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Diane of the Galactic Federation On The New World That Beckons

Through Mike Quinsey

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hat could birth life similar to yours. Orthodox thinking does not allow for such life forms to reach you, because of the distance they are from your Solar System. So you search the skies for radio signals that have a form indicating an intelligent source. However, even if you tracked such a signal, you would have the problem of determining its significance and meaning. You would be little further forward in proving the existence of intelligent life, by this method. It seems a strange approach to us, as you have abundant evidence of visitations to Earth. Your history is punctuated by references to ETs showing themselves in your skies, and many reports of actual contact. If there was any doubt as to the accuracy of such reports, these could be set aside for a study of present day sightings and contacts. It is this head in the sand approach to the whole subject that has kept many people in the dark, or uncertain as to what to believe. Plus, you have the continual denial of the existence of space craft and ETs by your Government, and deliberate disinformation to keep you confused. Some people have totally blocked out the possibility of the other forms of intelligent life, and sometimes this has its roots in conflicting religious beliefs. Others would rather turn the other way than have to face the subject, fear being their main obstacle.

We of the Galactic Federation and other councils are well aware of the responsibility we have to introduce ourselves in a way that is acceptable. Consequently we shall approach First Contact with care, and our main intention will be to show you the human-like appearance of many ETs, so that you feel comfortable with us. Our second aim is to quickly show you that we are no threat to you, and that we are peaceful and offer you the help you need at this time. Gradually we shall explain the greater plan in which we are all actively involved. You will learn of the truth about yourselves, and this will make it easier for you to accept the existence of us and our One Creator. The fact that we acknowledge the Oneness of Creation, will enable you to see us as your Brothers and Sisters from the stars. Your concept of Creation will have to change, and we shall help you to do this with a clear explanation, that will be on a level that you can accept. The doubts and fears will soon be released, and we will then be able to do so much more for you.

A great sigh of relief will be heard when you take the first steps towards your freedom from tyranny, by replacing your present government. But an even greater one, when peace is declared throughout your world, and you see that it can be enforced. The tools of war will be destroyed, so that you can be assured that there can never be a return to the destruction and deaths it has caused. Many organisations that have existed purely to support the war machine will be disbanded, and the people involved will be offered peaceful alternatives. Although in America you have resisted giving up your right to carry arms for self protection, we believe that you will soon see that it is unnecessary. In time you will of your own accord show your support for a peaceful existence that does not call for people to be armed.

With the changes that are coming very soon, your whole outlook on life will also change. Never before will you have been given the opportunities to freely travel world-wide, safely, quickly and efficient. The quality of your lives will be increased twofold, and your worries will disappear to be replaced by a new feeling of great happiness. You will hardly have dreamt of the remarkable changes that you will experience, and there will be a wonderful coming together of all people. There will be a unity of purpose never seen before, that will carry you forward in great co-operation to restore the Earth.

I am Diane, and I convey you to a little of the changes that will profoundly alter your lives for the better. The Forces of Light come to you in a timely release from the dark, that has blighted your lives for millennia of time. They come with great Love and you will know this to be so.

Thank you Diane,

Mike Quinsey
