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Multidimensional News, November 22, 2003

By Your Guide, Mytria

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Soon you will enter the Mystery School of the Violet Temple to learn more about how to integrate what you have gained the Violet Flame into your physical earth vessel.


Remember, dear grounded ones, that while you were in the Violet Flame, you chose to create a reality where the higher worlds are never forgotten and you are in ever present connection with your total SELF. As you may know, once you have remembered that connection, if you lose it, you will experience "Divine Discontent." While in your earth reality, remember to frequently connect with the essence of your SELF that will never leave The Flame. Remember, also, that the reality that is in harmony with your Soul/SELF is best created from your essence within The Flame.

YOU are the creator of your life. Which reality do you wish to create? Do you wish to create a reality of abundance and comfort, or do you wish to recreate a reality of strife and neediness? Relax and allow all your worries to come into your mind. Use the Violet Fire now to transmute them. Release them into The Fire of Transmutation. Relax into the "feel" of each emotion as it enters your consciousness. When you try to hold back your emotions, they accumulate and combine with other emotions. That is what causes the disillusionment and confusion that is so prevalent in your dimension.

Upon the third dimension there is an order of occurrence. Your ego does not know this order and wishes to dictate its small desires. Your ego does not know about your future or about the big picture. Because the ego does not know that a huge wave will come soon, it busily attempts to create an ornate sand caste at the water's edge. When the rising water destroys the castle of sand, the ego becomes angry and frustrated. On the other hand, the Soul notes the difficulty of building the castle as a sign that this is not the "proper time." Instead of stubbornly pushing against the resistance, the Soul ceases all activity, to go inside, to merge with Spirit.

"Spirit," it says, "Please inform me of what I should be doing at this time." Spirit then answers, "Soul, listen to me and I shall guide you into the NOW. Within the NOW, you not need to worry about your doing, for you are not "doing"-you are "being." Within the NOW, there is no question and there is no work. Enter into the NOW and allow your life to be lead by Spirit in every moment and every way. All that will be-already IS. When you enter the NOW you live in the ISNESS, for all that you have sought is NOW!"

We shall meet again in the Mystery School behind the Integration Door.

Until then,

Your guide Mytria

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