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SaLuSa 06.17.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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er, we do not reveal our hand any more than we need to for security reasons.

It is fortunate that our technology can keep track of what is happening, and as you know to be forewarned is to be forearmed. We know in advance what is planned and as far as possible try to avert any major disruption. Some events we have to allow and the freewill aspect must come into our reckoning. However, there is a time rapidly approaching when we shall pull down the curtain, and end the charades that are continually occurring. There is no intention to allow the conditions on Earth to engulf you and indefinitely prevent your rightful claim to your freedom. We will certainly welcome the opportunity to reveal ourselves, whereas at present most of our craft stationed around your Earth are cloaked in invisibility.

There are certain spots on Earth where we have had bases for hundreds of years, as there are on the floors of your deepest oceans. Our presence is by no means new, and we have had a responsibility towards you and your planet because of our Karmic links. We have kept your Earth stable and minimized the effects of your various experiments and tests of new weaponry. For a long time we have repeatedly warned about the dangers of nuclear testing, but our voices have been largely ignored. All of this will soon end, and the declaration of peace will see an end to all military weapons of any description. We will not be hoodwinked, as we know the location of all bases regardless of where they are hidden. It will take us very little time to de-activate equipment. Almost at a stroke, any existing threat to your security will be permanently removed.

For your future times, as a member of the Galactic Federation you will come under our protection. If necessary, we can for example place magnetic shields around your Earth, or any particular part where it is needed. We do not need to carry weaponry and our preventative methods are much more sophisticated. Within our Fleets there are some craft especially equipped to deal with intruders who enter the solar system without authority. It is only as a last resort that they would be forcefully removed, and even then we are careful to honor the sanctity of life. We have patrolled your skies for a long time, and our brief has been to ensure that your civilization is allowed to develop without interference.

We are no strangers to you, and many of you have been linked with us for eons of time. This is why you can accept our presence and have no fear of meeting us. You already know us, and in your out of the body experiences you often meet us. Most of these meetings are veiled from your waking memory, as we need you to feel and act normally when you return to Earth. There is a danger otherwise that you would not make decisions for yourself, and would rely on us. This is your experience, and your Earth and although we help it is you who pave the way forward. It is you who decide how your reality develops and where it leads.

Although you are normally unaware of it, we are sometimes stationed right above you. We do this where you are involved in important work that is a benefit to us and your fellow travelers. We protect you, and if need be guide you in order to ensure success. Effectively, we can be beside you all of the time, and if you were in any danger we would be aware of it. Many times we have averted serious situations that could have led to injury or death. If necessary we can stop you in your tracks, or remove you and take you out of danger until it has passed. What you sometimes view as lucky escapes, are simply circumstances that are manipulated by us.

One way or another, you will see the changes come in, but as you are beginning to understand it is not a simple straightforward operation. We have many contingency plans that can be activated at a minutes notice, and our goals will be achieved. Delays are only of a temporary nature and we know how aggravating and frustrating it can be for you. Particularly as we cannot give you verse and chapter, we do not reveal our hand any more than we need to for security reasons.

For your future times, as a member of the Galactic Federation you will come under our protection. If necessary, we can for example place magnetic shields around your Earth, or any particular part where it is needed. We do not need to carry weaponry and preventative methods are much more sophisticated. Within our Fleets there are some craft that have the ability to deal with intruders who enter the solar system without authority. It is only as a last resort that they would be forcefully removed and even then we are careful to honor the sanctity of life. We have patrolled your skies for a long time, and our brief has been to ensure that your civilization was allowed to develop without interference.

We wish you to know how close many of you are to us, and when we meet it really will one of good friends greeting each other again. That re-union is not far away as it is time to call a halt to the activities of the dark. It was never intended that you should totally succumb to their power and control. Do not worry that events on Earth are potentially so volatile, we already restrict the exploits of the dark and we assure you they will not get out of hand. Indeed, you are awakening so quickly to your true selves and beginning to live in Love and Light. Your presence is bringing the Light to bear upon others and lifting the vibration upon Earth. This lessens the effect of the negative energies which are gradually being transmuted. You have a power that is beyond all others, and many realize that it can be used to change your lives. You also know that on a larger scale you can actually change the course of your reality. You do so much good, and we ask you even as individuals to hold fast to your beliefs.

You may feel isolated at times, but I assure you that we are with you all of the way. In the Galactic Federation there are so many of us that feel a strong link with you, and in many instances you already know us well. When we say we are your family, there is more truth in it than you might imagine. Soon you shall learn the truth about yourselves and the history of Earth. It is vastly different to what you have been led to believe, and that even applies to events in your more recent times. History is ignored or often re-written to suit the fancy of those in power at the time.

Bear in mind, that we are just another group of beings that all have our beginnings in the same source, the Creator. Like you, we have also chosen certain paths for our development, and we stand a little further forward and offer you a helping hand. At present many of you on Earth are still unable to grasp the truth of your Oneness. However, as you progress, you begin to understand more about it and you will accept that we all come from the same source of creation.

Dear Ones, I depart wishing you great success in the final steps of your journey, it is nearly over and we are soon to meet again. We love you as our Brothers and Sisters in a common cause to carry out the Creator’s plan.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey
