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Message From The Guardians - Trust First, Ask Questions Later

Through Laura

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net Earth.

It gives us our highest joy to be part of your evolution into a new wonderful Planet Earth and in truth the evolution of All That Is. Sometimes you stand back and wonder if you are truly making a difference in your world, believe us you are Dear Ones. The problem often lies in the fact that you are often responsible for what "does not happen" and therefore can not see any real evidence in your world. You want to make changes in what does happen in your world and have no idea how powerful your contribution is when you actually prevent things from happening in the first place.

We understand your frustration and confusion around this and we are here to re-mind you that often what does not happen is more powerful than what does. Suppose you were responsible for not letting someone board a plane that later crashed killing all aboard, do you not see how not letting something happen saved a life? How can this not be of importance. Then imagine that same person going on to help hundreds or even thousands of other souls on your planet, what a gift!

Being responsible for helping shift the energies of events that can affect thousands of lives on your planet is an incredible gift that you give to all of Human kind, unfortunately you often are not even aware of it because the events never end up manifesting because of the shifts you helped bring about so you remain consciously unaware of it.

Just because you are not always aware of your profound effects on the world around you does not mean they do not exist Dear Ones! Conformation is a wonderful thing, but it is not necessary for you to go forward and continue your work. This is where the real trust factor comes in. We ask you to simply "know" that you are having a profound affect on your world just by being on the planet and blending your unique energies with all the other wonderful souls that have made the choice to do this journey with you.

The more you trust yourself and believe you are making a difference the more you will discover evidence of it. It is a kind of inverse situation where the more you believe you are making positive changes the more they will be presented to you in a manner you can consciously be aware of. You have been trained in your life on Earth to seek the evidence first and then proceed. We ask you now to move forward and just expect the evidence to present it self. This is a mental and emotional shift that some may have a bit of trouble with but the more you do it the easier it will become. In other words "trust first and ask questions later".

Asking questions first has always been the Human norm so we understand the difficulties that this presents for many of you. It is really the core of moving and shifting into the new energies and your new multi-dimensionality. Once you get the hang of it it will become second nature for you and you will no longer struggle with this process. It is like stepping off the edge of the bridge and just expecting a new bridge to be there to take it's place. We tell you "it will be there'!

Now for those of you who love control, the "control freaks" as you call them [Laughter], you may have a bit more trouble with this than the rest because you might feel totally out of control. Re-member Dear Ones you are in fact creating that new piece of bridge so you are in fact in "total control" of what is happening whether you realise it consciously or not!

It is the way of all things Human to be a bit apprehensive of change, but when you really begin to see and feel how wonderfully this process works you will seriously wonder why you have not been doing it this way all along. [Laughter] As more and more of you begin to step into your true power and metaphorically and literally hold each others hand through this process it will help thousands more step into it with greater grace and ease. Do you understand what a powerful contribution you will be making to all of Human kind.

Blessed are the fore runners as they will pave the way for all that follow! Do you see how truly powerful you really are? You Human Angel that stands before the mirror looking at your face and saying "But what can I really do? I am but a single person in a world of billions? How can I change this world for the better? How can I really make a difference?"

Now do you see why you are all so special and we love and honor you beyond measure. You are the heroes, the brave and courageous ones! We sit and look at you with wonder and amazement not the other way around! [Laughter]

Re-member you are spirit in a Human body, you are god also. You have the power to move mountains and change your world for the highest good of all. All you have to do is RE-MEMBER who and what you truly are!

We are so privileged to be allowed to come to you in this way and help you to re-member your true authentic self and we love you beyond measure.

We hold you deeply in our heart of hearts and ask you to do the same for each other and yourself!

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians