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Message From The Dolphin And Whale Kingdoms "Entering An Internal State Of Peace"

"Entering An Internal State Of Peace"

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Entering an Internal State of Peace

The Dolphin and Whale Kingdoms through Karen Danrich "Mila" November 8, 2001

We of the Dolphin and Whale Kingdom have watched the terrible incidents dancing within the human experience at this time in history beginning with the travesty over New York on September 11th. Why must this be so, so of our many human brothers and sisters query? Why is this necessary now? Cannot mankind come to peace now? How much longer must such a dance occur, when I as an ascending being do not see the purpose of such a dance? We of the Dolphin and Whale realm invite you to be at peace. All is as it should be beloved.You have entered a quarter century of cleansing, and this cleansing has karmic unraveling that is necessary. What is karmic unraveling? Long ago karma played out in one direction, and now it must play out in the other to balance the scales. Earth has committed to completion, completion with the human species in the current dance, and completion with the thought-form of destruction. Earth has of late risen above the thought-form of destruction in her global ascension, and cleared the records of destruction from human warfare from her soils.

This occurred during Conclave 2001 and was a focused endeavor upon the part of all species upon Earth. This completion causes karma to unravel in the human dance into a state of completion.We of the dolphin and whale realm circled the Hawaiian Islands and many other island chains to assist in release of warfare karma upon land under your oceans. This has sufficed to be fulfilled upon now, and all warfare records were indeed released last month, and Earth is moving towards a new day and era of peace, unity, unparalleled joy, and continued unfolding global ascension.However, in order for this to become so within the human dance, humanity must either ascend or cease to exist, and those wishing to retain the thought-form of destruction shall one day perish in full from Earth. The New York incident and the continued warfare in the Middle East, regardless of how humans view it, whether they perceive it as an atrocity or a war upon terrorism, is an act of destruction. The travesty in New York and the continued annihilation of innocent humans in Afghanistan brings to a head and to the conscious attention of all humans the need for world peace and an end to violence upon the fellow members of your species. This act allows for the cleansing of the thought-form of destruction from the human species.


The human species has risen in vibration and awareness over the past 150 human years. This century to come will be perhaps the greatest leap up in awareness that has ever occurred for any single species inside or outside of time and space. What do we mean by this? Humanity will suddenly enter the vibration of unity en mass within this coming decade, and the vibration of full consciousness in the coming century. Entry into a state of unity is anticipated to occurroughly around 2008. How will this occur? At this time, 8 billion humans begin their ascension to 1024 strands of DNA. This is occurring through the elements air, water, fire and earth and elementals or divas that govern physical form.All form is created by combining the elements through a genetic blueprint held by the angels of the form. Form is roughly one quarter air which is expressed in the many forms of gasses that pervade the cellular structure, one half water which is found in both the blood stream and cellular fluid, one quarter earth which are the compounds from which cells are formed such as amino acids (protein), glucose (sugar) and lipids (fat), and less than 1% fire.Fire has diminished in the human species along with all species upon Earth due to the many falls in consciousness in Earth's collective history. Fire is indeed the kundahlini energy flow, which pervades the spinal cord along with all meridians in the etheric body and subtle bodies/chakra system of the form. Fire has been the main missing element upon Earth, as without fire one is hard pressed to retain their vibration. Indeed Earth has sunk and sunk in vibration over the past 24 million years of her history, and therefore the loss of fire began long ago, long before humanity arrived upon the scenes.

Why did fire diminish? Fire was confiscated by a group of souls requiring fire to sustain their existence known as the "False Intervention". These beings not only stripped Earth and all species over time of grid work, moving energy flow such as chakras and kundahlini or sexual energy, along with genetic information. This stripping began long before humanity arrived upon the scenes, however humans have allowed through their collective fields the most rapid stripping and the most rapid decline in vibration of any other species since their arrival upon Earth. Why? The False Intervention relies upon human form to obtain the chi, information and grid work necessary to sustain their existence.Much like a parasite, they leech a creation until it has been destroyed and becomes extinct, and there are 8 billion creations that have been destroyed in this manner that are Earth's predecessors. Such a thorough manner of destruction is utilized that no records of how or why the destruction occurred have ever been obtained, until now and as a result of not only the ascension of Earth, but also all dimensions that are ascending within your creation and the multidimensional consensus for ascension throughout All That Is.Humans therefore have a long history of being used by the False Intervention, and often have deemed the beings emanating from such places as false gods. It is in the blind worship that humanity and all species have been used to destroy our own creations. This is very sad, for what has been deeply loved and danced with then turns against each creation stripping it of all remaining life over time for their own sustenance and gain. Dolphins and whales have been used in the dance of the false intervention as well as mankind. We too like our human ascending brothers and sisters are coming to understand the details so that we need not partake in such a dance any longer, which ensures our ascension along with the global ascension of Earth.


All species upon Earth are acting as a beacon for human awakening. At this time, there is not one single day that we along with all other nature kingdoms do not infuse our love into the human species. It is our love that shall fuel the ascension of the 8 billion humans embarking upon this rise in vibration. This rise of the first 8 billion to 1024 will be followed by roughly one quarter or 2 billion who will rise to Bodhisattva in vibration in the coming 7-year cycle. It is anticipated that there will be roughly 2 billion human Bodhisattvas by 2008 as Earth enters an important star gate headed for the Great Central Sun. Many of such humans will come in the form of newborn children entering the world in the coming 8 years, and many more will come through child, teenage and adult ascension.What is the Bodhisattva? It is a human that has risen above the destructive paradigm. In so doing, the form has been resurrected of all decay, and such humans stand as a walking example of compassion in action. You reading this material are often the mapmakers to Bodhisattva that agreed to carve the path to the vibrational and genetic destination for the masses to follow. This path has not been easy and those following our channel's material have come to understand how difficult the journey ascension is.Each following the map will also suffer their own personal hardships, however the calling to ascend and ascend now is so great that we believe that most destined for this purpose shall succeed. Where does the call to ascend come from? It comes from the very core and heart of Earth along with all species upon her, plant, animal, mineral, dolphin, whale along with the ascending map carvers of the human species.

The call to ascend is the result of the global thought-form for ascension that has been anchored and now pervades all life upon Earth to a molecular level.The Conclave past succeeded in anchoring this thought-form or call to ascend and now the process of ascension for the human species may begin en mass. And what of the other remaining 7 billion humans? They have not lineage for ascension, but lineage for warfare. If allowed to ascend, such humans would create what they have created so many times before while in power, and therefore they are destined for completion through death.Such humans will live to join other ascending humans following death through their own ancestral connections and witness the golden era birthed upon Earth nonetheless, and therefore nothing is sincerely lost beloved. It is the 7 billion humans however that have karma to unravel, and the recent turn of events are an example of such unraveling occurring first hand. Most of such unraveling will occur through personal difficulties, travesty, illness, accident, loss of finances, loss of places to live and so on that shall not be so publicly known or understood

. It is hard to understand that those in war torn places have inflicted war upon others at another time and are living to experience their own karmic return.Those who are starving caused the starvation of others at another time and are living to experience their karmic return. Hard lessons, and yet these are the spiritual lessons of the human species due to the history upon Earth. The spiritual lessons of all species are to understand that God Goddess exists in all life form, including mankind, and not to harm any other life form ever; furthermore if one harms another in any manner, one will live to experience equivalent harm towards oneself in the future.


Does this mean that we have not compassion for humanity? We have compassion, but we have not harmed physically as a species. We have as a species often been hunted by mankind in rather large numbers from many regions around the globe, particularly in recent centuries. The hunting is a form of war upon our species.The war between humanity and the dolphins and whales has been released in relation to karma this Conclave past, and in so doing, there will come to be a time when none of our species is ever killed or maimed through human destructiveness again. This is coming, just as the era of awakening and the golden era ahead, and we can see it stepping down the dimensions towards physicality. This is a beautiful sight indeed beloved. Why would anyone choose to maim or harm?We have come to understand that such things are done out of two states of being, one is of great arrogance, and the other of great terror. It is arrogance that caused the terrorists to perceive it as their god given right to destroy portions of the New York City killing others by the thousands. In a state of arrogance, one perceives oneself as right and all others as wrong, and from righteousness, chooses to take a stand to force others who are perceived as wrong into a subordinate position or into death.

Each reading this material may look within and see where they are righteous in any manner, and choose to release such patterning now. One cannot be righteous and become Bodhisattva, for the thought-forms of compassion and righteousness are at odds. Sometimes, out of great terror, humans also harm one another. This occurs due to forms of insanity that humans can go into. One may think of war and battlefields as a form of insanity that the entire group of soldiers and their commanders go into.The karma for insanity shall be released in less than 3 years, and shall be the focus of all species upon Earth in 2003. One may wonder what dolphins and whales have done to elicit such harm from the human species? We have also like humanity been used to harm Earth by the false intervention. This was not perceived until recent months of ascension revealing the early records of the stripping of Earth's grid work and libraries through the magnetic dolphins incarnate in Earth's waterways some 20 million years ago.We were saddened by this discovery, and now understand that the manifestation of humans who kill and mutilate our species is a return of our own karma for the mutilation of Earth. All karma returns to be expressed in physicality over time, and this understanding allows us to forgive mankind in full in recognition that we sincerely are the creators of our own experience, and not at all victims.


Our Mila has taken the stance that we all work together towards the common goal of global ascension, and come to understand the entire history of Earth over time so that the karma can be released and a new era dawn. She has been an inspiration to our kingdom as she has often taken dreamtime stands against others of other opinions who wished her destroyed and annihilated. She is an example of one who stands in their truth in all that they do, regardless of reaction or response, or popularity of other thought-form. Her stance has caused all kingdoms including Dolphins and Whales to back her cause, which is indeed global ascension.It is through the combined efforts of small numbers of ascending humans along with all species upon Earth that Earth now holds the global vibration of 3500 strands in the physical, and has completed global initiation 4200 in the nonphysical. Earth now has universal sized chakras and auric field that commands and demands restitution and resolution of all information lost over time upon a universal scale.Little by little as all grid work, chi and genetic knowledge is retrieved, Earth will move backwards and restore herself to the pristine, fifth dimensional state that she once knew some 48 million years ago.

What can go one way can go another. If Earth and all species declined in vibration and genetic material, it can be reversed, and this is the hope and belief that Mila along with all species upon Earth have held on to. And indeed we have proven this to be so and will continue to do so, until one day a full ascension to the next dimension occurs. Beyond this, Mila predicts that Earth and all species therein will not remain in this creation but choose to return outside of time and space to the One Source from which all life in the Omniverse that Earth is related emanates.We too see this as a viable future for Earth, and shall bring this long dance of destruction and annihilation to complete closure therein for all souls dancing in our creation. The dolphins and whales receive monthly reports from Mila surrounding human activities and warfare in particular.

The war of mankind must not escalate into nuclear catastrophe, and it is for this reason that we pay close attention, as this could bring ascension to a halt for all of Earth. It is for this reason that Earth and all species have planned a rapid-fire rise in consciousness for mankind, for it is only as consciousness rises that another future becomes possible. In order for this to have global affect, more humans must learn to stand in their truth and speak out against warfare. In so doing, a turn of the tides can then become possible for what is underway in Afghanistan. For those in power will not stop there beloved, this we already see, and so your newspapers have already reported as of today.Today the FBI and US Government stated that Iraq might be next after Afghanistan is conquered. And when will it really stop beloved? When all is dead due to nuclear poisoning? This has been the patterning of the past, and now we must alter this so that another future for Earth becomes possible.

Humans are a fully conscious species. We invite you who are ascending to continue to intend world peace, and push the thought-form from the polarity of war to peace again through your collective will. You have the capacity to do this beloved.To be most effectual, one must enter a state of peace oneself and then intend world peace. How does one enter a state of peace? The noise from your media puts the field into imbalance and causes it to wobble. Shut off the computer, telephone, fax, computer, Xerox machine, and television, and throw out the newspapers and magazines. Then sit quietly balancing the field in one's home after the electrical distortion in the field ceases. One may not realize how much such devices and thought-form bombard oneself with dissonance, but one may take notice after such has been turned off or tossed out.


Sit quietly. Imagine yourself under the ocean and swimming with us beloved. We know not the distortion that you do that imbalance you so. Put on some soft music, light some candles, and relax. Move inward, for our world is a part of your world, and you can access our world through your heart. The heart is the key to connection and communion with all species. Within the heart is a hologram of Earth and all species therein. We are both within and without beloved. Now intend to commune with us, and we will come near with our light bodies. We will utilize sonar to assist in transmuting the remaining electrical and radioactive distortion that pervades your field. Feel the body relax, feel the tenseness disappear, but do not fall asleep. Perhaps remaining seated and upright will be useful.Now move into a deep meditative state, placing all thoughts of all others outside of your sacred space and home.

Breathe deeply, and experience the internal peace that is possible as one comes to complete balance in one's field. And now from such a state of peace, intend world peace for all your human brothers and sisters. You will reach them all beloved. You are more powerful than you think as you have a global or larger auric field. There is not one human that you do not touch.Reach out to your extended human family with the message "Peace be with you beloved". This message has a multifaceted meaning and over time, and with enough focus therein, shall anchor world peace into the physical. And as the last armaments are dismantled through human global demand, a new era will emerge that is most joyous, most magnificent, and most wondrous to behold. You might think, this is impossible, to imagine humans dismantling armament.

Envision it beloved and make it your world dream for Earth; with enough humans along with all other species envisioning this vision, so it will come to be, and not in the distant future, but in the coming decade. This is the potential future we have always as a species seen for mankind, human after human holding hands and demanding peace, and demanding the dismantling of all machinery for warfare. We will envision this outcome with you. From the depths of the oceans in which we reside, we understand peace.Dolphins and whales exist by and large in a state of peace continuously in the wild. It is why so many humans come to be with us, to find the peace and unity within, and to remember communion between all life forms founded upon love. We foresee many more humans awakening in the decade ahead, and perhaps even coming to be with us. We welcome this, and it allows an ancient fear that is related to dolphin and whale hunting to be healed between us.Why is peace so imperative at this time in history?

History may yet go in either of two directions, and the continued intent for peace will force history to go upon the path of awakening rather than the path of annihilation. The path of annihilation is pushed aside and into the nonphysical realms, and from there it will not manifest in the physical. To say that there are not those beings still surrounding Earth that would not like to reverse this would be a lie. They are there, and they are watching for every opportunity possible to alter the course of Earth's future. The continued dance of awakening must be intended by all species along with the human species in order for such intent to override the other possibility. And so it will be with continued focus, and it is for this reason that we share such with our ascending human brothers and sisters.


SHow have we learned as members of the dolphin and whale species to retain an ongoing internal state of peace? We focus upon our process of ascension and our internal landscape most of any given day. When in discord, we intend to look at, understand and release the karma that is related, returning to a state of peace thereafter. Ascension brings about periods of discord following by a new foundation of thought-form and vibration that leads to peace through expansion. As the new foundation is constructed in full, one will have a brief period of expansion, freedom, ecstasy, unity, union, communion, feeling loved from within and without. Such moments are often the times just proceeding, during and after taking an initiation.What are initiations? One builds in vibration over a given time table of many months.

As one reaches a particular vibrational threshold, there is enough chi to expand one's auric field, chakra system, kundahlini energy movement and subtle bodies into a larger and enhanced state of being, and a more rapid rotation. Each initiation has a prescribed form that the energy field moves into that causes the field to expand. During the expansion, more of one's source and oversoul or I AM presence descends as the larger field can hold more "soul". Initiations are wondrous moments that reward the difficult times of pushing up and up and up in vibration to take the next initiation.Why is it so hard to push up in vibration? There are so many around oneself that prefer to take one's chi, take one's records, take one's dream, and so on, that from our observation of the human ascension, one is always repairing their field each night after a day or more worth of interactions with other non-ascending humans.

Why do non-ascending humans take information, records, chi and so on? Such humans have been vessels for the False Intervention and False Gods for so long that such souls reach through the human fields to try and prevent human ascension altogether so that they can retain dominion over Earth.It is for this reason that many ascending humans retreat and live very frugal and isolated lives, focusing inward instead of outward. Often such humans have simple preoccupations that support their needs in the physical. Often such humans are not thought of greatly by others who worship those of fame or fortune in the current human dance, as they are seemingly unimportant and innocuous. However it is through such humans that the 2 billion Bodhisattvas will come forth in the decade ahead, and launch unity and peace into the human dance. As this occurs the disarming of all destructive devices is not such an unattainable goal beloved.


It is your heritage and inheritance to ascend. It is why humans came from Sirius so long ago to seed Earth with the human form, to assist Earth in ascension at this time in her history. Instead, humans have been used more greatly than any other species to strip Earth and potentially prevent her ascension altogether. However, what goes one way can go another, and humans therefore could be exponentially supportive of global ascension, allowing all that has been done through one's own lengthy ancestral history to be undone.How does one choose to undo whatever has been done in one's ancestry? Simply through intent. Each night intend before you fall asleep to undo whatever damage your ancestry has done to another or to Earth. In so doing, one will find themselves transcending the destructive paradigm with greater rapidness, and assisting Earth in repairing her field and recovering her records simultaneously.

In so doing, you will also recover your own records necessary to ascend, and therefore be able to fulfill upon your personal goal of ascension. For as the False Intervention stripped Earth, they also stripped you and your ancestry beloved.


And what of humans that are completing rather than ascending? We see that they are already becoming stripped one last time by the false intervention. This stripping began with WWII and the dropping of the bombs over Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The False Intervention pushes humans to war to extremes with nuclear holocausts, as it is in such explosions that all species upon Earth shatter, and in the shattering information, grid work, chakras and other moving energy systems along with libraries can then be stripped and taken by the souls of the false intervention. After such explosions in 1944, humanity began to be stripped once again, and this imploded the human heart chakra.We understand from your records that you have many new autoimmune diseases. Indeed the heart chakra is the seat of the immune system in the nonphysical.

Any compromise to the heart chakra leads to a physical decline of the immune system, leading to such seeming diseases. There have been 18 stripping of the human heart chakra recently decoded as the many dreamtime planes that surround Earth were recast in her global ascension. Another recent time of such stripping was known as the "Black Plague" in Europe. As the heart chakra loses grid work and chi, the immune system begins to fail leading to disease or plagues. For many humans who are still being stripped, their heart charka is declining, and this may indeed lead to plague after plague that kills humans by the millions.For those that are ascending, you can now understand why this is occurring, why you will not be affected, and why you need not go into fear as such things occur. Ascension brings about the restructuring of all chakras including the heart, and an increased immune system.

Those attaining even 1024 as a bare minimum will most likely not be affected by such plagues. Those reaching Bodhisattva will stand beyond any form of biological warfare that may be emitted by those who are acting out and unraveling their terrorist karma. And so we invite you to be at peace with such issues as a fellow ascending human.Dolphins and whales also have some of our species completing. In the coming decade, they too will die en mass as they have not lineage for ascension. We too have had those lineages that were "warrior" like, but energetic warriors and not physically abusive. Such lineages were used to strip our species sending such information to the false intervention. Such members shall die out much like our fellow human counterparts in the coming decade. They shall die for parallel reasons and a final stripping of their grid work and heart chakra by the False Intervention causing a drop in the immune system and a sudden plague.


For each species, we are a mirror for one another. Human lessons offer dolphins and whales unparalleled insights into our own spiritual lessons as a species. We honor humans as such for being our teachers, and for those who join us in this stand to ascend Earth, for being our fellow fully conscious counterparts upon the spiritual journey known as evolution.Sometimes in the dance with humans we find ourselves unconsciously harmed. So many in Mila and Oa's school also find themselves shattered as they go out and interact with humans at shopping malls or grocery stores. Such unconscious harm is a part of the dance of all species upon Earth that are fully conscious, including dolphins and whales. Therefore there are some pods that are also unconsciously harmful, and so one must be choosy if one so wishes to commune with our species, just as we are choosy about which humans we choose to commune with.

Unconscious harm is another type of warfare. Warfare is warfare, and Earth has released her karma for warfare. Those who are ascending are releasing en mass their thought-form that creates war, and in so doing, the energetic harm ceases. If you still experience energetic harm, you have thought-form that is war like remaining in your field. As you strive to transcend and ascend out of such thought-form, the harm shall cease. Mila and Oa are witnessing a time where they have transcended all harmful thought-form, and yet the harm still flows.

Why? The beings that wish dominion over Earth do not honor their transcendence and they manipulate. Therefore one must also ascertain if they are being manipulated into being shattered or if they have legitimate karma or thought-form to transcend in the moment.If it is an act of manipulation, take your complaints to the karmic boards and intend restitution prior to falling asleep. If one is a conscious dreamer, one may do so in meditation and find restitution imminent. The karmic boards are not allowing manipulated harm any longer, and this is the result of the restriction of all beings in governance over karma global wide in recent years that this is so. All beings follow true law, which states only karma may create harm between parties, and anything that is non-karmic is an act of manipulation thereby creating karma for the party at cause.It has been a major victory to anchor true law upon Earth again. This has come hand in hand with the eviction of the False Gods and the False Intervention souls from such posts, as they were the ones that condoned winning at all costs and retaining their dominion therein, even to the point of killing human ascending mapmakers without karmic cause.

This near outcome forced the issue for all species and all then karmic members were flat out evicted from their posts, and from outside of time and space, new souls that could be impartial were brought in to oversee the dance. Such souls come from the One Source from which this creation and all creations related emanate from outside of time and space.Mila has written in the past that you live in a lawless creation. In this creation, law was turned inside out and upside down allowing one creator to tear apart another creator's creation. Why did this occur? The truth is complex and lengthy but let us suffice to say that it was allowed as the result of the gradual and complete replacing of all souls in governance upon Earth with souls of the false intervention. This included the angelic realms, and it is due to the shattering of the angels by the false intervention angels some six million years ago that Lucifer seemingly fell. Lucifer was the main global angel in charge of all angels high and low upon Earth, and as he fell, Earth ultimately was unprotected and it was only a matter of time that all would be lost.Why did no one save Lucifer? Why did no soul inside of time and space come to his aid when requested to help? More or less all souls are paralyzed under the dominion of the false intervention, and it is for this reason that 8 billion related creations to the one in which Earth exists have been destroyed in parallel manner to this one.

In essence, the jurisdiction inside of time and space is all distorted and the lawless ones run the show. It is for this reason that Earth has had to appeal to souls outside of time and space to find justice for her cause and choice to ascend. Therein there is great support, as the damage inside of time and space is destroying large sectors of the One Source, and if this dance continues, all may be lost for all time.Those who are ascending in human, dolphin and whale role have an important job to do. This destructive cycle must be reversed, as there is far more at stake than meets the eye of a small seemingly meaningless planet lost in the outskirts of time and space.

(message trunalcated go to site please to finish article) Entering an Internal State of Peace Blessings, In the Name of One, Sandy
