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Heaven Sent Letter # 1666 - To Be A Human Being

By Gloria Wendroff

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ls do not have all the choices you have. They have many. They have love. They enjoy the fresh air. They appreciate that a day dawns, but they do not have the visual awe at a gorgeous sunrise that is within your grasp when you get up early enough and look.

Of all the precious things on Earth, I will say that My children are the most precious. I say that in concession to you, for, for Me, there is no most and there is no least. I simply love. I love all. I love all the same. Love is like breathing to Me. I do not cut off a bit of My love anywhere, so, in truth, I cannot say I love you more than any other creature or thing on Earth. But to make My point, I will say so, for you are much more capable of everything than you have allowed yourself to be. In that sense, I love you more. Made in My image, you have not understood what that means, or, if you did, you departed from it.

In every animal of the field, there is something for you to admire and learn from. In every mountain and sea, there is something for you to perceive as a gift to you. Even in what you see as catastrophe, there is something for you to gain. In every manmade thing, there is something helping you to grow. Everyone and everything around you is your teacher. You are a student of life. Certainly, you are not yet proficient at it.

Take the computer, for instance. Be like the computer. Not for its brain, not for its efficiency, not for its capabilities, not for its appearance, not for all the knowledge and beauty it contains, not even for its ability to make Me known throughout man's world. The computer is only a tool in your hands, so it is you who disperses Me throughout the world. With the press of one key of thought, it is you who casts Me upon the seas and to the farthest shore.

Then, In what way do I suggest that you learn from the computer? What does the computer have that you don't?

The computer does not take offense. You may get annoyed with it, but it never gets annoyed with you. It never holds anything against you. If the computer can't handle everything you give it, it will close down. But then you can start it up again, and it holds no grudge. It is always ready to serve you to the best of its ability, whoever you are, whatever you have done. The computer does not pout. The computer doesn't prefer one of you to another. It treats all equally. It is at your mercy, and still it is in service to you. The computer has equanimity, and you haven't yet learned it.

Be as your computer and do not take life so personally. Life is really impartial to you. It doesn't pick on you. In fact, to some degree, you run life. You run it through your reactions. If life were a computer, you press certain keys and not others. And, like the computer, life complies.

Today, be as innocent as the computer. If someone says the wrong thing to you, don't get off on the wrong foot. Compute differently. Compute goodness. Compute understanding, and you will always be patient. If someone presses the wrong button, why must you be upset? See the silliness of it. You see that a computer does not compound errors, while you have.

Today take no offense, and that is your innocence, and that is what will take you far along even the rocky coast of life.

Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries

703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556

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