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By Carrie Hart

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you believe the messages sent forth, only that you read them

with an open mind. For I am not concerned with what you believe -- only with

what you see. I wish to also remind you that channeled messages received from

ANYONE can become distorted as they pass through the various dimensions to be

received by the receiver. ALWAYS go within for clarification. You and you alone

are your best teacher and you need no other; follow your own inner guidance.

"If something you read here, or on my web sites, does not ring true to you

then by all means disregard it and go on to what does. For one persons truth is

not always anothers. What is given today can very well change tomorrow -- in

fact in the next instant -- as ALL THINGS are in constant change. Every

four-quadrillionth of a second the entire universe appears and disappears --

changing. Please use your discrimination in reading this and all material intended for

spiritual growth, as truth is a personal thing, and each journey towards

truth, unique."

~ Isis ~


Quado: Belief Systems

Q: Why do you always speak of death of the body? It is my understanding,

that as Light Workers, we are now ascending these physical bodies and that they

do not have to "die" anymore. They can rejuvenate and ascend. The Beloved

Angels Akasha and Asun speak of this often. They say that we have come back in

this life to get a body to take with us. We have, through our "tunneled

vision" belief systems, caused all previous bodies to "die."

Quado, do you have an answer to this question?

Yes, of course, of course.

This question opens up many levels of discussion, and the first is this:

What possible difference can it make? Wars are fought and people die because

they have differing beliefs over what happens to people after they die. Too much

focus on this is neither healthy nor necessary. If your body ascends or if

it dissolves is hardly of importance. What is important is this: to know that

you are immortal so that you do not fear death. And to determine how best to

live during this life so that you are filled with joy, love and peace. That

is what is important.

And it does help to have a system of belief so that you can feel comfortable

in how things are structured and how you fit in, but it is not necessary. And

in fact, you will not know until it is time for you to die. You will never

know exactly how life is constructed and what happens after you die until it is

time for you to do this. And so, you may believe whatever you believe, and

it will be as it will be.

And someday, you will have completed your work here in this physical body and

your soul will continue its journey. The details of what will happen after

that point are not really important. What is important is this: Are you

living your life well now? Are you taking advantage of each precious moment of

this existence and filling it with joy, peace and love?

Does it matter, for example, if you are here to learn lessons or if you are

just to exist and have this experience for an unknown reason? People prefer to

think of themselves as learning lessons for they feel it gives their life

more meaning. When something horrible happens, something they had not wanted,

they like to take comfort in a variety of beliefs. But in fact, what happened,

happened. And all you can do is learn what you can, take comfort where you

can, and continue on, hoping that it all makes sense on some level. And so you

search for that sense. And you yearn also not to lose things, not to lose the

precious body and personality of your own and that of others. And if this is

important to you to think of these things as staying on some level, well

then, you may believe as you wish.

But whatever you believe, stay focused on the primary truths of peace and

love. Stay focused on living well now in order to fill yourself and the world

with love and peace.

And so why do these different beliefs exist? Why do different channels say

different things, just as different religions say different things?

There are two answers to this. The first is about channeling. Know that

"there is no such thing as a pure channel." "Anything, any information" which is

passing through the mind and mouth of a person alive on this earth will be

colored by the views and experience of that person. The imagination can only go

so far, and what you have learned from your society and your own life will

undoubtedly color the information which you receive. Nor are all spirits which

provide information pure. Everything is colored by those who deliver the

message. And so, you will have conflicting information, even though the people

who are receiving and providing this information are very well meaning and are

giving you exactly what they have seen and heard and believe to be true.

The other thing to realize is that what exists, what is, goes beyond what you

can understand and grasp. And so everything that is presented to you is in

the form of metaphor which you can understand. If you were to see something

that had no connection whatsoever to what you had previously seen or

experienced, how would you convey it to anyone else? You would have to say, well, this

part of it was a little like this, and this part of it was a little like that.

The only thing you would be able to do is compare it to things which are

known and understood. And so that is what happens here. The information about

what exists is there, the knowledge exists, but it cannot be conveyed because

there is no experience that you have here in this earthly existence which will

help you to understand it fully. And so you may think of spaceships or angels,

spirit guides and gods, you may think of anything you wish, but the fact is

that you will never understand.

And so why bother? Because people have an insatiable desire to understand

and to bring meaning to their lives. And because, in fact, there is meaning.

And so the various spirit guides (and this is metaphor as well) speak to

people who can hear them, trying to help people to live their lives with love

instead of fear, with faith instead of doubt. The knowledge is there, but it

cannot be conveyed clearly, it cannot be grasped clearly, and all struggle with

this and do the best they can.

And so, what you must do is make up your own mind. Live as you wish to

live. Believe what you wish to believe. And know this as a choice. Know that you

will not find the ultimate truth laid out for you. You will find something

which you like, that makes you feel comfortable. Some ritual that you like.

Some view of life that you like.

I would ask only this, for it is all that matters. As you choose what to

believe and as you listen to what others tell you is true, ask whether it flows

from love. If someone says something to you which makes you afraid, then this

is not a belief to follow. Do not follow darkness. Follow light. If someone

tells you something, presents a system of belief that makes you feel full of

love and light, that leads you to decisions in your life which are good and

peaceful and joyful, helping yourself and others, then feel free to believe it,

no matter what anyone else thinks. But if it makes you fearful, if it makes

you feel less free, less joyful and disturbs your peace, then turn away and

continue your search.

And do beware of taking things too literally. If you need literal

interpretation and it makes you more comfortable to believe in a more physical existence

after death, then you may certainly do so. But do consider whether it is not

a projection of metaphor. And then, if it makes you comfortable and fills

you with love and peace and joy, then find your comfort. Find your comfort and

live your life as well as you can.

And in the end, the truth is this: All is love and all is one. At the

highest level, all is one. And you are deeply connected and a part of all that is.

And all is love. You are love, everyone else is love, and all is joined in


If your beliefs support this, then you will be fine.

Carrie Hart is the author of "There is a Garden", the story of her spiritual

journey from stressed executive to spiritualist and channeler of Quado. This

book, Carrie's CDs of original music, as well as daily messages by Quado are

available on
