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against evil of all kinds ( or what you call that which is deeply misguided and convoluted), and those of you who wish to have this symbol let Anakhanda Mushaba who is my Son and representative on earth, let him know and he will either direct you to a website where it is available or will include it in one of my addresses for all to use. This symbol was introduced to earth by the alliance through a Women in Sweden named Channie Cha Centara. Her United States representative have it available on her website and wil! l soon be available on the Mushaba website as well.

This alliance between all the above is crucial to what is happening not only on earth but also throughout the universe. Things are moving back to total oneness and unity and the game will end. To do this there are many things that must be put into order and the coming together of the oppossing forces is a must and that has happened and is still happening. There are many planets and life forms out in the universe that have become a part of the alliance. Much of what you call the dark forces have now became a part of the alliance. Many find this hard to believe because in the learning of earth it is told that light and dark are always fighting aginst each other and all things dark are bad, and negative. This is not so! In fact, there is what you might call the good part of the dark. Remember that out of the darkness of the original force came the light of creation and the lig! ht of all things to come. Many beings before what you call the beginning came out of this original force . A dark force is not automatically evil it is just a different vibration and frequency but do not make it bad. The earth ways of control purposely forged this concept to keep you away from many things of great importance.

Look at it in some ways of earth thinking: New life is brought into the world from the womb of darkness within the mother it the new born is born out of this darkness into the light! It is the same in creation and using creation forces. The Goddess energy is what you call black or dark! This should stir up a greta deal of feelings that have been programed. How can you ever move into the greater awareness and the galactic community if you are afraid to strecth your understanding beyond things of earth? The truth is the truth regradless to what you have been told. Contained within drak or black is the sa! me as light or dark. All the colors are contained within both! They both have incredible possibilities. The word use to be one and just like you on earth light and dark was united as one. Did this mean that part of the word was bad, evil? Of course not. Do this mean that you have a part that is bad or evil? Of course not. It is all about choice. When the word was split there was a part that remained light and good, a part that remained dark and good and a part that choose to be dark and negative which we call misguided and convoluted.

Many times when those have attempted to explain the light and dark as I am now, most have been judged and called evil or working for the devil and just about anything you can name. Nothing that Creator made is bad. Nothing that God and Goddess made is bad. It is all loved equally. Even those planet within the universe that exist that are really extremely convoulted are now beginnin! g to be curious about the good and the light. They are beginning to open to the possibilities of change! The dark was very afraid of the light because they felt that they would be destroyed out of existence. The light was afraid of the dark because they felt the same way. Why is it that you think that within the dark there is no light when out of darkness came the light? When out of darkness came the creation?

There is so much that goes on out in the greater galactic community that it would blow your mind at the thought of it. It is not like you think it is. It is interesting how a word a few letters can cause so much to happen within a person. The education of earth is false and convoluted and the new education has been coming and available for awhile now and many are charging that this is bad, that this is the work of the devil! The Anhk Laws says that which appears to be is not and that which is not, is! It is important! for your own awareness that you understand about light and dark because it is not going to go away and fear never helps. Understanding and knowledge is what will help. But as always you have your own free will and discernment to dictate your pathway of acceptance. This is such a great power and great responsibility. Many Blessings! Mushaba Greetings! ( greetings of freedom and empowerment).

