcement of NESARA will instantly free all prosperity programs to be released. It is regretful that you have had to wait so many years for this to happen.

We have not discussed this in any great detail in the past, but the time has come to speak of what is now unfolding. What also took place at this meeting was a full agreement for your governments to allow the truth to finally be known in regards to our existence.

There will be many public announcements in regards to who we are and why we are here. More importantly, the knowledge of the fact that we are benevolent and that we are not here in any way to take over your world. We are simply here as your teachers and your guides through the last remaining period of your ascension process. You have heard reports that we intend to increase our activities within your skies. Dear ones, this is very true. We will now increase the number of sightings and in areas where large numbers of people will witness our showing.

Your journey has been long and many times has it been a difficult one. Over your many lifetimes, you have experienced many of the aspects of physicality. Your time of separation is coming to a close. We honour you for what you all have achieved and are still going to achieve.

There will still be difficult times ahead of you, and much guidance you will need through these coming times. We are here for you dear ones. We will not leave until the Creators divine plan has been completed. We have not come this far and for so long just to give up now. We are all doing this together. Look upon us as your long-lost family that have now returned. We await the time when we can be physically with you on your beautiful shores. We leave you now and we grant you peace.
