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Message From A Pleiadian /Plejaren

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s of this system are in a developmental phase that is still totally unsuitable for human life forms at the present time. The home stars and planets of the Pleiadians, with whom Billy Meier maintains contacts, are located in the same region of the sky. However, they exist in another space-and-time configuration and are an additional 80 light years beyond the Pleiades. One of the sun systems located there bears the name Tayget, the central star, which is orbited by ten planets; four of these are inhabited. Those human beings living there we call Pleiadians. Yet they call themselves Plejaren (pronounced pleh-yar-en) according to their system, which bears the name Plejaren.


The human bears a spirit that does not die nor sleep during the deepest sleep; it records all thoughts and motions; it informs the human whether his thoughts are correct or false-if he has learned to pay attention.

The spirit within the human is the bearer of the creative realm, and every human has his own (spirit).

It is incomprehensible that the human speaks of a heaven and of a kingdom of heaven within himself, rather than to merely say: Creation, truth, knowledge, wisdom, spirit, consciousness and existence.

A humans yearning lies in the joy that remains, for the imperishable life, the permanent peace, the spiritual and consciousness-related wealth that never fades and lasts forever.

Heaven and Earth will perish, but truth, knowledge, wisdom and spirit will never be changing [change?] or perish.

The spirit and the consciousness are on the look-out for what is perfect, for harmony, for peace, cognition and realization, for knowledge, wisdom, truth and beauty, for love and for the true BEING, all of which are of absolute duration.

All of these lead to what forms the spiritual kingdom of wisdom; all are existing within what is creative.

All of these are here in existence, as a genius of all ingenuity, as a melody of all melodies, as ability of all abilities, as the highest creative principle, as wonder of all wonders.

The human may create wondrous worlds in a dream, just as Creation consciously creates the worlds.

To the human, this capability arises from his consciousness, which is obtainable in existence within himself, in the same way that all wonders are available within himself.

He himself is the realm of heaven, the realm of what is creative.

That's why the terrestrial philosophers of old spoke about the human as a microcosm within a macrocosm because everything that is included within the universe is included within the human.

The inner dimensions of the human are endless.

The image of Creation, the spirit within him--the existence that is without dimension--it bears all dimensions within itself and, at the same time, transcends all dimensions.

The spirit is the wonder of all wonders, and all power emerges from it.

A wonder means using the spirit force in perfection.

The human, however, places a wonder into something for which he lacks all possibilities of a logical explanation.

If a human is happy, his happiness comes from within, because happiness is a self-created state; never is happiness a location.

Joy comes forth from the humans inner part, created by spiritual poise.

Therefore, everything comes from within.

The things that, or humans who, seemingly form the cause of happiness, are only the external occasion to bring the happiness within the human expressing itself, if he has spiritually worked towards this.

But happiness is something that belongs to the inner being, and it is an unseparable characteristic of the spirits existence.

Endless happiness and endless power are included in this existence