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Quantum Part 2: The Arcturians Speak About Unlocking The Time Gates

The Time Gates

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Greetings. We herald from the Star and the System of Light that is known as Arcturus to you. We hold keys to Time Gates that are being given issuance to open. These Time Gates herald situations of healing for all of humanity. The Time Gates occupy a space which holds unto all that it serves. As the Time Gates are unlocked, what once served you, will be released into a flow that moves away from you. Everything that you have held unto emotionally, physically and mentally is now given a decree to be released.

It is time to heal. It is time to release the pain in your heart. It is time to let go. It is time to forgive. It is time to love, deeper, fuller, more beautifully than you ever have thought. The Time Gates have held your thinking in a formatted structure that has served humanity up until now. As long as you had the security of the four walls and the ceiling to rely upon, you were not afraid. As the constructs of invisible walls and ceilings are released from you emotionally and mentally, you are then free to fly home into your original source thought.

The walls in your heart, the walls in your life, in your automobile, in your home, in your thinking – have all served you. They have lovingly served and limited you. They have kept you looking at the same scenarios over and over again, never refreshing what you thought in the past, always bringing it to the future, to the now, chewing and re-chewing what you created as truth.

Imagine a world where the walls were living. Imagine a world where there were no bricks, no cinder blocks, no wood, no steel. All buildings and constructs were made of thought. Imagine a world when you wanted privacy, the livingness of your structure would respond. When you wanted more light, the livingness of your structure would respond. Imagine a world where nothing is concealed and all is seen. Imagine a world where these constructs hold within them only a passing thought. There is no furniture. You own nothing and yet you have everything. With each passing thought, whatever you need presents itself. There is never envy or jealousy towards another --- for each individual has the same inherent ability to create. All individuals are seen as flowers in the same field with beautiful scents and colors of difference. Yet, they live side by side in harmony and in peace. Imagine a world where you as a community decided upon the weather patterns, where you as a community decided upon how crops, trees, flowers or food would grow and what elements would be inherent within them. This is a scene taken from Arcturus. This is a probability of your future, within the time element of this millennium that you live in.

Hold these images. Hold these thoughts. Imagine a place that once a year, everybody on that planet holds hands and prays from one side to the other, above and below, an International Inter-galactic Inter-stellar Day of Peace. We have this on Arcturus. Imagine your world with that same day. Instead of just 6 billion sitting on their hands, 6 billion holding hands in peace. Looking with love at their neighbor they do not talk to 6 days a week. Looking with love at another country, another continent, another people. Knowing that each person within that 6 billion wants to healed as an equal, wants to be loved as an equal, and wants peace as much as they do.

Hold this vision in your mind right this second for your world! See every single person on earth joined together creating spiral upon spiral upon spiral, generating a force field that would make any Tesla coil jealous. Creating a force field that can heal through time and space. This is a future possibility for your planet, even though right now it is just a fleeting thought. One day, enough people on earth will awaken to accomplish this and we the Arcturians, ask you to hold the vision until that day!

Imagine a world where with single thought, you could create any healing action that you needed or wanted in your body. Imagine a world where you could read the thoughts of everyone who passed by you and their thoughts were of good cheer, for they were of one heart, separate of mind, but one of heart. Imagine a world where you could see your past/present/future in one sitting. See all the expressions of yourself, all apexes, all mistakes, all loves and angers in situations time after time. Enabling you to choose with full knowledge, and a full heart, your next expression of self. Imagine a world where you thirsted for knowledge as water. You have explored and experienced all the knowledge of your realm and you seek knowledge from other dimensions and spheres of existence. Seeking knowledge, seeking wisdom, seeking truth from place after place, star after star, experience after experience. Creating love in places that never knew of love. Heart in places that had no heart. Joy in places that had never felt it.

As you sit here in this eve within the concave, convex energy we have placed around you, allow us to heal your body where ever it is hurting. Your bodies where formed from the stars and they yearn to go home – but the humanness only knows how to fly through death.

Allow us to lift you back into the stars while your feet are still on the earth. Allow us to stretch your humanness beyond its boundaries, complications, angers and its sadness'. Allow us to retrieve for you the knowledge that you seek, the answers that you need. See us as a cosmic search engine of sorts. We stretch ourselves to answer what needs to be answered. We are not Gods. We are not grander than you are, but we are your potential, as you are our past. Strive to become more and in that striving, you will expand your consciousness and your ability to perceive worlds beyond worlds – not to see other star systems as invaders that are going to take your babies, your ducks, and your money. But see us as those that come to help you heal. We ache as we watch you trip upon yourselves. There are so many blocks within your consciousness that you trip over day after day like land mines. They explode as rage in your heart.

You have forgotten the declaration, "We the People." You the people of earth must stand up for your future. Stop bending to the needs and the wants of a world that manipulates you on every level. Receive your power. This time, this day, ask to be empowered with your divinity, with the pinnacle of your humanness, and the star that lives within your heart. Do not let others decide your future for their agendas are not hidden at all and yet you slumber as they prepare for annihilation. You weep as they prepare for death. You walk away as they prepare to change the future.

The reason that so many star systems will eventually come to earth on every level is that there are many cracks within your world. Not fissures or fault lines on the earth but cracks within your relationships, your marriages, and your integrity. Your earth declares its vulnerability. She is run by many toy soldiers that keep her running amuck in havoc and chaos. Any Being with any kind of agenda can come forth and create a peace of some sort by initially diluting the chaos. Earth is open for all to enter her because she is not healed within herself she is falling apart as are you. You are not together in your hearts. You are not together in love, and you are not together in peace as a world or as a family. There is separateness, as a state as a country as a continent, and as a world; there are great deep crevices of separateness. That is what draws others to earth to take her over, to use her. They intend to use her minerals, her water, her body, her air, her people, her animals, and her children.

If you stood together as a planet, this would not happen. A microcosm of that macrocosm that was needed initiate standing together was officiated in your 911 emergency situation. The world stood together for a moment for a day for 24 hours. Everything stopped and life became holy, life became sacred. We do not want to see you come to that point as a planet, not just two buildings – but as a planet. Unite in your effort, continually with each other. Take that extra step toward a neighbor, toward a friend that has betrayed you, towards a family member that disagrees with you. Take that extra step. Just starting with the hands of those that read this, begin to wind yourself around earth.

We are the Arcturians. Our message brings frown lines to your faces but brings truth to your heart. That is the place that it shall dwell. Call upon us to assist you in healing. You are blessed. Live that!


The WingMakers Speak on 1/11/03

at Time Travel Workshop in Florida

***from Gillian....This is the first time I had ever channeled or even thought about working with the Wingmakers. There energy was profoundly different than anything I have ever channeled. I hope that you are able to reap the energetic rewards from reading this channeling.

The human form that you are and that you have agreed to be contained within, is a vehicle that is not honored in your travels. As you look at all of the Saints, the Masters and those of the past that performed miracles, you ponder. Your essence sweeps the shelf of what you cannot seem to be and dusts the shelf of what you need to be. As you look at your past and all of the people that have performed what you fear in your future, it humbles you. Time after time, experience after experience you have not allowed yourself to become the fullness of your being. You have always sabotaged your life expectancy right before the geo-scope of your being was to turn and face you.

In this experience of life that you exchange breath with, you now stand in the silent hallway of all that you have thought. You now sit in the library of all of your shortcomings, your so-called sins, and your earthly failings. Within that library are a series of innate texts that are unknown to your being at this point in time. Within these sacred texts that you house within your consciousness and seed structure, are equations of Time that are being unveiled.

You use the excuses of what you could not accomplish, what you could not become, what you could not let go of, to fence you in-- in a perimeter, a parameter that only serves the self. The Holy Host that dwells within as a Silent Witness knows no containment. You stand at a crossroad of sitting in stagnation in the human vehicle OR learning to fly within the Source Self. If you choose to sit with no movement in your humanness, you will become as the dust and fertilize the crops of the years to come. If you choose to dwell in the house of what you know to be the Lord God, the wings that have been inherent within your humanness, will finally be seen and lift you from the desperation that you often feel.

As you see us as Travelers in Time, be it known that you too, exist in someone’s future. There is many a time that you have gone back to assist another and lift their expression of self through dreamscape into a place of expansion. As we are your future, you are another's future. There are those that come to us that herald from time beyond to assist us in the lifting, as we assist you, as you assist others. They themselves go back through time known and unknown to assist those that have completely forgotten.

Time, as you know it is circular in nature. But the circles are not round and around, but spiral from fullness of circle up creating a vortex of never-ending simulations and definitions of time. The DNA spectrum within your being replicates this. You look to us, to the future, to the Stars, to all those that seem above and beyond you for the answers. But we in return – look to you to fulfill a destiny that needs refreshed. For you are the answer to the future that we seek. You are the turning point of human creation. You stand in the doorway of Heaven and Hell, the stars and earth, the sun and the moon, humanness and divinity. Your feet straddle what was and what is destined become. Movement in any direction changes all. You cannot become less in anything that you do. Extract what you need from this moment, mine it, and then go forward and extract from the next moment not lingering too long in what you refer to as the 'now'. For the 'now' grows wide and accommodating and in that now-ness, you will become complacent and comfortable, and not strive forward to the place you were birthed to be. The 'now' that is pointing toward you, is a 'now' that is artificial and stagnant. It is a man made sinkhole that seduces you into what appears to be your destiny. Beckoning you further and further down the rabbit hole far from a salvage point. The 'now' is propagated as dis-information by many that want to keep you still in a place of non-movement. You have been programmed to embrace the stillness for many years and it is there that you sit in your mind many hours a day.

The Time element and the Time fusion have changed. Moving forward is a requirement to enter into levels of knowledge that surface internally and externally. Standing still in complacency will not relieve the pain nor the burden of the future that may be birthed in dire need. You each are time shifters in your own right. You move and you break through invisible reefs and energetic barriers that others have imposed around you. You follow a different tone of living. You stretch yourselves ever so much making yourself uncomfortabilty in the knowledge of what is to come. As this year enters, the wear and tear of these time changes are seen on your body (we are not speaking of aging). Your body grows weary of these time changes that it has endured continually for 16 years. The body, the human-ness is as stubborn as a mule. It does not want to be brought to greener pastures, to fresher water, to a place with a grander view. In that o-so-human resistance, cellular waste cannot be cleared and causes ever moving, ever changing pain. There are deliberate actions that are taken to keep your psychic sensories dormant. They are used in a sleight of hand fashion without your knowledge, without visibility. They cannot be seen or monitored by the general public but they are felt on deep levels that cause problems within the body and personality.

As one who walks on earth and one who walks through water in comparison to one who floats in non-gravity – these next few months will feel like you are walking in quicksand. Each time you stop, there will be a sinking feeling, a deliberate sinking feeling as if you have forgotten something. By continually moving forth through the quicksand and the land mines, you will not be so easily detectable. With the knowledge that you have accrued on this day, you have changed your vibrational energy. It is seen different by those that monitor you in the day and the night. When you are standing still, you are easily seen and detected. When you are moving energetically and otherwise, you are not so easily detectable. Learn to blend with where you are. As you sit in your autos and your homes, do not see yourself as a separate molecular content, but blend with where you are with chameleon like abilities. That way, your humanness and your biological functions as heat and heartbeat will not be so detectable by those that choose to monitor your whereabouts, whether by earth or the sky. When you go into your workday, blend with the environment as a chameleon. Change the color of your vibration to suit where you are at and thus, you will not be detectable.

There will come a time that this ability will keep you safe. We are what is referred to as the WingMakers. The reason that this terminology was brought forth was to place inside the minds of humanity, the ability to fly. You are all but fledglings that are afraid to ride the currents into a place, and a time as Peter Pan, beyond the normal, beyond the neighborhood, into a place that only exists in someone’s mind. You have the ability to ride the currents of time into any thought, any reference point, and any fiction or non-fiction collaboration of words. It is time that you learn to swim without breathing, to fly without fear, to walk on air as you were destined, and to blend with life in oneness. We will speak again in time to come.

For More Info About The Wingmakers go to



Travel schedule in 2003 for Gillian

I am in the process of scheduling workshops out of state in 2003. If you would like to SPONSOR A WORKSHOP please email or call me. 407-568-6799.



Part 1 February 8, 2003

Are you ready to look into the part of your soul that ancient Egypt lives? Are you ready to remember ancient truths that have been dormant for eons? In this workshop we will Journey back through time to the Initiations in the Pyramids, the Halls of Amenti, the Great Mystery schools, the right eye of Horus, the Star Priestesses/Priesthood, bringing ancient thoughts to the surface of our memory. Through the use of meditation and visualizations you will remember the part you played in Egypt.

Part 1 February 8, 2003 (Saturday)

Part 2 March 15, 2003 (Saturday)

1:00-6:00 refreshments (Pre-register) Held in East Orlando 407-568-6799

$45.00 each or $80 for both Paid in Advance



Are you sensitive to atmospheres? We all have a natural sensitivity to people and places. In this workshop you will learn how to maintain your own psychic space in uncomfortable places. Cleanse your home and workspace of negative energies and create an oasis of calm in the midst of chaos. This workshop will teach you valuable techniques and empower you powerful tools.

February 15, 1:00-5:00 $35.00

Workshop will be held at Heart and Soul in Cocoa . Fl

321-633-7230 (Pre-register at Heart & Soul



Each session is unique in its energy and presentation. Each reading varies in energy and intensity. The Intuitive/Psychic Tarot Readings, deal more with what is going on right now and the immediate choices one needs to make. The Sacred Soul Readings are channeled. They are for those who are ready for insight and truth from a Spiritual guide, Angel or the Ascended Masters of Light. Each session is unique, unforgettable and life changing. Call 407-568-6799 to schedule in Orlando, Florida.


Consists of a ½ hour reading and a 1 oz. personal Orchid essence blend to assist in healing what was addressed in the reading $ 60/$65 with mailing cost.

LONG DISTANCE READINGS via regular mail. The cost of reading is $75.00 (includes mailing cost) for ordering info go to

SOUL COMMITTEE READINGS This reading is channeled and consists of your angels, masters, teachers, spirit guides, and loved ones who have passed over giving you insight on your life path choices. $65.00



These STAR ELIXIRS/Essences are created for the purpose of assisting us through upcoming energy surges and changes. They are created with pyramid activated crystal infused distilled water and natural flavored vodka as a stabilizing agent. Into this composition is then added several Quantum Orchid/Flower/Gem Essences in alignment with the energy of the Star/ Constellation or Deep Space object that is being downloaded into the 1 ounce cobalt blue bottle.

Cost of Quantum Quasar Star-Light Elixir is $22.22 plus shipping cost. Go to for complete list.



Orchid/Flower/Gem Essences are liquid infusions of flowers that are taken orally; they are not scented or used to perfume your body. They are vibrational. All of these ascension orchid-flower-gem essences are lovingly birthed in the sacred environment of my home. Within this environment are 1000+ pounds of crystals in every size, form, configuration, color and energy. The crystals form a grid/matrix Star tetrahedron (higher dimensional Star of David). The mother tinctures were originally created by Star during sacred ceremony in holy places all over the world. I receive the essences in concentrated form and introduced them to the sacred holy water of Miracle Mother Mary water and flower of Life water created by a photon energy signature disk. They are then blended with energized vodka, which has been under a copper pyramid, to preserve the integrity of the vibration.


Feel free to mix and match the essences. There is no limit to the number of essences you can mix. Cost of single essence is $13.50 for 1 oz. cobalt blue bottle with dropper. It is $2.00 more per extra essence added to each bottle. Go to for complete list.

DNA.LevelOne.Activation Music

From the deepest space within, waveforms of a higher implicate order resonate the codes within the DNA, unfolding the magic and wonder of all that you truly are. This 4-CD set is a powerful channeling of original soundscapes created with the intent to activate the codex within the DNA, the bridge between the multiple dimensions of matter and the Divine. Go to (Special 5% Off - Enter Discount Code: Gillian12)


Created to be used with Visionary music's DNA Activation Music $22.00 each(new lower price). To order DNA essences get in touch with Gillian or Visionary music.



Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a system of researching the subconscious mind and Soul Records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT provides an exacting, powerful, virtually painless and accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives. This "research," which is accomplished with the help of higher guidance (your "Higher Self & Higher Self committee" and 33 charts), includes finding past life energies, subconscious blocks, and negative soul programming. Once identified, these blocks and negative energies can be cleared from the subconscious, soul (Akashic) records, allowing you to heal yourself on all levels. SRT was developed by Robert E. Detzler, and has been used by thousands of students since 1988. Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) can clear past lives and negative energies that are keeping you from attaining your highest expression!

What Is A Spiritual Response Therapy Clearing?

SRT is a form of healing, which operates at the soul level. Many ailments we suffer with have their energies rooted in past life discordant issues. Those ailments (both physical and mental) are part of our cellular memory and re-manifest lifetime after lifetime.

Once these programs and energies are identified, we then ask that they be cleared. When that is done your soul has been educated to the lessons it should have learned and positive energies replace the old. You can experience tremendous release of blocked energies, depression, phobias, addictive/compulsive behavior patterns, etc., and often release health challenges and physical disabilities limiting your life.

Long-distance (Absentee) Consulting

In a consulting session, Gillian will research and clear discordant energy from your past, present, and future lives "without you being there. Simply send us a letter or email. We will begin work when your payment arrives.

There are several levels to this process the first involves clearing all of the EXTRA SOULS that came in with you to earth and clearing all programs NOT requiring research. Gillian will then send you a process to do to release any vows from past lives as well as dissolve any karmic residual energy, which might have occurred. Then within a couple of days the FULL SRT process begins. The process takes Gillian several hours to complete as she goes deep into the soul records to clear the discord. You will then receive a copy of the research results via mail or email.

How to Order a Clearing

Before you write or email for a clearing, please review your life for areas you feel need to be cleared, and make a brief list of issues to submit to us. Please be as brief as possible

1. Present life crises: major negative issues and people or places involved.

2.Health problems: any phobias, allergies or past, present, persistent difficulties.

3.Finances, career, and creativity: challenges current and repeated cycles.

4.Relationships: persistent or difficult relations with parents, siblings, mate/s, children,

5. Esteem: confidence and self image status, recurring emotional difficulties or addictions.

This is what I need from you in order to do a complete SRT clearing.

1. Full name

2. Complete birth date

3. City and state you reside in now and also where you were born

4. Any and all questions as described above concerning life issues etc:

5. Contact phone number

Method of Payment

Fee: $90.00 per session



To order any products/services send check/MO or use

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

2320 Bagdad Ave.

Orlando, Florida 32833

407-568-6799 Email

When you see God in Everyone,

Everyone will see God in You!

Blessings Gillian/Quantum
