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Diane of The Galactic Federation

Through Mike Quinsey

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n whatever form they wish. For you they have often appeared as humanlike and are able to convey the impression of being of either the male or female vibration. Of course you are like us inasmuch that you are a combination of both energies, and you would have no difficulty in accepting this as truth. For the different roles you play, particularly in a marriage and where children are concerned, you need to have an emphasis according to whether you are the male or female partner.

Both can then compliment each other and help bring a balance into their relationship. I am reluctant to talk of role models, but young people do need to see how their particular energies can be expressed. Generally speaking you need to have an idea of what is expected from you, and where you can fit into your society. Many times there are Karmic implications that determine which form you take to come into your experience. You will have been both Man and Woman through a whole series of lifetimes, and as a result you find you able to balance the energies, rather than go to one extreme. As with everything else, it is a matter of experience and applying what you have learnt to further your evolution.

You will see that I am Diane, and I am a feminine energy, and I epitomize Peace, Love and Compassion. We do have names that are exactly the same sound as yours, and others that are also very similar. The sound is very important, as when it is continually used it attracts like energies to you. The writer here is Michael and when he uses it in full or is addressed by it, the Michael energies flow to him. If you think of Archangel Michael you will perhaps understand what I mean, and where such energies come from. Consider how your writers often give harsh sounding names to the evil negative forces, and this is because they can feel the energy they are dealing with and can express it in this way. Conversely, you also give gentle sounding names to characters who personify Love, particularly when these are female. There is so much that is important where sound is concerned, and since ages old you and your ancestors have used it for healing. There have also been exceptions when it has been used for destructive purposes. Sound can produce harmony or disharmony, and this is very apparent in your musical world.

In the last Century upon Earth, your history will show that women have come into their own, and it has been a hard struggle to become accepted. You have had thousands of years where women have been assigned tasks only within their families and not allowed outside expression. They have often been looked upon as inferior to men and given only a menial role in society. There have been exceptions, and in ancient times women were worshipped because they were considered the source of life. Even today, you have certain belief structures in some societies, which have strict laws imposed upon women that will not allow them freedom of expression. In mainly the Western world women have become liberated, and events such as wars have enabled them to show that they are quite capable of taking on the mantle of responsibility.

They have worked in professions usually dominated by men and shown to be every bit their equal. All of this has been part of the plan to break down the prejudice against women. In the coming period of great advancement, there will be no place for the type of discrimination that has been practised. Women have risen to places of power and shown that their abilities are a match for men, and this has never been more evident than now, when you have more of them taking leading roles than ever before. Most religions have promoted teachings that have put women way behind men, and this has also been a formidable stumbling block to removing much prejudice. This must all change and so it will, and you will recognise one another as equal spiritual Beings who are all One in the Eyes of God.

In my role aboard one of the Motherships I am considered as important as everyone else, as we are a team that operates in perfect harmony. Every contribution makes for a competent crew and we thoroughly enjoy our work. We work with what we are best at and there is no such thing as jealousy or envy. We are aware of the higher concepts, and we too are still evolving and will soon invite many of you to join us. The fact is that many of you are already known to us, and originally came from the same planets. I want you to understand what makes men and women different to one another, and it is the energies that they bring with them. And these should be accepted for the place they have in your world, but not at the expense of each other. Both have much to learn, and together you can bring much needed balance to your Earth.

When you finally meet us you will soon accept new ideas, and understand the differences between you, and will readily accept that each and every one of you is unique, and important to the whole. We would love to come now and put our arms around you, as you have been through a long testing period, and will deserve the upliftment that you are soon to receive.

I and my colleagues express our great Love for our Brothers and Sisters upon Earth, and we will meet very soon. Adonai.

Thank you Diane

Mike Quinsey
