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New Earth

By An Archangel

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higher pitch will come to the song. The voices of the group consciousness who carry the tune of this song are and will be so sweet - it is astounding, magnificent in harmony and ringing with possibility. This song is a hymn of balance, an ode to unity, a ballad of perfection - a rhyme in the Rhythm of Joy, of ecstasy, of contentment not known on Earth. This song will fill Creation even as it mixes with galactic and universal songs also reaching into higher frequencies of mirth, of beauty, purpose and Love's union.

Happy is the heart who listens to such a song. Happy are those who will sing the song and who will sing of the song - carrying its message of Promise and Hope elsewhere in existence.

We are so happy in the Angelic worlds to hear such composition and to be part of such celebration -

When the auras of Planet Earth as she is now populated and The New Earth Planet preparing for continued population touched - there was a song of Sheer Excitement, a ripple of Hope - a beautiful first kiss saluting a union we have been watching and waiting for. Each touch of auras and each time this occurs in the Universe it is again a magnificent first embrace that opens the heart of wonder.

The auras of 2 worlds have touched and a song of excellence, thanksgivingness and joy rang out in many parts of Creation - no song is small All songs are listened to with wonder and appreciation - Every bird has a course to follow Every bud its opening of splendor The auras have touched - May the hope of this Union carry hope and love into every heart in each of you who will pass through the transition now coming into bloom in your lives.

May it be graceful as the planets pass through one another May Peace, harmony and Total Love and Love's Awakening pass gently through each of you - May the Shift be sweet and carved into your memory as beautiful familiar - and inspiring. May you pass into a higher world with an angel's wing holding you tight and caressing you with a smile in your full eyes And a kind word + open hand to your sisters and brothers Who come along with you - May you rejoice in your heart as your soul and spirit convey to the rest of you - that which you have awaited is around the corner now. It is Truly Begun.

-- An Archangel

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