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Relay Relay Relay - Message From KaJa Ra of Starship Xingchul

Spirit Eagle

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in their people to garner ferver against their sisterss and brothers of darker skin, of different religious philosophies, and cultural interactions.

The lands In Africa have been used as dumping grounds for western country's toxic wastes. The lands in the Middle East have been heavily contaminated by the use of Nuclear weapons in Iraq. ("Depleted Uranium" does not mean "harmless") since 1991. So many people are in need of our help. When we have Open Contact we will be able to do much to alleviate the terrible suffering in these areas. We will welcome all the help that is volunteered. You all will have a job to do according to your abilities.

You will be amazed at how good you all feel when your precious Earth is totally healed as you will be. You are dependent on the Earth for your life.. She has been ailing and so you have been also.

Send your Light-giving Love to the people of your world; send this to your Earth Mother. Ask for assistance in healing when you need it. VISUALIZE your body whole, see it working in perfect harmony. Visualize your Earth Mother in a Pristine Condition. Give, Give, Give of your Light and your Essence which is the Mighty I Am Presence! Give, and the Light can only get stronger! Be the Love that you are!

Conditions are conducive to our reunion in the very near future. We bid you walk in Oneness for you are ALL ONE PEOPLE OF LIGHT AND LOVE! YOU ARE TRULY SISTERS AND BROTHERS. You have much work to do, Start It Now! It is Time! Good Night Dear Sister. Sleep in the Arms of the Goddess! Telepathically Communicated by Spirit Eagle August 8, 2005 12:32 AM
