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Lord Kuthumi - Why Do I Feel This Way?

Through Carolyn J. Holtgrewe

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Lord Kuthumi and Carolyn Holtgrewe

March 2004

Beloved children of the light. I come forth in this divine timing to provide words of comfort and encouragement to you. As you know, we carefully monitor the energy patterns of our lightworkers and we are noting a significant increase in the level of discomfort for so many of you. We wish you to know that there are valid reasons for these feelings you are experiencing these days.

In your awakening, you are opening your hearts and minds more fully and this opens you also to being more susceptible to the influence of the mass consciousness. Now, all you need to do is look around at the state of affairs on your planet to become aware of how much negative energy is running rampant from economic woes, tottering governments and terrorist activities to outright war in places. Of course, all this negativity feeds into the mass consciousness and the vibrations from that are permeating the atmosphere where you live and breathe. This negativity is everywhere, beloveds. It has taken up residence in the very structures of your cities - the streets and the vehicles traversing them, the buildings, and so forth. Even your parks and places of worship are not free from this influence. It even clings to the particles in the air which you take into your very beingness. And then if you are not aware and careful, it takes up residence in your own structure, your body, altering your moods and outlook on life.

It is important for you to know that as you raise your vibrations and open up, you are opening to everything - that which you deem "good" and that which you call "evil" or "bad" and everything in between. Energy is energy and vibrations are vibrations and each seeks to match its own level in the other. Many of you are becoming so sensitive that you are feeling the turmoil and subtle vibrations of the impending earth changes. These changes are coming to all strata of your planet and there is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING that will be untouched by these changes. There is not a nation or city or village or hamlet; not an animal, plant, rock or insect which shall not be impacted. Not even a blade of grass shall be passed by with the changes now taking place upon the earth plane. Nothing is too small to be ignored and nothing is too great to be immune. Every single thing and every single person who is residing upon the planet shall be touched.

The coming changes, and along with them anxieties over the unknown, is what are resonating so deeply within your being and which you have been unable to correlate with your own feelings of depression, headaches, sadness, heaviness, flu-like symptoms, or other manifestations of uneasiness in the pit of your stomach. Even your usually cheerful friends can be moody and irritable. Everything is now in a state of escalation and your daily dose of media coverage focuses on events such as violence, tragedies, acts of betrayal, disagreements and instability of governments and economies, leaving you to wonder where you and the rest of the planet are heading. We see many of you are wondering if the light at the end of the tunnel is a train or the Second Coming and are afraid of the prospect of either one manifesting!

We are bringing all this to your attention now so that you may take measures to protect yourself from these negative vibrations. Imagine, if you will, that your Spiritual Hierarchy is a giant switchboard and plug yourselves directly into that. Our lines of communication are always open and available to you. Keep the channel open at your end and we will be able to transmit our love and light to you. Allow your higher self to serve as your gatekeeper. For the clairaudients, we will share our wisdom and boost your understanding of what is taking place. For the clairsentients, we will surround you with feelings of love and protection. And for the clairvoyants among you, we will sustain you with visions of the beautiful new world you are creating. So, dear ones, ring us up and if you want angels, we will connect you to the angelic realm. If you want wisdom from the masters, ask for it. If you want to be comforted by your space brothers and sisters, ask to be connected to them. For all of you, we will sustain you with our love and support in any way we are able to provide for you. We are here to serve you and this is the fullness of time wherein we may draw ever closer to humanity. We are as far away as you make us or we are as close as a heartbeat.

Truly these are the times to "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" for you are becoming more powerful and will not wish to manifest unwanted conditions into your lives. You must become ever more discriminating in your thoughts, your words and your actions. Yes, there is chaos in the world but you do not have to feed it with your energy, thereby attracting it to you. The same may be said about evil. Focus not on what you think is wrong in the world but what is right and good and beautiful. Stay in your centered space where you may observe the world and its events without becoming engaged in the various battles taking place. Learn to detach from the emotions of events. Remember that there are many sides to any one issue and they are all valid. It is very important to release judgments and remember also that everyone is here for learning and experience. Endeavor to see everything and everyone in the light of Christ and with unconditional love.

Love, light, peace and joy are your divinely ordained destinies but you must hold fast to these visions and manifest these upon the earth plane. As you know, we are not physically embodied and cannot do this for you. Mother Earth cannot do this for you. This goal must be realized through the cooperative efforts of all involved, from whatever plane of existence we are residing. The objective is to bring heaven to earth and so your task is to bring the light down from the higher dimensions and manifest the qualities of heaven upon the earth plane, within your earthly existence. There are many planes of existence through which the light must travel in order to reach the physical plane so keep your channel clean and surround it with the golden light of protection. If your channel is all clogged up with negative thoughts and emotions, how can you be a conduit for the light? It can never reach the earth through you for it will be automatically transmuted into the vibrations you are carrying.

This message is being brought to you for your awareness of what is at the root of your various discomforts. Surround yourselves with the light from the gold and violet rays and the pure white light of Christ. These will protect you and uplift you. Above all, let the vibration of love fill you and flow through you and out into your environment. If others insist on focusing on disease, then let them catch the "disease of love" from you. Be a carrier! For indeed, when the vibrations of unconditional love permeate others, it makes them feel as if they have caught some disease and their bodies gear up their immune systems as if they are being invaded by an alien "bug"of some kind. However, love will win out in the end and they will know peace, if they so choose. In the meantime, however, they will manifest ailments seeming to have no cause and they will be confused. They do not realize that they are resisting the light. Show compassion for their distress for it is very real to them. And be compassionate with yourselves as well.

Make of the golden light a shield, a whole body suit, if you will, just as if you were a warrior suiting up for battle. In many ways this is true for the lightworkers are all Warriors of the Light. Don your suit of armor before you head out to mingle with those in your work environment or other public places. Use the outermost layer of your armor to transmute any negativity you encounter into light. Continue to make the choices which will enhance your light and you shall know victory.

Be in peace, beloveds. I leave you now with my great love and many many blessings. I am Lord Kuthumi.
