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Latest Message From Spirit

Through Lyle

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p>"Well, the most important message we can give to the world at this time is that the present situation is almost over, and everyone can look forward to brand new conditions and circumstances resulting in a brand new life for all, or virtually all.

You see, the ‘steam’ has gone out of the present circumstances, there’s no new energy left to perpetuate it any longer. It’s tired, and rundown and it’s almost stopped.

Once it’s stopped, once the energy has been totally depleted, then a new cycle will start, and bring with it all of the magic that has been promised you these many months and years, counting up to this point.

So don’t despair, those of you that have almost given up. Just keep going, keep doing what you’ve been doing. Keep the faith. Don’t give up now, when victory is almost at hand.

Just keep doing what you’ve been doing for this past time for a little bit longer yet, and it shall be done. The old shall all be over, and the new shall begin in all it’s glory and beauty and blessing for all of mankind."

All the best to all of you. Lyle.
