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The Earth Mother through Karen Danrich "Mila"

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flame of Divine Union within the heart chakra of earth as the karma was released in full. The flame of Divine Union has been ignited and shines brightly in the aurora of earth! In so doing, there is a greater state of soul infusion and direction on the part of the Great Central Sun for earth as a global consciousness and vessel.

We are returning unto the Great Central Sun beloved. This shift is bringing about new Great Central Sun counsels anchored now within the aurora of earth to oversee the ascension of each sentient species, including fully conscious ascension in human, dolphin and whale form. One may attune to such counsels for rectification in karmic disputes, or for greater understanding of one's spiritual purpose and life lessons.

The new flame of Divine Union creates a global kundahlini energy flow that now exchanges energy with the Great Central Sun; as such there is an ongoing movement of photonic energy between earth's aurora and core and the Great Central Sun. The recent explosion of light emanating from the aurora as perceived as the "northern lights" is indeed the result of this shift. The lights are not from the solar sun, but from the inside of earth as it emanates through caverns that emerge into earth's surface in the North Pole. Earth is heating up and shall continue to do so into the decade ahead!
