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Your Physical Changes

From Ariadne Through Rachel Snyder

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eady read or heard of physical changes relative to the changing Earth vibrations. Here is a new perspective and additional facts you may not have yet received.

Your cellular refashioning requires a certain temperature. It is like heating up iron before it can be shaped. Or copper. Molecular activity requires the increase in temperature. Much of what you are experiencing is going on in the head, near the chakras closest to the higher realms. We have heard you say, "It feels as if my body, my structure, is being reshaped, reformed from the inside out. It feels as though teams of miners with pickaxes, ropes and torches are pushing, bending, reflexing from deep inside my bones, my muscles and organs."

You are not far from the actuality. Remember that as an evolving human species preparing to inhabit the New Planet Earth, you most literally need a new envelope, a new form in which to carry your substance. Think of the chick bursting out of the egg, which has grown too small, too confined. Think of the snake shedding its skin, which no longer fits.

Think of the times that suddenly your clothes absolutely do not fit you. You feel like a misfit in everything you do. Your job. Your home. Your friends. Itis not a matter of pounds or inches. It is not simply a change in attitude, or a difference in style. It is that your essence, your story, your soul history, your destiny and your legacy can no longer be contained within the package you were originally given upon your birth.

So yes, the outer form, your skeleton, musculature, must be reshaped. This is transformative change at the deepest cellular level. You have spoken of being able to feel "the reknitting of your DNA" and you have not been far from the truth. Your body is literally giving way to new form. Those of you who are moving forward in evolution with joy and open hearts, have it easier than others. The rise in cancers and diseases of the bones, the muscles, the ligaments, and the nerves, suggests that many are strongly resisting at a variety of levels. They are fighting against the necessary changes to move into a new ascended level. The more they resist, the more they struggle, the more their bodies must literally break down. These resistances can take place at very deep levels, far from the conscious awareness of these individuals. It is their path, and we bless it.

Your World Trade Centers and Pentagon destruction is a perfect metaphor for personal transformation. Here stood the powerful, phallic, masculine representations of your institutions of commerce, business, money, power, force, and warfare. The Old Guard has resisted so mightily the necessary shifts within these longstanding institutions. Too many continued to look to the bottom line as the most important measure of success. Too many were caught in the vortex of greed and climbing to some supposed "top" with little regard for those in support along the way. Yes, some corporations have begun to move toward greater honoring of diversity, or the equality of all who take their place at the circle. Yet, too little was happening, too slowly.

The New Paradigm rests on a foundation of open-hearted flexibility. Of acceptance and celebration of every being, be it four-legged, two-legged, or no-legged. There are no rigid positions to be taken, no Standard Operating Procedures - only presence in every moment and the constancy of the ebb and flow of Creation. This is the Feminine way of Creation, which does not create rigid forms that remain stagnant. It is a constant dance of life, of cycling, of death and rebirth. Sometimes death comes naturally, with ease, in its proper moment and in its proper fashion. When this phase of the life-death-rebirth cycle is resisted, death comes hard.

The rigid forms of the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon - the rigid structures desperately clinging to and trying to hold back the inevitable cycling of Life, had strayed too far from the ability to gracefully and joyfully move into the New Feminine Paradigm. These institutions based on power, control, money, greed, exploitation, death, fear, threats, killing, and the futile search for security and permanence, had to go. Something had to give. And so it did. The structure, the bones, the musculature, of these buildings were battered, cracked, burned, and ultimately fell to the ground, taking many with it. We bless their experience and their choices to continue serving from the Other Side.

How will your physical, bodily structure adjust to the changes on this Planet and in the entire Universe? Will you resist, trying desperately to hold onto that which you believe represents security, permanence, power and control? Are you solidifying your belief that the right job, the right partner, the right house, the right financial portfolio, will truly give you what your soul cries out for?

Are you clinging to the Old Paradigm ways of living from the head - analyzing, judging, criticizing, creating what-if scenario spreadsheets for every area of your life? Or are you digging deep enough to bring up the courage to live from the heart? To base every decision on love and not fear? To honor the ways in which you terrorize yourself and others, and then open up wide enough to let them go? Are you truly prepared to give up your attachment to living in the past and in the future, thereby ignoring the glories of the present moment? Are you creating a structure of living that you must constantly make higher, stronger, heavier, more dramatic to prove your importance - or are you building your life with the tools of light, life and love?

When you embrace the opportunity to evolve into a new species of human on Earth, and to live from your feeling heart, yes, you will feel discomfort. Yes, it will feel as though your body is being heated up and tempered and pushed and moved and cracked open in new ways. Because it is. You will see and experience the world differently, because it is different. As so, too, are you.

However, every moment that you resist - every moment that you continue to remain numb and asleep and unaware of your authentic self - every moment of steeling yourself against fear, hardening your emotional and physical walls against whatever alleged attackers you believe to exist "out there" - are moments that are preparing you to be battered, cracked and ultimately brought down with pain, terror and destruction.

Every awakening human now faces this choice. What institutions live within you? What policies, what positions, what power plays, what control games have rigidified your ability to live and dance and express yourself in every moment? Will you continue to hold onto them as you desperately convince yourself that they bring security and protection......or will you give it all up with a modicum of grace - willingly and with a discomfort that you can move through with the support of other beings, technologies, healing wisdom, and the unlimited resources of Creation Herself?

How will you be brought to your knees? In pain and suffering - or in joyful humility and recognition of your existence as one tiny part of a grand and glorious whole?

How will you move to a place where nothing will ever be the same? By refusing to give up your control and power and dragging your old baggage behind you -- or by gently laying down the past and allowing yourself to be carried aloft into a magnificent present?

How will you get on with the business of life? Crouched in fear, reinforcing your battlements and protecting your most vulnerable selves from everything familiar and unknown -- or by peeling away more layers of protection, by opening your heart to welcome in the vast universe without rushing to judge and categorize everything according to its goodness, badness, rightness, wrongness, pleasure, pain?

Welcome to the birth of a new planet, a new species of humans, and for you personally - a new experience of life on Earth. In the blink of an eye, what seems like Forever has only now begun.
