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Message From Sa-Lu-Sa 02.14.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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e. The changes are being detected such as they were when you first announced your ability to split the atom. That was a cause for concern, and from that time careful monitoring has been put in place. As you will already be aware, this is as much for our protection as yours. Your scientists have little idea of how far into space the effect of a nuclear explosion can be felt, and how much disruption it causes. The fact that you can register the effects on your own Earth, leaves us feeling astonished that you still continue to carry out your experimentation. It seems that in the interests of scientific advancement, nothing is sacred and not even life itself. The idea that it is to protect you against some unknown threat, is simply to justify the continuation of your nuclear program. In reality, it is about power and holding a weapon that can be used to force others to concede to you. You see this being en-acted now as your major power continues to develop weapons of mass destruction, but requires other countries to release them.

You have lived all of your lives with some threat or another hanging over you, even if it was only perceived as an invasion of your land. You have come to accept the inevitability of such a likelihood, and war and the preparations for war continue unabated. Even Cold Wars are considered good reasons to continue to arm yourselves. Your leaders have spoken of peace but the emphasis is still placed on war, and you never seem to reach that plateau that would enable it to realistically take place. The fact is that war is good business and profitable to the Arms industry, and is used to further the hidden agenda's of the dark.

When you were approaching the time of your Millennium, a new vision was born, it was seen that it was possible to create a different reality. Although many thought that this time would be your Armageddon, others were looking ahead to a New Age which would bring peace. There was such an awakening that it was possible for us to respond by sending more Light to Earth, and the result was an even greater shift in your consciousness. Now you have progressed so much, that you have set out a path that leads to Ascension, the end of your cycle of duality. The will be the birth of a new Man, who will soon move into Cosmic consciousness. This is a fantastic achievement, and we are here to ensure that the ground is prepared for you. The decisions have been made, and the Divine Plan will be seen to develop in front of your very eyes. Soon the first signs of major happenings upon Earth will start, and once it does it will move along very quickly.

Peace is something you are not used to, as even when you have been in such so called periods there has always been unease. But once the dark leaders and their cohorts have been removed, you will move into an era of real lasting peace, and we shall see that it is so. All wars will be stopped, and all aspects of war will cease, and the weapons of war will be destroyed.

People otherwise involved in the industries that support war, will find other work in keeping with the new dispensation. There is no retribution involved, and as soon as the realisation of permanent peace takes hold, many who were deeply involved in war activities, will come happily into the Light.

When we finally make contact, and you learn from us how The Galactic Federation has brought peace to many parts of the Universe, you will have full confidence in the future and our ability to, sustain it. We can prevent interference from outside sources and are a mighty powerful force for good. It will be like a dream come true, for you could hardly have expected to see real peace in your time. But you will have that victory to celebrate, and it will soon become your new reality. We are quite excited at the thought of your joy and happiness when you realise that you are truly about to leave the old behind. There is a grand new Age about to thrust itself upon you, and you will be lifted up by its new energies. We believe you can already feel the changes occurring, and you know we will come to tell you the truth of your new reality.

I am Sa-Lu-Sa, I am Sirian and I have always been closely linked to you. Shortly I hope to be privileged to be one who lands on Earth, in an open First Contact which shall be announced to the world.

Thank you Sa-Lu-Sa
