Online Channeling May 30, 2003
By Rev. Meg Blackburn
What is it to create from within yourselves? What is it to become that which you intend from the very essence of your creative processes? How is it that you have the power to manifest from within you the very reality that you perceive?
What is the essence of your creative power. Certainly not your thinking selves. Not your emotional selves either. That which is the aspect from which you create is the very essence of your being. Your consciousness.
From within your consciousness, you do not create as a separate aspect from the entirety of all things. Contrarily, you work as an integral part of the whole. As if the intentions that you send into the universal process are a glorious set of harmonics that represent the reality that you intend. As those harmonics move outward into the universal process, they communicate within all things, changing the reality of all things to that which you intended.
If you wish to become of harmonic alignment from within your manifesting processes, you must denude yourselves of all things that interfere with the progression of your intent. Once you have accomplished your freedom from the negative aspects that you would have otherwise sent out with your intent, such as your fears, your beliefs that what you are intending is greater than you deserve, your doubts as to your own power, you then become of harmonic concordance from within your creative powers within the universal process.
Once you have become of this creative balance, the realities which you intend become. They become quickly, for when you have shed yourselves of those things which are contrary to the reality which you are creating, you have begun to participate from within the moment. In doing so, from that moment, the universe has all of its aspects in harmony with you as well.
Once in harmony with all things, not only are your creative processes more powerful, so are your intuitive realizations, your abilities to receive and transmit that which moves beyond the here and now and into greater knowing both within you and universally. Transition of mind, body and spirit become possible beyond any imagining that you have had.
There is a point within you from where miracles occur, a point where, beyond your understanding, beyond your feelings of humanness, is the point of Light within you. That point of Light is your direct line to the Source from which you and all other things are created. When you find within you that place, that connection, you have found the power to live your creative process from a platform of perfection.
Those miracles which you can create are limitless in nature. Those miracles which you can create are a result of an alchemic process within the universal process as you learn to use your consciousness to change and shift realities. To do this, it is not to focus on a result, but to change your reality to that which you mean to create. We repeat: to create the miracles that you intend, do not focus on the result. Instead, create a belief within you of that new reality. In such a way, that reality becomes.
So many times as you move through your creative processes, you grunt and you groan as if pushing a huge boulder uphill as you try to create a new reality. Your struggle is simply because you do not belief completely in that which you are intending.
Of human nature, there are many aspects which cause interference is the creative process. There are the beliefs that you are powerless in the overall scheme of things. There are the beliefs that you are unworthy of the benefit of your own creation. There are the beliefs that others will judge you for what you have believed and created.
We ask you this: Where do these beliefs come from? Certainly not from your own perfection. Rather, those beliefs originate from patterns of behavior which has been handed down from one human to the next in a chain of dysfunction which becomes more and more dense each time those beliefs are handed to another person. Those beliefs become a part of the human experience which ultimately cause you as beings of human nature (albeit a temporary situation in the totality of things) to become of the view that you are separate and less than the perfection of all things.
All the while within you there is a struggle against these false values which causes you to question each choice and direction along your journeys. Conflict within. Density of being.
We ask you to cast aside those false beliefs. They are not perfection of yours and anyone else’s. Ask yourselves in any given situation what your true feelings tell you. Ask yourselves, where the conflicts lie. You will find that those conflicts belong to others and are not your Truth. The Truth is within you. It is only your awareness which has become clouded.
And how do you find within you that which is Truth as opposed to that which is not? It is simple, really. In any given situation during which you find yourself of any level of discomfort, stop, step back from yourselves and assess how it is your are feeling in that moment. Ask yourselves where the conflict lies. What is your fear in that moment? What is your fear?
It is that fear which is causing you to act against every Truth that resonates within you. Step beyond that fear and into a reality of your own perfection.
As it is, those patterns which are handed to you from one person or another, one situation to the next, are full of mistruths and misguided. They instill within you a fear of one kind or another. Often more than one kind of fear. You begin to believe that the fear is a normal way of being. You become comfortable in your discomfort. Reach beyond that which you believe that you know and into that which you do know. Yourself. All of the answers that you seek are within you.
Do you think that others intentionally bombard you with dysfunctional values? It is not so. Rather, those who carry forward these patterns of behavior are simply lacking the tools from within to recognize or step outside of the patterns. Often, they do not recognize the dysfunction at all. To them, that dysfunction is a normal state of being. It is a box in which they fit, all snug and limited. Even though they do not feel comfortable, they know nothing else.
And so it is that we ask you to find within you that which is the perfection of your being. That which is the Truth of your perfection. That which rises beyond the personal conflict within you and outward into the reality of miracles. You are a miracle. You are created from within the source. That which is Light. In such a way, there can be nothing less that perfection within you.
It is only your humanness which causes you to misperceive yourselves. You, the essence of you, your conscious being, are the power of all creation. You. There is not a more magnificent creature in all of creation than you.
And so it is that we return to Light.